...Dweck Vs Gladwell Mind-Sets and Equitable Education By: Carol Dweck and The Matthew Effect Outliers By: Malcom Gladwell are texts that have two different meanings but they argue the same theme of success. The general idea of Mindset is that an individual can reach success if their mind is right. Dweck beliefs impact student’s motivation to learn and their willingness to expand the effort necessary to succeed. The general idea of Outliers is success occurs to those under special circumstances. Gladwell points out that there is something profoundly wrong with the way we make sense of success. Dweck and Gladwell both analysis how the students are being educated. Although their arguments appear contradictory Dweck and Gladwell texts both argue that peoples belief determine success. In the story Mindset Dweck believes that educators should to incite change within the school system. She also argues that success is a product of effort. Dweck identifies two sets of principles; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Dweck points out the change in grades from the beginning of...
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...The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell provides a thought-provoking spin on stories of success. Gladwell looks deeper into each person’s or group’s rise to fame. He shows that success does not occur without some sort of “help.” In other words, successful people are put in a superior situation. One of Gladwell’s many intriguing points is that ten-thousand hours of practice at something will make you world class in that particular area. This can be one area of “help” that you need to succeed. Not just anyone can practice for ten-thousand hours at something, but if you have the right opportunity- Gladwell points out- you will be able to strive. A second attribute to success that Gladwell makes is birth dates. Being the correct age to pursue what...
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...In Malcolm Gladwell's book the Outliers he discusses what events com into play on an individual's path to success. One theory is that an individual becomes successful due to their own skill, and the amount of work that they put in. Another theory mentioned in the book is that an individual becomes successful due to random events and circumstances in their life. I agree with Malcolm that events throughout your lifetime play a role in your success as an adult however, I also believe that if an individual is hardworking and skilled that they can also become successful regardless of outside circumstances. One example of somebody who I personally believe became successful based on their skill and effort is the famous author(s) Carylon Knee. I specifically...
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...In the book "Outliers," Malcolm Gladwell challenges the commonplace notion that people that have reached fame, fortune, or other types of great success have been born blessed with genius or brilliance. He states that "people don't rose from nothing" (Gladwell, 2098, p. 19). The author goes on to claim that "outliers," that is, individuals who achieve a level of success that is a result of that persons abnormally exceptional talent, "do owe something to parentage and patronage." Aside from talent, a variety of other factors come into play when determining who will achieve (or is more likely to achieve) success. Some of these factors are the following: inherent/natural talent, opportunities presented to the individual, how hard the individual...
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...In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, Gladwell invalidates the rather common conception that those who are successful rise from nothing through pure hard work. He does this by introducing the Matthew Effect as part of his argument. The Matthew Effect can be described as a circumstance in which those who are already at the top, continue to be given opportunities, which later causes them to “rise above,” or simply be more at an advantage than others. Gladwell also gives examples where this phenomenon is present, from sports to the school system. In the classroom, there is always that notion that those who are high performers should be given more advanced work to be able to keep the student aware and not fall behind. At a young age, I was that student being given extra work. I was always the child to get near impeccable grades. Teachers would notice and grant me with certain opportunities they did not give other children. This of course, only made me a stronger student. The Matthew Effect concept applies to me in the way that I have been given more...
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...Some people say that it is wonderful to have a genius mind because you can learn any things rapid by yourself, you are able to solve problems quickly and nothing is hard or difficult for you. Since you have a genius mind and there are no obstacles in front of you, you might have thought that it is easier for you to succeed or reach some significant achievements. However is that absolutely right? From the book Outliers, The story of success written by Malcolm Gladwell and my experiences, having a creative mind is better than having a genius mind. First of all, people who have a creative mind can always have new ideas. Some people might ask, what are the benefits with it? With those new ideas they can invent new things which makes their life and other people's life easier. One of my friends who does not like to study and definitely does not have a genius mind once...
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...In the book 'outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell, Gladwell States that there is no such thing as a self made person. That if you succeed in life it depends on who you are and where you came from. I disagree with this statement because although this may be sometimes correct, it isn't always true . there are many people who have created success for themselves and are famous now. Such as Jim Carrey and Tyler Perry. Jim Carrey grew up in a not so wealthy family. During junior high Carrey to get a job and help out his family with money. Carrey and his family was forced out of their home and had to move to Scarborough ,Where they lived in a camper Van. Not so long after Carrey dropped out of high school to get a job become a full time to stand up comedian....
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...their birthday. This fact is obvious when comparing professional athletes. The most obvious example is in Canadian hockey where some children are pushed above others unfairly with their hidden advantage that is their birthday. This correlates with success because it sets where they will be in terms of their team and the sports cut off dates. Malcolm Gladwell's second advantage successful people have is their family background. In the epilogue of outliers, Gladwell describes his ancestors lives and all of the advantages brought to him by those successes. He also points out that in New York many years ago, Italian people had an ancestral advantage of sewing skills that help them thrive in their new country. Gladwell will states, " Who we are cannot be separated from where we are from." This is very true also in terms of culture...
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...Author, Malcom Gladwell, in his book, Outliers, examines what it takes for a person to become successful. His purpose is to inform his readers on how success is achieved through opportunity, practice, and other people. He adopts a determined tone in order to achieve this. Throughout this book, Gladwell successfully achieves his purpose by utilizing informative expositions to set up each claim, repetition for persuasion and emphasis, and logos to reinforce it with evidence and appeal to reason. When introducing a claim, Gladwell begins with the use of exposition to provide background information to his readers. The book begins with the “Roseto Mystery” (Gladwell 3) in which the author tells a story about a group of Italians immigrating to America. The immigrants...
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...school was difficult for me. I am a member of several clubs in which I would have to quit if I went to this school. Furthermore, I would likely have to leave my friends. However, sacrifices have to be made in order for success. This school introduces several opportunities for me in order to make new friends, as well as further my education and STEM-related skills. When I got a letter from GSSM, I had to weigh various pros and cons. My best friends go to my school, and I am in multiple clubs. But, academics are not all social and this school will benefit my education and prepare me for college. Also, GSSM still has several of the clubs I am already in and will help me make new friends. For an English assignment, I read the novel Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It defines how success is created and how several opportunities and sacrifices must be made in order to create it. I could relate to this. My life has so far been a series of opportunities that I have either turned down or pursued. GSSM is one of the opportunities that I have chosen to pursue....
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...Examining Globalization of Ford through the analysis of Outliers Why are some people successful, while others tend not to be? Is there some sort of pattern that can explain this phenomenon? These questions lead to a network of different answers in Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers: The Story of Success. Gladwell tries to explain that success is determined by different factors, many of which is beyond a single person's control. He does this by giving real world examples of how these factors can truly make or break a person's chance of becoming successful. By examining and analyzing these certain situations, Gladwell is trying to show how the business world can be approached from a different ethical viewpoint. The ethics behind the stories of the people in the book can be further used to look at Ford as a whole and how Ford can be improved upon using these ideas. The idea of an outlier is that it is a person whose talents and achievements have gained them notoriety and most importantly, success in the field they are focused on. With that being said, Gladwell writes about the stories of different outliers, many of whom achieved certain status by a set of circumstances. One of these examples can be explained through the idea of the 10,000 hour rule. The popular rock band The Beatles can be used to describe this rule. Gladwell (2008) explains that "By the time they had their first burst of success in 1964, in fact they performed live an estimated twelve hundred times. Do you...
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...An Analysis of Outliers: The Story of Success XXXXXX MNGT 5670 – Managerial Leadership Webster University Abstract A theory is presented to the reader that there are not any successful self-made people, which is contrary to popular beliefs. The theory is presented in the book, Outliers: The Story of Success (2008), authored by Malcolm Gladwell. The theory is further defined by the premise that holds that success is enabled by a person’s culture, environment, when and where they were born, and a strong work ethic. These theories and examples of success are analyzed using the textbook, Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (2013) by Andrew DuBrin. Several examples are provided in this paper that illustrate and support Gladwell’s thoughts on opportunity and cultural legacy. Keywords: cultural legacy, success, leadership, Leader Member Exchange Model, in-group, out-group, cognitive factors, behaviors, task-related attitudes An Analysis of Outliers: The Story of Success The author of the book Outliers: The Story of Success, (2008) Malcolm Gladwell, leads us through several compelling chapters of discussion regarding selected individuals who are extremely intelligent, driven, some famous and ambitious. These are the characteristics of individuals that are perceived as being the highly successful members of our society. Successful individuals are termed as “outliers”, people who fall outside the normal acumen of human experience. Gladwell (2008)...
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...Outliers: The Story of Success Analysis Latasha D. McCullar Managerial Leadership MNGT 5670 Dr. Rebecca Elliott October 16, 2013 Abstract Genius is over-rated. Success is not just about innate ability. It’s combined with a number of key factors such as opportunity, meaningful hard work (10,000 hours to gain mastery), and your cultural legacy. Random factors of chance, such as when and where you were born can influence the opportunities you have. Malcom Gladwell , the author of Outliners: The Story of Success, brings alive his assertions and thesis primarily through the use of individual success stories of athletes, computer genius, musicians, artist and community cultures. Introduction Gladwell uses a straight-forward, easy-to-digest style of mixing facts with examples and anecdotes in making his point that it is not shear genius or hard work alone that results in success. Instead, the he dives deep into the story behind exceptional performance in cultures, aptitude testing trends and individual achievements around the world. Gladwell argues that the upbringing of individuals greatly impacts their likelihood to succeed, including birth dates, access to specialized resources, parenting, and community culture. Discussion Gladwell separates the book into chapters highlighting the circumstances that resulted in the creation of each "outlier" he chooses to emphasize. According to Gladwell, the vast majority of hockey stars are born in the months of...
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...presented to the reader that there are not any successful self-made people, which is contrary to popular beliefs. The theory is presented in the book, Outliers: The Story of Success (2008), authored by Malcolm Gladwell. The theory is further defined by the premise that holds that success is enabled by a person’s culture, environment, when and where they were born, and a strong work ethic. These theories and examples of success are analyzed using the textbook, Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (2013) by Andrew DuBrin. Several examples are provided in this paper that illustrate and support Gladwell’s thoughts on opportunity and cultural legacy. Keywords: cultural legacy, success, leadership, Leader Member Exchange Model, in-group, out-group, cognitive factors, behaviors, task-related attitudesAn Analysis of Outliers: The Story of Success The author of the book Outliers: The Story of Success, (2008) Malcolm Gladwell, leads us through several compelling chapters of discussion regarding selected individuals who are extremely intelligent, driven, some famous and ambitious. These are the characteristics of individuals that are perceived as being the highly successful members of our society. Successful individuals are termed as “outliers”, people who fall outside the normal acumen of human experience. Gladwell (2008) maintains that the way in which success is measured is wrong. Further, he argues that people are more a product of their environment, culture...
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...After effort and timing, the final objective that Gladwell shows which needs to happen, is that you need to take opportunities. That means that you must be lucky and have to opportunities arise. He uses big, well-known names in order to show that ordinary people were given opportunities and conquered them. One example that he uses is The Beatles. He explains how they were given the opportunity to play in Hamburg at some club, and they took it. They soon went from playing one hour a night to eight hours a night. This improves their skills over time. They soon were playing all the time and became famous. The mention of the name grabs the attention of the reader because they can relate to the story in a way. This caters towards the population...
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