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This I Believe


Submitted By alb95
Words 488
Pages 2
Picture this’re driving home in your car one sunny afternoon. You are exhausted from the long day and just can’t wait to get home. An all too familiar song begins to play on the radio and all of a sudden old memories come flooding back into your mind. You are reminded of the times you used to spend on warm summer nights with some old friends. A rush of happiness hits you and while no longer being exhausted, nostalgia overtakes you. Later that night you call them up so you can all reunite. This is a scenario that happens everyday to so many different people all around the world. Music can stir up emotions in you that cause you to do things differently. Whether it’s taking an action or simply thinking in a different way, these are all acts that music has the power to cause. Music is constantly playing in my room and because of that I have so many different songs that remind me and make me think of so many different things. Just the other day I was relaxing in my dorm when a new song came on my laptop. It took me a while to realize it was a remix of an old song from when I was younger. Thinking of the old song kinda put me down. Although it wasn’t a sad song, it reminded me of the time when my grandfather passed away. I was about to change the song but instead I decided to actually listen to the lyrics. They were very positive and uplifting, and the remix version put a spin on it that gave the song a happy and fun tone. Before I knew it, I wasn’t that down anymore. Instead, I found myself thinking of the fun and silly times I had with my grandfather. I believe in the power of music. I believe that music has impactful ways of altering our mood, motives, thoughts, and ideas. Music has the power to bring out the positive and negative emotions in us all. All of us have had the experience of being transported by the sheer beauty of music—suddenly finding ourselves in tears, not knowing whether they are of joy or sadness, suddenly feeling a sense of the sublime, or a great stillness within. Such emotion can be reached through music. As humans, we give our emotions the power to guide us through actions in life. Knowing that music can be the cause of those emotions gives it great power. With this idea one may see how music can ultimately guides our actions. I believe that because of this, music has the power to inspire, move, empower and motivate us all. Music has the ability to be very profound in our lives, we just need to listen and allow it to play a role. There is real power to music, this is what I believe.

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