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The Severan Empire

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The instability of imperial power

Following the murder of the Emperor Commodus in 196, it's the different armies that make and unmake emperors. Most emperors now no longer be of Roman origin.

The Severan dynasty (Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Heliogabalus and Alexander Severus) from 196 to 235 is from Libyan and Syrian origins and is based on the army of Illyria (Yugoslavia). A period of fifty years of political anarchy succeeds, there are several emperors same time. In 284, Diocletian General (of Illyrian origin) takes power. In order to defend the empire and peacefully resolve the issue of the transfer of power, he imagines the system of tetrarchy (four people sharing power).

But the system does not work after the resignation of Diocletian …show more content…
In the eyes of the imperial authorities and also those of many Romans, Christianity harm the empire for several reasons. Christians worship only one god, and therefore refuse to honor Rome and the Emperor which are considered like gods. But the cult of Rome and the emperor is the basis of unification of all the inhabitants of this vast empire that includes peoples so different. , Christians provide only very few soldiers bu the empire is threatened on its borders. Christian doctrine also considers all men as brothers and therefore harms the slavery system that allows the good operation of the economy and of the Roman Society. The attitude of Christians is seen as a …show more content…
The Emperor Hadrian, to protect the empire, built fortifications. However, the pressure of external people to the empire is becoming stronger. The emperor Marcus Aurelius spent much of his reign fighting the Germans on the Danube and the Parthians in Asia Minor. In the third century, the Severi Emperors fought victoriously the Parthians and the Persians. But from 235, the Germans are making inroads into the empire and Italy was invaded by the Alamanni in 271 Gaul is almost independent.

The emperors hardly manage to regain control of the empire. In the IVth century the pressure continues especially in Asia where the Persians take possession of the Mesopotamia to the detriment of the Romans. For this reason, to make more rapid and effective response Roman Diocletian attempted to share power. To face the Roman deal with the invaders. The Franks settled in northern Gaul and the Visigoths on the borders of the

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