...Problem The Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility when developing a strategic plan - consider stakeholder needs Ethics paper: write 700 - 900 word paper in which you do the following: explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas. *include at least one example of a company overstepping ethical boundaries for stakeholder agendas, and what types of preventative measures could be taken to avoid this type of situation. Solution Loss of employment and retirement funds, double bonuses, tax evasion, and the dark side of office politics are some of the challenges affecting organizations like a virus causing professionalism and efficiency to be questioned. Walker and Lanis (2009) found that an organization influences and is influenced by the society within which it operates (Cengage, 2009); therefore, an organization needs to take into consideration issues such as product safety, regulations, legal, ethical and economic responsibilities to the society within which it functions. One of the methods which could be used to do so is to integrate ethical and socially responsible techniques in an organization’s strategic plan whilst taking into consideration the needs and agendas of stakeholders. This concept is supported by Drozdenko, and Jin (2010) who suggested core values and beliefs exhibited at the strategic level influences decision making and outcomes throughout an organization. The...
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...University of Phoenix Nana Offei MGT498 Strategic Management The role of ethics and social responsibility August 30, 2012 Abstracts Ethics and social responsibility occupy an important place in human value system. Customer confidence in how business operates has been severely shaking by recent corporate scandals and collapses, such as Enron and bank failures. Hence it is important for companies to consider incorporating ethics and social responsibility into their strategic planning. The (term) ethnics are derivative from the Greek word ethikos, which meaning tradition or character. In philosophy ethical behavior is that which is respectable in the area of moral, philosophy involves in developing, defensive and also recommending concept of right and wrong behavior. These ideas do not change as one desire” and inspiration This applies whether a company is involve with customers one-on-one, such as apple or Dell, Inc.; there are various ways to define ethics the simplest may be to say that ethics deals with right and wrong. However, it is difficult to judge what may be the right or wrong in a particular situation without some frames of reference. However” this paper will illuminate the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder need and agendas. In addition apple Inc. will be the example of organization drive that will overstepping the ethics boundaries for stakeholder agendas and the types of preventative...
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...Should Social Responsibility and Business Ethics serve a role in Corporations? NorthCentral University Abstract When you turn on the television, surf the internet or browse the Wall Street Journal the terms – business ethics and social responsibility are discussed. Recently, the Gulf coast oil spill has questioned the social responsibility of British Petroleum. However, can the terms business ethics and social responsibility apply to corporations? A review of two articles - “What is business ethics?” by P. Drucker and “The social responsibility of business to increase its profits written” by M. Friedman evaluates the two ethical terms. These articles suggest both business ethics and social responsibility should not apply to corporations. The focus of this paper will compare and contrast two approaches to business ethics. The conflicting objectives between the two parties will be analyzed. Lastly, my view and definition of business ethics and social responsibility will be conversed. Research for this paper consists primarily of peer reviewed articles and published articles. Should Social Responsibility and Business Ethics serve a role in Corporations? During the twenty- first century, businesses are confronted with many different responsibilities. Each responsibility must be address while ensuring obligations to stakeholders, special interest groups, employees and the environment. Businesses are expected to have very strong ethics, but often this is not the...
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...SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Project 1: role of ethics and social responsibility in business decision making Tobias Endjala 200414518 Business Law & Ethics Project 1 Dr Jacqui Meyer 14 January 2015 Part A Roles of Ethics 1. Definition of business ethics: Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. Or Business Ethics: can be defined as the critical, structured examination of how people and institutions should behave in the world of commerce. In particular, it involves examining appropriate constraints on the pursuit of self-interest, or (for firms) profits, when the actions of individuals or firms affect others. Why it is important to understand ethics’ role in business? * To attract customers to the firm's products, thereby boosting sales and profits * Make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labor turnover and therefore increase productivity * Attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and enable the company to get the most talented employees * Attract investors and keep the company's share price high, thereby protecting the business from takeover. Unethical behavior or a lack of corporate social responsibility, by comparison, may damage...
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...Chapter 10 Business Ethics/Social Responsibility/Environmental Sustainability 1) Many people consider it unethical for a firm to be socially irresponsible. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 310 AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities Objective: 10.01 Explain why good ethics is good business in strategic management. Learning Outcome: Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibility in strategic management 2) Social responsibility refers to actions an organization takes that are legally required to protect or enhance the well-being of living things. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 310 AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities Objective: 10.01 Explain why good ethics is good business in strategic management. Learning Outcome: Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibility in strategic management 3) Sustainability refers to the extent that an organization's operations and actions protect, mend, and preserve rather than harm or destroy the natural environment. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 310 Objective: 10.05 Discuss specific ways that firms can be good stewards of the natural environment. Learning Outcome: Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibility in strategic management 4) Good ethics is not a prerequisite for good strategic management. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 311 AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities Objective: 10.01 Explain why good ethics is good business...
Words: 9111 - Pages: 37
...Reflection on Ethics Luis Heredia STR/581 May 20, 2015 Robert Cantu Role of Ethics In the business organizations ethics represent the base core management beliefs and credo. When implementing a code of ethics, organizations need to ensure that they are working towards the objective of protecting interest of shareholders and employees. At the present time, ethics has become a priority for the organization. It is important for organizations to ensure that it makes this particular thing as priority for its activities. After various kinds of scandals occurring within the organizations in Wall-Street, role of ethics is definitely important for the organizations over a period of time in the future. Ethics in organization is crucial regarding certain kinds of areas. First area for role of ethics within the organization is the area regarding benefit of shareholders of the organization. Second are for role of ethics in organization is regarding organizational employees. Regarding the shareholders, organization should make sure that it is working for the purpose of ensuring that it provides transparent information to the shareholders. Financial reporting of the organization should be accurate. In this area, ethics is important as it will help organization to a larger level for ensuring that, shareholders are motivated to invest more in the organization. Ethics will avoid any instance of fraudulent activity within the organization. Such activities will result in the area that...
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...Ethics Reflection Name of Student Institution Affiliation Ethics Reflection Ethics refer to the moral principles governing a person’s behavior or a group’s behavior, especially at the workplace (Johnson, 2007). In an organization, the workers should relate to each other in a moral manner with aim of working in harmony to accomplish organizational goals. Employees should also relate morally with the customers and other stakeholders. Therefore, an organization finds ethics and social responsibility extremely necessary for organizational growth. Ethics and social responsibility are applicable in the development of an organizational strategic plan considering the requirement of stakeholders (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). This discussion will consider the role of ethics and social responsibility in strategic planning, overall impact of ethics and responsibility on stakeholders, as well as evolution of ethical perspective. Role of Ethics in Strategic Planning Professionals have the responsibility to reflect actively and critically on ethical issues that they experience during their practice (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). A thorough observation of ethics will ensure that an organization attains its objectives, mission, goals, and visions in a way that will give the business a framework and direction. Organizations depend upon ethics when creating guidelines that ensure that the organizational employees work in harmony to accomplish organizational goals. In the...
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...Ethics reflection paper Introduction Ethics is the fundamental principles of an individual or a group. Business ethics refers to the study of business policies and practices. Social responsibility refers to how a business performs its activities to meet its wider obligations toward the society and environment. Strategic planning in the corporate world is considered to be a very important step. Social responsibility as well as ethical values in the strategic plan process are deemed to serve as an important role. The paper will explore the role of social responsibility and ethics in the business world. The role of ethics According to www.investopedia business ethics refers to the study of proper business policies and practices. There are several important issues to be aware of, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. (4) Business ethical principles are no difference than general ethical principles that is judged with the same right and wrong standards that are judged in society. Ethical factors have a great impact in the way businesses are ran today. The role of ethics may differ depending on which point of view is used. Ehow.com states that the ethics role and purpose is to control the human ego. Simply put, ethics is a system of thought that has as its end the process of organizing the aspects of personality such as drives, attitudes and aims into a balanced whole within the...
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... | | | | Abstract Contained within are various aspects and strategies pertaining to ethics in business and the various roles and responsibilities key individuals involved must initiate to ensure that the assignment, task or project is accomplished not only within the determined timeframe and budgetary constraints but more important, the actions and interactions of all parties are not compromised nor violate any prescribed regulations. Furthermore, discussion is rendered pertaining to social responsibility within the business sector and its significance in determining growth and awareness of one’s business or company. Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Introduction In today’s society, people are constantly in a mad race to either develop and implement the next product or service that becomes the flagship item that everybody seeks possess or become that individual who possesses the latest technological advancements or branded items assisting in their daily ebb and flow operations. Such responsibilities - objectives and tasks - must be accomplished in a respectable manner whereupon the integrity of the action is not subjected to intense scrutiny, criticism or penalties inflicted by the...
Words: 1912 - Pages: 8
...Ethics MGT/498 November 19th, 2012 Dr. Tug Gokaydin, Ph.D., MBA, PMP, CISA, CISM Introduction to Ethics Ethics is known to be a moral philosophy; it involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. Company's that’s purpose is to maximize shareholder returns, then sacrificing profits to other concerns could be a violation of its fiduciary responsibility. The role of ethics in business and the social responsibility as it relates to the strategic plan should satisfy the needs of the stakeholders ("Ethics", 2012). The Role of Ethics in Business Making decisions in business is critical and being ethical when making those decisions is vital to the integrity of the company and the individuals making the decisions. There are many ethical theories to choose when making decisions. Moral systems give a unique perspective on situations and can help to predict the outcome of a decision. Managers and business owners should consider various schools of thought when ethically making decisions. The function by identifying the consequences of each action, not only for the person taking the action, but for everyone else involved. The effects of the decision by mentally calculating and weighing the costs and benefits to the company or department affected. Look at the benefit to establish solutions that...
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...Ethics Reflection Paper In this paper the subject to analyze is the function of ethics and social responsibility, how each applies in developing strategic plan, considering stakeholders requirements. It will also explain how the writer ethical viewpoint has evolved all through the program. Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning Ethics are the belief and moral rules that vary from an individual to another individual. Ethical philosophy if deliberated rigorously throughout strategic plan can lead into remarkable results. Ethics and social responsibility play a critical role in developing a strategic plan. Values, standards, norms, and rules to accomplish an accurate avenue in attaining strategic objectives are based on ethics. Social accountability is associated to the social norms and policy that if measured through the strategic planning, can outline the foundation of reliability. Ethics participate in an essential role in gathering the diverse requirements of internal and external stakeholders (Sims, 2003). These two key aspects execute a basic role in establishing a workable strategic plan. Ethics and social responsibility support in ensuring an agreement with the special requirements of stakeholders. These are as follows : • Ethical code of conduct: Ethical codes of conduct acknowledge all through strategic plan help in ensuring right and moral activities. This aid the organization in fulfilling the desires of employees, customers, communities...
Words: 757 - Pages: 4
...Business Research Report Title Presented to: Assessment Code: RWT1 Student Name: Name Student ID: xxxxxxxxx Date: 10/03/2012 Mentor Name: Dayna Haydon Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Research Findings 4 Finding Number 1 4 Finding Number 2 5 Finding Number 3 5 Recommendations 5 Conclusion 6 References 7 Executive Summary The main objectives of this report were to evaluate and determine if business ethics and corporate citizenship initiatives would increase employee efficiency within the workplace, the impact of these programs on the reputation of the organization and their effect on the organization’s relationship with employees, investors, and customers. A variety of relevant books and modern journal articles were used to research on this subject. The review of these articles and books revealed that corporate social responsibility initiatives play a fundamental role in building the image of the company as well as strengthening the organization’s relationship with its customers. Ethical programs on the other hand guide employee actions and in effect minimize any points of conflict that may arise within the workplace thereby increasing workplace efficiency and overall employee productivity. Ethical programs also ensure that financial reporting abides by the stipulated standards. This ensures that the information contained in financial reports is reliable and therefore increases...
Words: 2518 - Pages: 11
...Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics and social responsibility are important concepts that play a significant role into implementing a strategic plan. Ethics and social responsibility will benefit an organization into having a successful strategy plan and reduce and any potential negative impact of a operation. The subjects to address in this paper are the following, the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan considering stakeholder needs and how my ethical perceptive has evolved throughout the program. Ethics is an important concept as well as the fundamental principles of right individuals conduct. “Business ethics seek to proscribe behavior that businesses, firm managers, and workers should not engage in. Ethics is a source of guidance beyond enforceable law. It is clear and uncontroversial that firms and their workers should not engage in unlawful acts, such as selling harmful or defective products, and ignorance of the law cannot be used as a justification for unlawful actions. Business and management ethics goes beyond the law lo provide guidelines as to what is acceptable behavior in business transactions” (Haq, 2011, p.1). The way a company could successfully establish a mission, vision, or objective for its organization is through adhering ethics. The company must develop values that interest stakeholders. The values should include direction and expectation of the organization. The values should...
Words: 590 - Pages: 3
...Ethics Reflection Paper July 13, 2015 Professor Carlos Pineda Ethics Reflection Paper The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholders needs. Included, in this paper will be a reflection on the author’s ethical perspective and how it has evolved. Ethics plays an essential role in both the business and social environment. Ethics reflects the morale beliefs and principles that demonstrate society’s opinion of an action performed by a group or individual that are considered right or wrong (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). Ethics and Social Responsibility Corporate Social responsibility is best defined by the concept that an organization has a commitment to serve society on an overall basis and to meet the financial interests of its stakeholders (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). A good practice would be to separate the needs of the inside and outside stakeholders as this would allow the organization to first determine the needs of each type of stakeholder and secondly meet their social responsibility. In order for an organization to have in a depth knowledge and range of social responsibilities that must be included in their strategic plan, the strategic managers must study the four types of social committee. The four types of social committee include: economic, legal, ethical and discretional social responsibilities (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). Economic responsibilities involves...
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...Ethics Paper Lisa Henderson MGT 498 Strategic Management July 20, 2011 Joyce Cusack Ethics Paper The role of ethics and social responsibility plays a critical part in today’s society. When speaking on the role of ethics in the corporate world we all have seen a few companies that have really disregarded ethics to which it has caused a trickle down destructive effect on the organization. One may try to figure out why such corporate professional, hardworking, and savvy men and women act so unethically. We all know that running a business requires a great deal of ethics and without ethics a business may fail before it really gets off the ground. Social Responsibility sometimes can become a thorn in a business because of the way the consumer or society feels about how that business deals with social responsibility. This can go either way where a the consumer may feel as though the organization should make the responsible decision and on the other hand the organization feels as though it is not their responsibility it is the responsibility of the consumer. This is and has been a battle that goes back and forth for a long time and to current today it still goes back and forth between the consumer, the courts, and the organization. Business ethics can be defined as a form of professional or applied ethics that looks at ethical morale, principles, and problems that may come about in a business environment. Here are just a few expert opinions on ethics and social responsibility...
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