...Things that are possible affecting your “Contact” to “Qualified Lead” conversion ration 1) Grammatical Errors & Sentence formation 2) Usage of CAPS – For heaven’s sake stop using it. How many times do I have to tell you? 3) Check my comments in the email body below Hi Coby, I'm really impressed how your firm has mixed so many accessories like food and clothes into one, but then I noticed the site AIN'T MOBILE FRIENDLY! So I was just curious to know your plans regarding Mobile Space. Trends indicate that a substantial percentage of on-line shopping happen through mobile phones these days, especially for your firm. MobStac helped companies such as Enchanting Travels, Tata, All Africa, Bennett Coleman & Co in attracting traffic & conversion and we can help you too. Can I request 15 minutes of your time to discuss more? If you are not the right person, can you please let me know who I should speak to within your company. Your Email can better be written like this Hi Coby, I was browsing through your site and was impressed by how your firm has mixed accessories like food and clothes into one. However I noticed that your site was not mobile friendly, while browsing through my phone. Trends indicate that a substantial percentage of online shopping happens through mobile phones and hence I was curious to understand your plans around this. MobStac helped companies such as Enchanting Travels, L’ago shoes, Bennett Coleman & Co...
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...Phil 110 Heter Lecture Two: The Argument from Design by Paley [1] Overview. William Paley argued that the universe is so complex that it must have been designed by a higher power. Paley compares the natural universe to a watch. The complexity of the watch proves that it must have been designed. Such a meticulous machine could not have arise by chance. Since the natural universe is far more complex than a watch (think of a human heart), the natural universe must have a designer that is very powerful. This designer must be all powerful; thus the designer must be God. Paley’s argument has been revived in the past five years under the name of “Intelligent Design.” The Intelligent Design Argument is exactly the same as Paley’s argument, with only one exception. The Intelligent Design Argument concludes that “a higher power of some sort, that we might call an ‘intelligent designer’ must exist.” But the argument does not call the ‘intelligent designer’ God. [2] Note on terms: “Teleological.” The Argument from Design has two different names. The argument is also called the “Teleological Argument.” The word “teleological” comes from the Greek word “telos” which means “end” or “purpose.” Paley believes that the universe has a purpose (telos) just like a watch has a purpose (to tell time). For example, the purpose of a human heart is to pump blood. [3] The Argument from Design Premise 1.If an object has a design then it must have a designer....
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...Thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing thing...
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...Murda Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things, Things, Things. Things, Things...
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...Mark Koon Professor Paquette English 102 / F / 8:00 AM Friday, October 15, 2015 The Things They Carried In the short story, “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien a Lieutenant by the name of Jimmy Cross and his squad carry a list of many things, some of these things heavy physical loads and some heavy emotional loads composed of grief, terror, love, and guilt. The things each soldier carries depends on the soldier himself including his priorities and his constitutions and also his rank or his specialty for example Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries maps, compasses, and the heavy burden of the responsibility of his men’s lives. A nervous soldier named Ted Lavender carries marijuana and tranquilizers to calm himself down and the religious soldier Kiowa carries an illustrated New Testament and every single one of these men carry the figurative weight of memory, fear, and hope and the literal weight of one another. In this short story the author uses the title symbolically for both the seen and unseen things that men at war carry and to represent the traumas and hardships they have suffered that they will carry for the rest of their lives. These soldiers know they can die at any moment and so when the inevitable happens and a soldier is actually killed in action extra tension stems from the fact that Lt. Cross knows he is responsible. When Ted Lavender is killed in action one of the soldier’s, Kiowa, cannot stop marveling at how fast and hard Lavender hit the ground. “Boom-Down”...
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...to competitors pushing and increasing the cost of managing performance. Also Network Solutions also needed to improve the ability to meet standards of the overall goal of the organization but the best solution to this was to incorporate all employee goals and make it work in their favor. The whole cycle of Network Solutions performance management consist of: * Performance planning * Ongoing discussions and updates between managers and employees * Goal cascading and team building * Annual performance summary * Development planning (Aguinis, 2013). Within and ideal system there often various amounts of characteristics to withhold in order to ensure that it’s implemented in the best way possible. There is a list of things to look for in and ideal performance management that not every organization utilizes these particular one will transpire into a great and well...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |COM/220 Version 7 | | |Research Writing | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description Students focus on gathering research, evaluating and documenting sources, and developing a major research paper. Selected readings prompt discussion regarding bias, rhetorical devices, arguments, and counter arguments. Grammar exercises address commonly confused sets of words, modifiers, parallel structure, sentence variety, and sentence clarity. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class...
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...AP CALCULUS FORMULA LIST Definition of e: [pic] ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Absolute value: [pic] ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Definition of the derivative: [pic] [pic] (Alternative form) ____________________________________________________________ ________________ Definition of continuity: f is continuous at c iff 1) f (c) is defined; 2) [pic] 3) [pic] ____________________________________________________________ _________________ [pic] ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Rolle's Theorem: If f is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b) and if f (a) = f (b), then there is at least one number c on (a, b) such that [pic] ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Mean Value Theorem: If f is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), then there exists a number c on (a, b) such that [pic] ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Intermediate Value Theorem: If f is continuous on [a, b] and k is any number between f (a) and f (b), then there is at least one number c between a and b such that f (c) = k. _...
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...Hackers Jessica Floyd Professor Teresa Ashley CIS 106 February 15, 2015 Hackers “We worried for decades about WMDs – Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now it is time to worry about a new kind of WMDs – Weapons of Mass Disruption.” ― John Mariotti “Hacker; Someone who maliciously breaks into a system for personal gain.” (Beaver, 10) Hacking is a growing phenomenon that has proven itself to be a menace to both the public organizations and business security. In todays modern society it is very important for us to understand how hackers can infiltrate our systems and gain access to our personal information. Being knowledgeable about some of the common tools hackers are using will help us to protect our computers from being cracked into. Hacking has been around for decades dating all the way back to 1903 with the infamous Nevil Maskelyne who hacked into a wireless telegraphy demonstration by sending denigrating mores codes through a projector. (Marks) Another prominent, but more recent scandal was the attack on Target’s security and payment system that left millions of consumers credit card numbers and personal information open and at risk to be obtained for illegal use. Although Target spent 1.6 million on malware protection and had a team of security specialists watching for signs of intrusion, the hackers still gained access to the publics personal information. With all of the protection Target had surrounding its payment system some may wonder how a breach in security...
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...Fear August 2, 2015 at 1:01 AM It’s been awhile since we did a book club post, huh? I had originally intended to post this in July instead of the Discussion Post; however, so much crap was happening on the back-end side of the site (multiple DDoS attacks, the submission form turning evil after the last plugin update and causing the server to overload itself, etc) as well as various offline issues that I ended up just having to shelve this post until things were a bit calmer. So if you were wondering why there was no Discussion Post last month, that’s why. I had originally intended to have submissions re-opened (check the sidebar Submission Status for the latest update on this; please don’t derail this post with questions that are already answered there – when submissions re-open, it will be a separate post) all the way back in the beginning of July; so I had felt that having that announcement + Discussion + Book Club would have left the front page looking a tad too bloated. But it seems the site had other ideas about how things should play out, so here we are. Better late than never, right? SO. The book that we’re going to talk about this month is very well-known; given that it’s almost twenty years old and spent a lot of time on the Best Seller list, many of you have probably heard of it already. However, it’s striking how well it’s held up and how relevant it remains – many of the scenarios the author details are still happening every single day. The Gift of Fear...
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...April Ramos 4/14/16 Ryan English 201 Rough Draft I don’t have a title yet #filler (now sing Michael Jacksons thriller) The stereotyped ideal of the 1950’s has definitely grown in the past few years from one of blissful nostalgia to that of a clearer cut view. Stories of racism, sexism homophobia and corruption have begun to be unearthed for the public, and have in turn unceremoniously pulled the rose colored drapery away from America’s dreamy image of the “good old days”. This generation is trying to rub the sleep from their eyes and look at the harsh reality of what has been and what we can do now for those caught up in an unfair world that treated them no better than the dirt they turned. Racism took a strong hold in America’s social system sometime after the civil war. The three fifths compromise was nulled along the the aftermath of the war. The fourteenth amendment was put in place superseding that of the compromise and granted citizenship “to all tpersons born or naturalized in the United States”(congress library of congress). As you can guess the sore losers of the war were not pleased with this amendment, though it really didn’t help much in the long run for those non white and male. In turn the Jim Crow laws were passed around 1890 and were disguised as “equal but separate” status, so says the former American confederacy. These laws basically made it ok for everyone who was white to segregate themselves and other races into separate schools, doctors, hospitals...
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...Each event in my life has shaped me to be who I am now I suppose! Of all things, my first event, being born probably shaped me the most, literally! In reality though, being born in 1996 means I am the youngest of my family of eight people. I definitely have earned my sociological youngest child traits by growing up with everyone, and my only child traits of being the only child living in my house for the past three years. These were pretty much ascribed status and event of my life. Starting kindergarten is the next event on my timeline. I put kindergarten on here because it was a whole new atmosphere for me. I was mostly only used to being around people older than me. I never attended much daycare, maybe once or twice a week. I never went to preschool, and I only knew a few kids there. I remember being excited and nervous. I was pretty shy the first few hours! I met my best friend on that first day of school, although I didn’t know it until a few days later that we would be best friends! At first I hated her because I thought she was stealing my best friend neighbor, Emma Eubanks. It turned out great though because we were absolutely inseperatable for many, many years. In second grade I had to take speech classes for a little while because I had a lisp. It was so embarrassing to leave class for that! It made me feel stupid because I was normally one that always excelled in class. In the 3th grade I began challenge/TAG programs. That made me feel pretty proud...
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...Task 1 2. Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Xeon. The socket supports dual-channel DDR3 SDRAM memory controller, Direct Media Interface running at 2.5 GT/s, and PCI Express interface. 3.intel core i7-800, core i5, or core i3 processors. It set of electronic components in an integrated circuit that manages the data flow between the processor, memory and peripherals. 4. Intel Core™ i7/ Core™ i5/ Core™ i3 LGA1156 processors. Task 2 2. Based on the AMD 770 chipset, the MSI 770-G45 AMD motherboard supports AMD’s latest generation Phenom II processors, as well as Athlon II and Sempron 100 series processors in AM3 socket, but the utility of a northbridge vary from chipset to chipset, some will act also as a graphic card and on others chipsets, they may also manage the memory. 3 AMD Turion™ II Neo | AMD Athlon™ II Neo Processors (ASB2) AMD Turion™ Neo, AMD Athlon™ Neo and AMD Sempron™ Processors (ASB1) The purpose of the motherboard for the AMD SB710 Southbrdge chipset is to control the processes that are going on within the computer's main frame system. processor | Clock speed | Internal cache | Bus speed | architecture | I7 | 3.7GHz | 1.5MB | 4.8Gt/s | bloomfield | I7 mobile | 1.6ghz | 6MB | 2.5gt/s | clarksfield | I5 | 3.46ghz | 8MB | 2.5GT/s | lynnfield | I5 mobile | 2.40GHz | 3MB | 2.5GT/s | arrandale | I3 | 2.93Ghz | 4MB | 2.5GT/s | clarkdale | I3 mobile | 2.13Ghz | 3MB | 2.5GT/s | Nehalem | vpro | 2.90Ghz |...
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...Task 1 2. Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Xeon. The socket supports dual-channel DDR3 SDRAM memory controller, Direct Media Interface running at 2.5 GT/s, and PCI Express interface. 3.intel core i7-800, core i5, or core i3 processors. It set of electronic components in an integrated circuit that manages the data flow between the processor, memory and peripherals. 4. Intel Core™ i7/ Core™ i5/ Core™ i3 LGA1156 processors. Task 2 2. Based on the AMD 770 chipset, the MSI 770-G45 AMD motherboard supports AMD’s latest generation Phenom II processors, as well as Athlon II and Sempron 100 series processors in AM3 socket, but the utility of a northbridge vary from chipset to chipset, some will act also as a graphic card and on others chipsets, they may also manage the memory. 3 AMD Turion™ II Neo | AMD Athlon™ II Neo Processors (ASB2) AMD Turion™ Neo, AMD Athlon™ Neo and AMD Sempron™ Processors (ASB1) The purpose of the motherboard for the AMD SB710 Southbrdge chipset is to control the processes that are going on within the computer's main frame system. processor | Clock speed | Internal cache | Bus speed | architecture | I7 | 3.7GHz | 1.5MB | 4.8Gt/s | bloomfield | I7 mobile | 1.6ghz | 6MB | 2.5gt/s | clarksfield | I5 | 3.46ghz | 8MB | 2.5GT/s | lynnfield | I5 mobile | 2.40GHz | 3MB | 2.5GT/s | arrandale | I3 | 2.93Ghz | 4MB | 2.5GT/s | clarkdale | I3 mobile | 2.13Ghz | 3MB | 2.5GT/s | Nehalem | vpro | 2.90Ghz |...
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...CORNELL NOTES Chapter 19 | Name: Brian Sitenga | | Date: 9/7/14 | Section: 2 | Period: B-2/3 | Questions/Main Ideas/Vocabulary | Notes/Answers/Definitions/Examples/Sentences | | 1. World War 1 and the Russian Revolution | | The growth of nationalism and imperialism increased the national pride/power of many European countries. | | I. War and Revolution | What is Nationalism, and | a. Nationalism was powerful in Serbia | How did it affect Europe? | b. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia | | c. More destructive weapons were created in light of WWI | | II. Revolution | | a. By 1922, Soviet Union was created | | III. Peace and a “new Europe” | | a. League of Nations-world organization that would maintain peace | | b. Treaty of Versailles was created | | c. 59 nations became a league, while the U.S. refused to join | | | What economic event | 2. The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism | Marked the starting point of | The loss of life ushered in a new era | The Great Depression? | I. Economic Crisis | | a. The stock market crash marked the beginning of the depression | | b. The U.S. government became involved with reviving the economy | | II. Political Tensions | | a. Both economic and political tensions arose in Europe | | b. Hitler became der Fuhrer of the Third Reich | | c. Joseph Stalin ended the NEP and created the Five-Year Plan | ...
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