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The Pennsylvanian Prison System

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Introduction There were two prison systems that were developed in the 1800s in the United States. These two prison systems were: the Auburn system and the Pennsylvania system. In the Auburn prison system the prisons had to do the labor together but they had to stay quiet, whereas, in the Pennsylvanian system the prisons had to face isolation from not only the society but also their fellow criminals. The idea behind the formation of the Pennsylvanian prison system was that it would give all those prisoners the privacy and time to think about their acts and the crimes that they had committed and in this way they would realize and be remorseful or penitent about their actions, this is how the term penitentiary was derived (Rogers, 1993). …show more content…
According to Suedfeld the use of this technique in combination with the proper rehabilitative system can really help and motivate the prisoners in the development of non-criminal life style (p. 18).Rogers (1993), put forward a model according to which he proposed that incarcerates can be put in the isolation which will not only reduce the costs but will also ensure the prison security. At the same time all these experts agreed that not all the prisoners can stay in isolation. Therefore, Rogers while explaining his model also stated that the prisoners of some personality types would need to be examined regularly in order to make sure that they don’t suffer from any psychological issues (p. 345). It was also accepted by Suefeld that there are some prisons that can’t live in …show more content…
correctional facilities. Also, it has been agreed upon by all the investigators that the long-term segregation and the mistreatment of the correctional staff can result in the mental health issues for the prisoners as they are already very psychologically vulnerable because of the harsh environment they are living in. with regards to the short-term segregation it was noticed that although the side effects of the short-term segregation are a lot less than the long-term segregation, but still the environment in which these investigations are carried out is a topic to be taken notice of. Also, the experimental equipments that had been used with regards to the short-term segregation may have been in adequate to detect the very subtle psychological changes that may happen as a result of the exposure to the solitary environment (Arrigo and Bullock,

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