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The Scarlet Ibis Theme Essay

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Theme Essay In my family, I have a sister, mom, and, dad. When my sister was young, she went through a stage where she would wear the same pair of pants everyday. This annoyed me because, she had so many other clothes to choose from and still, she chose to wear those pants everyday. I would try to convince her to wear a different outfit, but she wouldn’t budge. In the story “The Scarlet Ibis”, Doodle's older brother was irritated by Doodles disability, because he wanted a normal brother. Because of this, he tried to make Doodle more normal by teaching him to walk. But Doodle's brother should have accepted him from the start In the story, “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, the theme, people don’t accept others who look different, is shown through tone. In the first place, people who are unique are …show more content…
From the start, Doodles brother was embarrassed of him because of his disabilities. As Doodle gets older, he overcomes some of his disability, and learns to crawl and talk. But, his brother still didn’t accept him. Out of selfish reasons, Doodles brother makes him walk. Ultimately, Doodle should have realized, his brother didn’t accept him because of his disability. As someone once said, “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little change you have in trying to change others” (unknown). This connects back to the theme because, people don’t accept others who are different, and try to change them. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, Doodle's brother tries to make him more normal, by making him walk. Later on, as Doodle learns to walk, and his brother pushes him harder to walk better. But, Doodle's body was only meant for so much pressure on it, and his brother pushed him past that. All in all, Doodle tried so hard to change for his brother, but his brother never realized he couldn’t change his

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