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The Role Of Death In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Death will come sooner for some than others “Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you.” (Ally Carter Out of Sight, Out of Time) Everyone will have to face death at some point in time. For some it may come sooner than others. In Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Lennie Smalls and George Milton who are farm workers, work and travel together through everything even though Lennie has a disability. These guys are working on different farms throughout the book even though they are batting different conflicts of the time period. All through the story, Lennie makes little mistakes because he does not realize his own strength. If George would not have made the courageous decision to kill Lennie on his own, he would have been tortured and live a painful life. …show more content…
One of his first instances was when he decided to feel the girls dress in Weed. Instead of letting go of her dress when feeling it, Lennie held on and that led to having himself and George run out of town, and finding someplace else to live. George told Lennie when reminiscing about the incident, “jus wanted to feel that girl’s dress-jus wanted to pet it like it was a mouse.” When Lennie felt her dress, he did not mean anything by it. He did not even think anything of it. An additional way of how Lennie caused trouble is how he has a history of killing mice. He does not know his own strength “Trouble with mice is you always kill ‘em” (13) George said. This took place when they were on their way out of Weed. George reminded Lennie of how he could never keep a mouse for too long. Lennie did not know his own strength and that caused him to do things that he did not realize he was capable of. Lennie caused trouble wherever and whenever they went somewhere

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