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The Modern Transcendentalist vs. the Technical World


Submitted By ester0602
Words 794
Pages 4
In 2008, American author and journalist, Richard Louv wrote in his book, Last Child in the Woods, about the gap that has continuously been developing amongst people and nature as technology advances, overrunning humanity. Richard Louv expects that in the not so distant future, many of the younger generations will be so disconnected from nature that even looking outside a car window during a drive, would be quite bizarre. By utilizing testimonies that represent either the average technology-loving American or the modern transcendentalist, nostalgic imagery, and rhetorical questions he develops a well thought out argument about the severance between people and nature.
After Louv learns about the advance science has reached, where altering the very color of a butterflies wings is now a luxury, that the science of synthetic nature has let Americans’ achieve, he comes across Matt Richtel, an American writer and journalist for the New York Times, who believes Americans have developed a new advertising medium, a medium that could captivate people’s attention much faster than any other traditional method, such as billboards and street benches. And although Richtel is correct to a certain extent, by implying he is right about how “moving ads out of the virtual world and into the real one” is something that is currently taking place, however, Louv suggests that such a form of advertisement is not even worth looking at. Louv quoting Richtel’s ridiculous statement where he claims “It’s time for nature to carry its weight”, is the perfect example of the average American, so ignorant to the pressures humans impose on her, draining her ability to sustain life, yet have the audacity to demand she carry her own weight. Nonetheless, Louv goes on to present the testimony of a friend not willing to give in to the technology craze, many fell victim to. While in the process of purchasing a SUV, Louv’s acquaintance consults with the salesmen about the “multimedia entertainment products” that come along with many of the vehicles, however rather than going forth and purchasing one with a TV in the backseat, she tells the salesmen that, that is where she draws the line. The effort to keep nature as the focal source of entertainment for her child may be small, nevertheless displays a great representation of the modern transcendentalist. Through the utilization of nostalgic imagery, Louv describes the scenery he would view in the backseat of his car as a child in comparison to the view of a typical child today with their face glued to a screen. “The highway’s edges may not be postcard perfect. But for a century, children’s early understanding of how cities and nature fit together was gained from the backseat…” Louv imparts, as he goes on to talk about how “the empty farmhouse at the edge of the subdivision; the variety of architecture, here and there; the woods and fields and water beyond the seamy edges was and still is available to the eye…” however implying that over time these sceneries are becoming less and less appreciated. As he depicts in vivid detail, the typical landscape most children viewed on long road trips, before technology became main stream, Louv creates a deeply intimate connection with the audience, as many of them were not introduced to technology at such an early age, giving a nostalgic effect that could potentially make them reconsider wither or not technology is really a necessity for children. Through the utilization of rhetorical questions, Louv shows the contradiction people impose on themselves as many believe they want a better connection with nature, yet still do not detach themselves from the technology they grew so accustom to. “Why do so many Americans say they want their children to watch less TV, yet continue to expand the opportunities for them to watch it?... why do so many people no longer consider the physical world worth watching?” Louv begins to scrutinize. Showing a passionate approach through the employment of these questions, this modern transcendentalist gives the audience the questions as a tool to reflect and introspect how they truly feel towards nature, and if they genuinely want to still have nature as a part of their lives.
In conclusion, by the utilization of testimonies that depict people amongst both sides of the issue, tapping into the psyche of a grown audience with the recollections of old nostalgic memories through imagery, and rhetorical question that stimulate a conflict within one’s self, Louv creates a well-structured argument concerning the gap between humans and nature; although Louv does not take a drastic approach like transcendentalists before him such as Henry David Thoreau, he manages to express his concern toward the lack of interaction people have with the natural environment around them, making his use of rhetoric effective.

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