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The Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) Programs

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One of the many things that is a problem in today’s society is poverty. Poverty is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as the state of being extremely poor. In today’s economy it is becoming more and more likely for families to be working to get paid enough money just to get by. The poverty rate has gone up since the recession. The people that suffer from poverty are usually immigrants. They come to unfamiliar places unable to get a job and support themselves. Poverty can affect everyone. Poverty is based on income and housing. The people that would most likely benefit from poverty would be people working for the government our agencies that help people in need. They benefit from being able to have a job they also benefit mentally knowing …show more content…
States receive block grants to design and work with programs that accomplish one of the purposes of the TANF program. TANF’s sole purpose is to provide assistance to needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes, reduce the reliance of needy parents by promoting job preparation, work and marriage, prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families.(Administration for Children and Families)
Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps with medical costs for people with limited income and resources.Each state has a different set of rules for eligibility and applying for the Medicaid program. If you qualify for Medicaid in your state, you automatically qualify for extra help paying for your Medicare prescription drug coverage. To qualify for the program you must be 65 years or older, a child that is under 19, pregnant, living with a disability, a parent or an adult caring for a child, an adult without dependent children, or an eligible …show more content…
About 50 million people including children are having trouble getting food. Poverty is one of the many important things that social workers have to deal with. When doing research I learned that the poverty rate has gone down in the last ten years but it is higher than it was in 2006. The estimated number of people living below the poverty line in 2013 was over 45 million people. Which is about 14.5% of Americans. Social workers are one of the primary sources of helping people in need. They are the ones on the front line of interacting with people and dealing with their social situations such as income, housing, childcare, and work Social Workers take care of poverty on an individual and community based level, but they also try to fight poverty on a national scale. Attempts like these show us that they are a very important part of our communities and most importantly our

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