Premium Essay

Theories of Crime


Submitted By rawmama
Words 2670
Pages 11
Essay question: | E. Imagine you are the host of a popular TV or radio talk show. Choose at least three theorists whose work we have read for this course (e.g. Kant, Foucault, Marx and Engels, Althusser, Said, Haraway, Decartes, Bordo, Fanon, de Beauvoir, Smith, Hobbes, Locke, Mitchell, Weber, Kropotkin, Brown) to invite to your show. Ask the theorists to debate one of the following topics: (a) Antiterrorism legislation in Britain; (b) the use of stop and search powers; (c) racial and class discrimination in the criminal justice system; (d) the English Riots that took place during the summer of 2011 | Debate: | A debate on the right to revolt: The English riots that took place during the summer of 2011 |

Host | Thank you for tuning into Provoke, the live show that asks the questions that provoke your thoughts and gets you thinking. My name is Alison and I will be your host tonight. Our guest panel consists of 3 influential theorists: English philosopher and physician, John Locke, who has been credited for the enlightenment thinking and the construction of social contract theory. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (1964), who attack class distinction and the ruling class as an unjustified dominant force in society. Last but not least, Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher who wrote the essay “What is Enlightenment?”, arguing that “enlightenment is man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage” (Schmidt, 1996, p. 58).Tonight’s debate will focus on the on the English riots, which took place during the summer of 2011. The panel will take questions from our live audience and debate on the right to revolt and whether it was justified by the working class. It is essential to provide an overview of tonight’s debate for our audience. In the summer of 2011 in London, Mark Duggan, an unarmed 29-year-old was shot dead in Tottenham by police officers. Some days later the

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