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Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis Essay

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In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurtson, the main character Janie is desperate for love; over the course of the entire novel, she marries to 3 men, one being an African American man by the name of Joe Stalks, aka Jody. The author characterizes Jody as prideful, vain, overly ambitious man who has an obsession with feeling superior and powerful. Hurtson develops this characterization through Jody’s dialogue, treatment towards Janie, and his physical appearance. During this time period, women were considered inferior to men, and Jody strongly supports such ideals. Jody states "Somebody got to think for women and chillun and chickens and cows. I god, they sho don’t think none theirselves." This quote demonstrates Jody’s conception …show more content…
With his great charisma, Jody primarily gained favor within the town and used his entrepreneurship skills to help successfully bring minor prosperity to the area. Jody worked his way up in power by building up a store, in which he’d have his attractive wife Janie, with her beauty and hair covered up, work. Janie was forced by Jody to cover up due to his jealousies of other men lusting over his wife. It is stated in the text that “This business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it. Her hair was NOT going to show in the store. It didn’t seem sensible at all. That was because Joe never told Janie how jealous he was”. This quote helps develop Jody’s territorial issues, for Jody doesn’t want any other man looking at Janie, because she was his sight to admire. Also, Jody’s perspective on manhood is portrayed through this quote by showing his need for power and authority, or control. Janie was not pleased with the fact that she has to wear a rag over her head in the store; it irked her, but she abided by her husbands demands. Though Janie couldn’t flaunt her beauty around, Jody did a marvellous job at not only playing the part of a ruler in town, but he also looked the

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