...other sources have been properly acknowledged as references or quotations. In addition I/we agree that this assignment may be subject to electronic analysis for the detection of collusion, plagiarism and other forms of unfair advantage. Please tick the box to confirm acceptance of the above declaration. Date: 14/10/2013 | SUMMARY The article by Gou (2011) discussed an issue about student plagiarism in accounting education aspect in the UK. The article attempted to indicate the factors of plagiarism, develop and examine the factors by surveying the accounting student behaviour towards plagiarism, and give recommendation to the accounting educators to reduce the act of plagiarism. The article mentioned that in the past decade, this plagiarism issue has become a primary concern in the UK education sector, since education plagiarism is in relation to further business and professional ethics. The article used experts’ researches in order to identify the factors that influence the accounting student starting plagiarise and suggested there are nine major factors that lead to plagiarism behaviour; which are moral capability, awareness of plagiarism, academic integration, pressures, accounting...
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...Plagiarism and its negative effects are unjust, lack moral and can have serious consequences on both the student and the authors. Plagiarism has become what some are calling a trend due to the influence the internet has had on students, high school and college as well as some educators. Although plagiarism has been playing a negative roll in academics for a considerable amount of time, access to internet cutting and pasting has made it a more talks about subject. While reading the online article on plagiarism, Lines blurred for students in a digital age (Gabriel, 2010) I learned of a student that was reprimanded for copying from Wikipedia. The argument the student gave in defense of his ignorance to what he had done, was that the information he obtained had collective writers and was common/public knowledge. What makes this unjustifiable is the ideas were not his own. Although it may have appeared the student did not have knowledge of plagiarism, he was still reprimanded for plagiarizing. What he did was unjustifiable and unfair to the collective writers and he should have been held responsible. Many institutions enforce a policies apposing plagiarism. These policies protect the authors and encourage students to be more creative, (Gabriel, 2010) relaxing plagiarism standards “does not foster creativity it fosters laziness”. Plagiarism in academia by Syed Shahabuddin has a very strict approach to plagiarism. Shahabuddin speaks strongly about plagiarism and seems to have...
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...Business Research Ethics Business Research Ethics Ethical decision making is important for researchers. Codes, policies, and principals are very important and useful, like any set of rules; however, they do not cover every situation. They often conflict, and they require considerable interpretation. It is therefore important for researchers to learn how to interpret, assess, and apply various research rules and how to make decisions and to act in various situations. There are many situations where research is not ethical. These actions would be regarded as unethical and some might even be illegal. These actions may also violate professional ethics codes or institutional policies. According to the article, “Accounts Offered for Unethical Research Practices: Effects on the Evaluations of Acts and Actors,” describes two scenarios of two psychologists fabricating data and using plagiarism in their research. One Psychologist, who was a professor at a large university, was accused of fabricating some of the data in a large, longitudinal research project. Evidence resulted in an investigation. It was determined that subjects reported to have begun their participation with this psychologist in 1975, really did not begin their participation until 1977. However, the participants did report that they were contacted to participate in 1975. Due to the fabrication of data, job security and salaries of the Psychology Department were in jeopardy. The Psychologist admitted to making up...
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...Plagiarism in the Academic Environment Linda Williams Liberty University Abstract This paper discusses plagiarism in an academic environment. Intentional as well as unintentional plagiarism is rampant throughout academia. Plagiarism may be unintentional, such as an improperly cited source or an over abundance of paraphrasing, or intentional, such as presenting another’s work as one’s own. Due to the availability of works online plagiarism is a much greater problem and harder than ever to prove. Sites such as TurnItIn assist educators and students ensure work is original. The program produces an originality report after comparing the submitted work against millions of other submitted works. The penalty for plagiarism can range from a failing grade on the submitted work to expulsion from the academic institution. Liberty University has strict academic honesty policies in place. Any accusation of academic dishonesty will be thoroughly investigated. If proven the student will receive a failing grade in the course. Two failing grades for academic dishonesty will result in expulsion from the University as a violation of the Code of Conduct. Written appeals must be submitted within five business days. The Department Chair will compare all evidence from the instructor and student and make a decision as to whether the student can proceed in the course. Keywords: Plagiarism, academic dishonesty, prevention of plagiarism Plagiarism in the Academic...
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...Is Plagiarism so Bad? To understand the effect of plagiarism we have to understand what plagiarism is. According to Dictionar.co the definition of plagiarism state as, “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.” Plagiarism is an academic misconduct in which students try to avoid thinking and writing. The schools expectations are that students will present their own words, ideas, works, and thoughts resulting from their own understanding. Therefore plagiarism in my opinion is a form of dishonesty and a desire to present other’s idea and to be rewarded as for own work. Three things that result from plagiarizing is that defeats the purpose of writing, defeats the school’s goal of teaching, and is unethical. Plagiarism defeats the purpose of writing. According to Nine Things, “When … substitute someone else’s understanding or expression for your own, you avoid the work of using and improving your own expressive ability.” In other words when students are focus on taking other’s words and use them as their own, the process of writing is forestall. The main purpose of writing is to learn and develop the ability of writing skills about something. The schools ask students for such activities just to develop their ability to express themselves. A student may choose the easiest way to finish a project but will not...
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...The use of words and ideas of other people is considered as plagiarism. This notion is widely used in different spheres of human life. Academic world is one of the spheres where the issue of plagiarism is mostly referred to. The use of words and ideas of other people without appropriate references means to steal those. One does not have any ethical right to do it. Also, academic integrity requires from students to be honest. Plagiarism has nothing in common with honesty. The US government, as well as the government of other states, has developed a legal act which refers plagiarism to a crime. However, the cultural aspects play an important role...
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...by everyone who utilizes the cyber space facility in order to maintain the tranquility of cyber world. However, not everyone concern about these rules as we seen nowadays. In order to prevent plague from spreading and become worse in future, we have to identified the root cause of the problem and define how to solve it. The first commandment explained that it is not ethical to harm another user by using computer and it is not limited to physical injuries but also harming or damaging other user data or files. It is unethical to create a programmed that deliberately allows someone to steal, copy, or gaining unauthorized access to others data. The waywardness to this commandment is the main reason why unethical behavior such as hacking, spamming, cyber bullying and phishing occurs in our society. The creation of computer viruses, which are purposely to harm useful computer program or interfere with the normal function of the computers, is unethical practice in cyber world ad...
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...ready to learn and behave appropriately. But for some students whose behaviour are found to be irresponsible, sloppy, or bad-discipline, schools must outline clear and consistent consequences to penalize them. Corbin and Carter recommended on findings of academic misconduct and the admission requirements of legal profession. This paper considers whether the court should take a zero-tolerance approach to plagiarism and academic misconduct. Firstly, key terms are defined; followed by arguments in favour and against of this position are explored. The paper also discusses different approaches from other state and concludes with the most preferable approach. PLAGIARISM & ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Plagiarism originated from the Latin word ‘plagiare’ .Recently, it is literally refers to the knowing presentation of the work or ideas of another person as if it were the student’s own idea . This is more likely related to the breach of ethical principles rather than legal rules . Academic misconduct includes collaboration and plagiarism in relation to formal academic exercise. It is unethical and dishonest. Students will be given penalty resulted in any misconduct along their studies. It can also have an effect on the school’s reputation. This problem always exists and is needed to be solved . ARGUMENTS FOR A ZERO-TOLERANCE APPROACH Any history of a student’s academic misconduct during the study period in school provides something of a measure of the extent of dishonesty in his own...
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...considering ethics, somewhere in the process ethics are either consciously or subconsciously used or woven into our critical thinking. Why are ethics a concern in an academic environment? Use the University Library to locate a specific example of an ethical violation in an academic environment. Provide a brief summary of the example, along with an explanation of why you chose this example. Ethics are a concern in the academic environment because students should do the right thing to accomplish their classes morally correct. Ethics test a student’s will power. So many people would rather do the easiest way to accomplish their work. Even if it doesn’t mean doing the right thing they’ll do it anyways. There are so many examples of unethical things that are done in the academic environment. Some of those examples are bribing teachers to raise your grades, plagiarizing or...
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...Abstract To avoid unintentional plagiarism you basically need to give credit where credit is do. In order to do this you must cite everything meaning where you found the information, who said it and where is it located. The importance of telling the readers where you got your information from when you are paraphrasing someone else is that if the reader is very interested in the topic and wants to do more research they will be able to exactly find where the information is located.Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined in the dictionary as the “wrongful appropriation,” close imitation,” or purloining and publication of another author’s language, thoughts, ideas, or Expressions, and the representation of them as one’s own original work. The importance of giving credit for works used that are not your own is very important because not only are u committing a criminal offense your also damaging your reputation, so writers should always cite where they found the information,give credit where credit is do ,and always do your own work. The modern concept of plagiarism is very immoral and goes against majority of people’s ethics and morals that they have been raised with. There are sum elements of writing that needs to be addressed to ensure academic honesty they are inadequately citing original work because it would require multiple citations, paraphrasing to avoid quotation marks, considering information on the world wide web different from that in print publications. The importance...
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...like to thanks Dr Hikmatullah Babu Sahib for giving this opportunity for us to observe the real life event in this world. Lastly, special thanks to our group members and colleagues for their cooperation and contribution to complete this assignment about plagiarism in International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) directly or indirectly. The objective of our assignment as said by Dr Hikmatullah Babu Sahib is to do the research about plagiarism in IIUM. This is to ensure that the top management of IIUM will be more alert and take any considerable actions to those students who are actively practicing plagiarism or cheating in the exam and also using it to complete their works or assignments with intention or without intention. First and foremost, I will explain about the term that is very important in this topic. Attribution is the acknowledgement that something came from another source. This is to tell others that the ideas and work that we have done is based on others work that we take as a references. Then, there will be a bibliography which is a list of sources used in preparing the work. Meanwhile, citation is a short, formal indication of the source of information or quoted material. It is also known as the act of quoting material that we used in our assignments. Cite is to indicate a source of information or quoted material in a short, formal note. It is also known as to ascribe something to source. Common knowledge is an information that is readily available...
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...Academic Dishonesty Pamela D. Haynes June 1, 2012 The Importance of Academic Honesty Academic Honesty is a vital part of your process of matriculating. It is imperative that you do your own work while in the learning process in order to express exactly how much you know about the topic that you are learning about. The most common form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking credit for work that you have not done yourself. It can come in copying work, stealing ideas, or not accrediting authors. “Plagiarism” (also called “plagiary”) in research publication means an unethical act that is done to deceive readers about the origin of the ideas or words. It is usually considered a conscious, voluntary act that is done intentionally to copy something, and to mislead the reader into believing wrongly that the person whose name appears as the author was the original intellectual source of words or ideas that were in fact taken from another source. (Shashok, K. (2011). Authors, editors, and the signs, symptoms and causes of plagiarism. Saudi Journal Of Anaesthesia, 5(3), 303-307. doi:10.4103/1658-354X.84107) Why is academic dishonesty committed? The reason he or she may committee academic dishonesty could be something as simple as not citing the information properly as well as keeping track of where the information was obtained. Academic dishonesty is not always committed because of the need to cheat or not wanting to do his or her work. When going to school...
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...derived form plagiarism was introduced into English around 1620.[10] The Latin plagiārius, "kidnapper", and plagium, "kidnapping", has the root plaga ("snare", "net"), based on the Indo-European root *-plak, "to weave" (seen for instance in Greek plekein, Bulgarian "плета" pleta, Latin plectere, all meaning "to weave"). Legal aspects Although plagiarism in some contexts is considered theft or stealing, the concept does not exist in a legal sense. "Plagiarism" is not mentioned in any current statute, either criminal or civil.[11][8] Some cases may be treated as unfair competition or a violation of the doctrine of moral rights.[8] The increased availability of intellectual property due to a rise in technology has furthered the debate as to whether copyright offences are criminal.[citation needed] In short, people are asked to use the guideline, "...if you did not write it yourself, you must give credit."[12] Plagiarism is not the same as copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they are different concepts, and false claims of authorship may constitute plagiarism regardless of whether the material is protected by copyright. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder, when material whose use is restricted by copyright is used without consent. Plagiarism, in contrast, is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author's reputation that is achieved through false claims of authorship. Thus, plagiarism is considered...
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...may have compromise their ethics. Are people willing to get ahead at any cost? Most people in American society live busy, hectic lives and this affects all facets of life. In the academic environment, students face grave pressure from others as well as internally to perform well (McCabe 2001). Plagiarism is one aspect of ethics in academia where students may find themselves compromising. In a study by Bill Bowers of “over 5,000 students on 99 different campuses, 75% of the respondents had engaged in one or more incidents of academic dishonesty (McCabe, 2001, pg. 220). Although this study is a frightening and awakening find, as Carter, Bishop, and Kravits (2007) stated, “Plagiarism usually starts accidentally during research” (Chap. 8, wk.2). Time restraints, improper planning or just misinformation can all lead to plagiarism. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is still unethical and illegal. In America’s demanding and competitive society, ethics may have taken a back seat all in the name of progress. Technology has allowed people to enjoy a more advanced, more efficient quality of life, though this also may contribute to the ease with which students are “dishonest.” Plagiarism will certainly affect more than just students education. With the population growing in our nation, so does the number of students attending the public and private universities that this nation has to offer. A major issue with students is their ability to adhere to the “codes of conduct” that...
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...Running head: IS IT WORTH IT? Is It Worth It? : The Effects of Plagiarism Abstract Plagiarism isn’t taking lightly when it comes to your education and/or work ethics. Indianapolis Stars, Steve Hall learned this after losing his career as one of the papers top critics. Intentional or unintentional, plagiarism has its major consequences and could be avoided by crediting those who deserved to be credited. Is It Worth It? : The Effects of Plagiarism After working for 13 years as one of Indianapolis Monthly’s top television critics, Steve Hall was fired after being accused of plagiarism. According to Bettie Cadou’s article, Words Fail Me (2000), “Hall took his first hit when his supervisors decided his review of the UPN wrestling program closely resembled an article by Dallas Morning News TV critic Ed Bank. Then came the final blow, when an analysis of Hall’s previous stories found another half-dozen pieces, dating to 1997, that were deemed too similar to other writers’ works.” Even though Hall at first claimed it wasn’t intentional, the hirer ups felt that too many of his articles sounded too much alike and they made the decision to release him from his duties. In the article, You Can Say That Again (2000), also written by Cadou, she gives a number of examples of Hall’s work compared to some articles in Times Magazine; “Times: The show is smart and often funny… Mr. Kilborn delivers this material with the requisite smirks and deadpan charm … he is blond and boyish...
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