Premium Essay

The Psychological Contract


Submitted By latjoif
Words 373
Pages 2
1. What the employee expects to give to the organization.
According to the article insert, “psychological contracts are playing an increasingly important role in contemporary employment relationships” (Robinson). The employee expects to give their time, talent, and expertise to the organization. Most employees believe that if they work hard and work within the culture of the organization they should reap the benefits and rewards of their hard work from the organization through their compensations, promotion, and total benefits package. 2. What the employee expects to get from the organization.
As state by Robinson, “Psychological contracts refer to employees' perceptions of what they owe to their employers and what their employers owe to them” (Robinson). The employee expects to get fair and just compensations, vacation time, flexibility and respect and trust. Trust is an extremely important component of the psychological contract. Employees expect to be able to trust that the organization will compensate them justly for their hard work. Employees also expect that employees will reward them through benefits and promotion for their loyalty and hard work for the organization. 3. What the organization expects to give to the employee.
The psychological contract is the tool that is used by organization in order to intervene and ensure that there is a known definition of roles and responsibilities for both the employee as well as the employer. The organization expects to give the employee the compensation, flexibility and benefits that they earn, per the unwritten psychological contract. The organization also expects to give the employee promotion and development allowing the employee to grow. Employee growth is necessary for the success of any business. 4. What the organization expects to get from the employee.
The organization expects to get from

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