...The Shining Mountain Making some one proud or the following your parents footsteps, is something that is a big issue in this modern society. If you have watched the television, show called “Tiaras and Toddlers” you would know, that the girls in the show, actually do not even know why they are being treated the way they are. They are not aware of what their parents are doing to them. Most of the children is doing it because their parents would like them to do it, in fact, it is the parents who is living their life though their child. We see that same pressure in The Shining Mountain. The story takes place in Scotland around the early 1930. In addition, the story also takes place in a secondary world, in fact, it is a fictional universe that can be almost indistinguishable from the real world. The story feels like a fairy tale because they use terms like “Once there was” and the way they refers to the parents. For example, they refers to the parents as “the mother” and “the father”. The story also has some fantasy elements, for instance, when Pangma-La turns into a swan and when she gives her heart away. In true fairy tale fashion, Pangma-La is the receiver and she is getting help from a supernatural fairy tale source, which is the mountain goddess. The mountain goddess could for example be representing the motherhood, which is a more powerful and stronger version of her own weak mother. Maybe the goddess is representing Pangma-La’s inner self. The part of her inner self...
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...Assignment for “The Shining Mountain” – by Alison Fell 1. Summary: The Shining Mountain is about a girl called Pangma-La and her father who is a mountaineer. The father would like to climb to the top of The Shining Mountain, with his daughter. First Pangma-La climbs happy and engaged, but she got tired fast. Then an old Sherpa woman comes for carry her heavy sack, but first she says no, because she is afraid of disappointing her father. But the Sherpa women do not give up so easily. The next day she comes back and then Pangma-La handovers all her heavy things from the sack, and the sack gets filled with swan’s down. The same happens the next day. At last Pangma-la feels so dizzy that she can’t walk any longer, and then she gives the Sherpa woman her heavy heart. She promises to give it back to her, but she doesn’t. Finally they reach the top of the mountain, but Pangma-la isn’t there, the Sherpa woman says that Pangma-La is her daughter now. The father realizes that Pangma-La has given her life only for making him happy. The Sherpa women wants him to feel Pangma-La’s pain, and for the first time he starts crying like any human beings. The Sherpa woman is satisfied, and gives him Pangma-La back. 2. Characterize of Pangma-La: Pangma-La is a Scottish girl, of course with a little bit strange name. She has always been teased about her name and she has not so much self-confidence. She is a sad little girl who always is afraid of disappointing her father, who is a mountaineer...
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...'The Shining Mountain' by Alison Fell. The Shining Mountain is a story about Pangma La, whos father is a famous mountaineer. She is named after his favorite mountain, and he promise her that when she's old enough, they're going to climb it together. On the way to the mountain top, they meet many interesting faces, and especially a Sherpan Woman is outstanding. She can help Pangma La get to the top, without disappointing her father. Pangma La is a girl from Scotland who is very tired of her name. Her father named her after a shinning mountain. He is a very famous mountaineer. She is afraid she is going to disappoint her father, on their trip to the Pangma La mountain. Pangma La is a very clever and sweet girl. The Sherpan Woman is an old woman who helps Pangma La when she needs it. On their trip Pangma La made some bad descisions by giving the Sherpan Woman her heart so she could climb to the top without disappointing her father. She helps Pangma La, by taking her heart and make her into a swan. Her father thinks she is tough, but when he reaches the mountain top, he finds out she is turned into a swan. He gets upset and sad, and probably knows that he had a little to high expectations to Pangma La. They had a good relationship, but Pangma La was still very afraid that she would disappoint her father on their trip. Pangma La's mother is very afraid that something will happen to Pangma La. She is worried and says goodbye with tears in her...
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...------------------------------------------------- The Shining Mountain Summary: The story is about a young girl, called Pangma-La, and her father, who was a famous mountaineer and had climbed many mountains. When Pangma-La’s father got a baby-daughter, he named her after a great big shining mountain he ones had climbed, so that she could stand tall and proud. One day Pangma-La’s father decides that he and his daughter should climb a mountain together, so Pangma-La starts training and all is going well. Pangma-La finally has a chance to stand tall and make her father proud. On the way to the top of the mountain Pangma-La meets an old Sherpa woman, she offers Pangma-La to carry her sack, but Pangma-La says no, so the old Sherpa woman disappears. The next time the old Sherpa woman shows herself to Pangma-La, she again offers to help her. This time Pangma-La says yes. The Sherpa woman reveals herself to Pangma-La three times in the story, the third time and last time Pangma-La gives her heart to the old Sherpa woman, and Pangma-La disappears. The old Sherpa woman is actually a hag, and transforms Pangma-La into a swan as a lesson to her father, so he could see that he was pressuring his daughter to much. The hag shows Pangma-La’s father how Pangma-La really feels and that all his high expectations towards Pangma-La are killing her. Pangma-La’s father sees what he has done to his own daughter, and tries to kill himself by throwing himself over the mountain edge. But just before he tries to...
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...The shining mountain The short story written by Alison is from year 1992. The story is about a young girl named Pangma-La, who with her father is about to climb the shining mountain, which also is called Pangma-la. Her father is a mountaineer, who wants his daughter to become the same, and therefore he is taking her to the shining mountain so she can be trained in climbing mountains. On their way to the top of the mountain, Pangma-la becomes more and more tired, but she keeps on going to not disappoint her father. She meets this Sherpa woman, who offers to help her. This happens some times in the story, although her father can’t see this Sherpa woman. After her Father has reached the top of the mountain, he sees this Sherpa woman with Pangma-La. Here he realizes that the Goddess the old Sherpa man talked about was true. When he met her he also realized that I demanded a lot from his daughter, and takes a try to jump off the mountain, however, the Goddess catches him, and lets go of Pangma-La. The main character is Pangma-La. She is a scared person. She is scared of her father’s disappointment of her, and therefore lets him take her decisions. This is can be seen in the text, where she takes all her exercises serious, she doesn’t fool around (p. 19, ll. 1-15). When they get to the mountain, she becomes a bout nervous and desperate at the same time. She doesn’t want to disappoint her father. Eventually she gets tired and give up, and takes the Goddess advice (p. 21, ll. 1-10)...
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...The Shining Mountain is a fairytale written by Alison Fell in 1992. The fairytale is about a young Scottish girl named Pangma-la. The meaning of the name is the Shining Mountain. Her father always told her that she was named after a shining mountain so that she would stand tall and be proud. Her father was a famous mountaineer and one day Pangma-la and her father would climb the Shining Mountain together. Suddenly it was that one day and they were going to climb the Shining Mountain together, but Pangma-la were going to meet a lot of obstacles on her way to the top. Pangma-la is a young Scottish girl, which is having a rough time in school because of her strange name. Her father named her ‘Pangma-la’ after a mountain called ‘The Shining Mountain’ so that she would always stand tall and proud. Her father, a famous mountaineer, means the world to her. When her father gives her credit for something or compliments her she turns prouder than ever: ““Let her be, she’s tough and hard as nails,” and Pangma-la was proud.” Pangma-la is a very unsecure girl, because she does not want to disappoint her father. She bases all her actions on what her father would think of her: “”let me carry your heavy sack, daughter,” said the woman, but Pangma-la shook her head, for she was afraid that her father would be disappointed in her.” The father is a famous mountaineer and would be considered a ‘hard man’ and a ‘real hero’ by most people. He was the one who named Pangma-la after the Shining Mountain...
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...I have chosen to compare Pangma-La from the short story “The shining mountain” and the boy from “Just like that”. I have chosen these two characters because they both are put in a scenario where they have to do something that they’re not ready for at all. In “The shining mountain” Pangma-la has to climb the mountain with her father, because he thinks that she is tough, and ready for anything like he is. In “Just like that” the boy, has to go out shooting kangaroos, and he ends up shooting the man he is hunting with, probably because he is too young and unexperienced to handle a gun. Pangma-la seems to be a very insecure girl in “The shining mountain” who looks up to her father who is a famous mountaineer. She is a girl who does not want to show her feelings to her father, because she is afraid that he will be disappointed in her. The boy from “Just like that” is living in Australia, and shooting kangaroos is something you do as a hobby, and it’s like a test of manhood. The development is very clear in the shining mountain and it happens when the goodness has transformed Pangma-la back to a human, and lays her in the arms of her father. This is where the development is complete, and Pangma-la’s father has opened his eyes to the burden he laid on his daughter’s shoulders. You can say that the development originally happens in the father and not Pangma-la, but it affects her as much as him. To conclude does both Pangma-la and the boy goes through a development, but in different...
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...The Shining Mountain Pangma-La is a young girl who is named after ‘The shining mountain’. Her father is a famous mountaineer. Others tease Pangma-La since her name is very unusual for a Scottish girl. In the beginning of the story she starts crying, but her father scolds her for doing so. Her father is very ambitious on Pangma-La’s behalf. She is named after ‘The Shining Mountain’ so she can stand tall and be proud. Pangma-La is very focused in getting her fathers recognition, and she is willing to sacrifice anything to please him. On their journey to the mountain, Pangma-La does everything she can to live up to her fathers high expectations, but as the task gets tougher she allow the old Sherpa woman to carry her bag, her heavy clothes and later her heart, lungs and bones, instead of telling her father that she is having a very hard time to keep up with him. Pangma-La is very submissive; she does everything her father asks of her without objecting. All her actions are based on how they will affect her father’s thoughts about her. She would rather give up her own heart and turn into a swan, than to let her father down. I seems like her father doesn’t see his daughter as an individual, but instead sees her like a part of him. He basically assume that she want to achieve the same goals as him. And he expects that she will achieve the goals that he has set for her. He doesn’t ask Pangma-La if she wants to climb The Shining Mountain. He just presumes that she wants to, without...
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...Summary of “The Shining Mountain” The Shining Mountain is a fairy tale about a Scottish girl called Pangma-La. Her father is a famous mountaineer, and he named her after the mountain. He wants her to be a mountaineer like himself, and to climb the shining mountain with him, so that she will be special. He teaches her how to climb, and after many years Pangma-La is finally ready to climb the mountain. While they travel to the mountain with a white plane, Pangma-La is having a nightmare about disappointing her father, which is her biggest fear. When they arrive to the village near the mountain, there Sherpa men are offering to carry their loads. Pangma-La’s dad makes the Sherpa men very angry. The Sherpa men are telling him about the mountain goddess, who will provide him from climbing to the top of the mountain. On the first day they were climbing, a Sherpa woman appears and offers to help Pangma-La by carrying her heavy sack, but she says no. On the second day the Sherpa woman appears again, and offers to take the heavy things from Pangma-La’s sack, and fill it up with swan’s down instead. Pangma-La says yes, but only because the Sherpa woman promises, that her father will not find out. On the third day the Sherpa woman appears again, and she covers Pangma-La with swan’s feathers instead of her heavy clothes. On the fourth day, the Sherpa woman appears again, and she takes Pangma-La’s heavy heart and fills her with swan’s downs instead. At the fifth day Pangma-La...
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...The Shining Mountain by Allison Fell Introduction: What would be your first thought if your dad choose his own work instead of your love? It would not be nice if the only reason to your presence was to carry out your father’s work, would it? This is exactly what happens for Pangma-La in this story - The Shining Mountain. The Shining Mountain is a fairytale written by Allison Fell in the year of 1992. Narrator, setting, characters, conflict: The narrator is an all knowing third person. The story takes place on a mountain, called The Shining Mountain. Pangma-La’s father is a very self control person, who just thinks about making his own dreams come true. He tends to be very arrogant and he is just thinking of himself. I think he sees himself like the very best human in the world, and nothing can beat him down, just because the whole world sees him like a “hero”. This clear example of the fathers domination in the family (page 1, lines 7-10), shows a clearly picture of who is making the decisions in the family. He does not care about his wife and Pangma-La’s opinions. Pangma-La is a girl hiding her feelings, and because of that she gets a really bad feeling inside. She cannot carry all the expectations her father is stacking up on her shoulders. Throughout the story Pangma-La makes a development, growing up and grows from her father. In the text we hear about a girl who just does what her father told her to do. She did not do anything to refuse her father’s expatiations...
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...a13 Downloadet Engelsk fra Opgaver.com 18/12-08 The Shining Mountain Analysis and characterization The story is about Scottish girl called Pangma-La, named after a shining mountain so she would stand tall and be proud. Pangma-La's father was a famous mountaineer, so she promised herself that she would never disappoint him. When Pangma-La was tough enough, her father and she went to the shining mountain, to climb it as promised. When they arrived the Sherpa men offered to carry their loads, but they did not need porters. The Sherpa men got angry and told them that the mountain goddess would send them, winds, spindrift snow and avalanches. The father just laughed scornfully. Pangma-La climbed the mountain happily, but after a while she began to grow weary. Then an old Sherpa woman appeared and offered to carry her heavy sack, but Pangma-La declined. The next days the Sherp woman appeared and Pangma-La gave her more and more from each day in change for feathers. But the fourth day the roar of an avalanche thundered past them, and the Sherpa woman appeared as the days before, and this time she offered to take her heart, the lungs and the bones and replace them with feathers. The Sherpa woman had tricked Pangma-La and did not give back her heart this time. The Sherpa woman appeared to the father and changed looks, she was the mountain goddess. The fathers was angry and tried to strike her but was stopped. The goddess told the father that she had given him his heart's desire:...
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...Introduction. What would be your first thought if your dad choose his own work instead of your love? It would not be nice if the only reason to your presence was to carry out your father’s work, would it? This is exactly what happens for Pangma-La in the short story “The Shining Mountain” written by Alison Fell, from 1992. The father and The father is a famous mountaineer who is always on television (page 50 line16) and it is the father that has given Pangma-la the strange name; Pangma-la after The Shining Mountain, so she will stand tall and proud. The father said to her that one day they would climb the mountain ”Pangma-La” together. page 50 line15. The father had many expectations of Pangma-La. He decided what Pangmla-La had to do and what not to do. Such as: page 51, line 23-24 “And he made Pangma-La promise, that she would speak to no one, no matter what they asked or what help they offered” Pangma-la had also promised never to disappoint him page 50, line 20 so she tried to fulfill all of his expiations, but there were too many. When they where climbing the mountain, the going for Pangma-La was too hard, but she was willing to lie and give her heavy rucksack to a Sherpa woman on no matter the cost, just so the father would not get disappointed. Page 51 line 26-31 It is as though Pangma-la lived for her father, and she did not have dreams of her own, because she was so fixated about what her father wanted her to do that she acted like a totally different person. Pangma-la...
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...Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up. The first little tree looked up at the stars and said: " I want to hold treasure. I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!" The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on it's way to the ocean. " I want to be traveling mighty waters and carrying powerful kings. I'll be the strongest ship in the world! The third little tree looked down into the valley below where busy men and women worked in a busy town. I don't want to leave the mountain top at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to look at me they'll raise their eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the tallest tree in the world. Years, passed. The rain came, the sun shone and the little trees grew tall. One day three wood cutters climbed the mountain. The first wood cutter looked at the first tree and said, "This tree is beautiful. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell. "Now I shall make a beautiful chest, I shall hold wonderful treasure!" the first tree said. The second wood cutter looked at the second tree and said, "This tree is strong. It's perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the second tree fell. "Now I shall sail mighty waters!" thought the second tree. " I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings!" The third tree felt her heart sink...
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...America has changed over the course of history. From late 18th and 19th century the United States expanded from sea to shining sea. People said Manifest Destiny was about our god given right to expand from coast to coast. It started with many land purchases, wars, trails, and land occupation. Those little reasons made the people think we should head west. That’s how we got here today. Mountain men had an important part in Manifest Destiny. Mountain men were men who were fur trappers and explored the western land. They help the economy by trapping beaver pelts. They were people of exploration they explored the Rocky Mountains and most of the western land. They helped settlers that were moving west by guiding them to best place. They did this because they became natives of the land because they got help with the Native Americans. They helped them threw the harsh winters. Mountain men were very friendly with Native American tribes. Mountain men had a part of Manifest Destiny but they are just a vaccine of information. The Santa Fe Trail was one of the many trails that had settlers moving west. It...
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...In the documentary, “State of Fear, the film reveals insights on the Peruvian Truth Reconciliation Commission. With personal testimony, history and exclusive footage, the documentary illustrates the escalating violence in Peru and how the fear of terrorism damaged democracy. The specific events exploit Peru being a dictatorship where official corruption replaced the rule of law. The terrorist attacks by the Shining Path insurgents provoke many issues for the government. Inevitably, the most important factor of the rise, consolidation and the fall of the guerilla terrorist group is the Communist Party of Peru-The Shining Path during the 1970s through the 1990s. During the 1960s, Abimael Guzman initially founded the Shining Path. Guzman was a professor of philosophy at San Cristobal of Huamanga University in Ayacucho, which is a small city in the southern Peruvian Andes. Influenced by Maoism, Marxism and Lenninism, Guzman traveled to China to further develop and expand his ideologies for change. Guzman believed that the subjugated class was the key element to help the society to prosper. The ideology of Guzman was to increase the living conditions of Peru’s poor members of society. He ultimately recruited an army to use violence against the Peruvian government to change their way of life. At the time, the Peruvian government was very corrupt. The government was a subpar democracy that neglected human rights of Peruvians. The upper class Peruvians possessed most of the money and...
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