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The Stonewall Riots: The Incorporation Of The LGBT Community

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What do you remember of your U.S. history class? Do you remember parts of history that parallel and or affected people like you? Schools curriculums are normally decided by states, More conservative states very much omit bigger issues like the civil rights moments or maybe they present a more compact and simpler version of events. Now while Racial movements while still not completely well represented are still a common scab on the public's mind, there are other movements that have completely vanished from the public's mind. LGBT History has completely been erased from common American knowledge, Important and crucial parts of history have been not only reduced to a sentence in a U.S. History Book while other movements have been had the spotlight shined upon to them for a long time. Important events like The Stonewall Riots were thrown on the back seat and icons like Harvey Milk were buried under the public …show more content…
The Trevor Project, Who specializes on LGBT suicide awareness, says that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are 8.4 times more likely to commit suicide when people that have or will reject them surround them. Forty percent of transgender adults reported making a suicide attempt when they were younger. These reports show that these teens and those around them were ignorant to the unity of the LGBT+ community throughout history. The LGBT community has survived monumental events, Stonewall, The Aids Crisis, and recently the Pulse shooting. Teens learning about these specific events gives them a sense of belonging that could prevent many from suicide. Meanwhile, if straight students are being educated on these topics they are most likely to not alienate queer students. The inclusion of Queer history will unite schools reducing fatalities and alleviating conflict between the student

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