...into the GCU College of Business it is important to understand the three pillars that embody a graduate business student. The three pillars include servant leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation. Servant Leadership describes a leadership style that focuses on serving the needs of the team, client or community rather than the needs of the leader. “Characteristics of servant leaders include but are not limited to listening, empathy, awareness, persuasion, foresight, stewardship, and commitment to the growth of people” (Campbell & Rudisill, p. 27). As a registered nurse and nursing supervisor it is imperative I support my patients and peers through a servant leadership style. Today's healthcare system has become very complex; and in turn can be intimidating for patients and overwhelming to healthcare workers. In my professional practice I try lead by example and promote health and wellness through my commitment to caring for others. Servant leadership, like nursing is dedicated to promoting the growth and success of those around you. Everyday is a new opportunity for a servant leader to empower those in which they lead. Through a commitment to caring and service a servant leader will promote growth and independence in those who follow. WIth the proper support some individuals may separate from the pack and go on to become entrepreneurs in their given field. An entrepreneurial spirit is the next pillar described by the college of...
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...Three Large Pillars The Three Pillars George Brown Jr. Grand Canyon University The GCU business college is assembled from three large pillars, which are entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and servant leadership. But what do the above mentioned pillars mean and what ideals do they consist of? What is entrepreneurial spirit? It is a necessity for any type of company or organization to have for significant improvements. According to Licht (2007), entrepreneurial spirit is openness to change-an interest in the different and in new experiences while deemphasizing the safe and the proven (Licht, 2007, p. 819). Entrepreneurial spirit when displayed shows off a certain way on how one processes data or information and their style of intellect. In addition to the spirit, it gives one an immense urge for success and triumph, want for a centralized position of command, and a daring action tendency. The urge for success is seen as ambition to shine in reaching objectives in opposing environments as a result of tough effort, being self-questioning, and having perseverance. Entrepreneurs can carry an appearance of a motivator or dynamo, but may be viewed insignificant in conditions of their commitment for triumph. How does this entrepreneurial spirit reflect to the career industry I want to step in which is Health Administration? I believe there is very huge potential for Healthcare entrepreneurial spirit to provide to the performance...
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...Three Pillars of the College of Business Servant Leadership, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Grand Canyon University: Introduction to Graduate Studies in the College of Business The three pillars of the College of Business are servant leadership, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. The first one that I am going to discuss is servant leadership. Servant Leadership According to Robert Greenleaf, the term servant leadership “involves putting people and ethical considerations intentionally ahead of short term institutional or personal self-interest.” The article that I wrote about in my reference assignment was Servant Leadership, 2.0 .This article discussed the business community and how it is embracing servant leadership. The ten tables of servant leadership. The ten tables are, listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people & building communities. (Spears, L.) These ten characteristics have been the foundation for servant leadership scholarship for more than 30 years. According to Barbuto and Wheeler (2006) there are five leadership factors. These factors are altruistic calling, emotional healing, persuasive mapping, wisdom, and organizational stewardship. “Sendjaya, Sarros, and Santora (2008) identified six dimensions of servant leadership, which are voluntary subordination, authentic self, covenantal relationship, responsible morality, transcendent spirituality, and transforming...
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...Three Pillars Essay Harun Murage Grand Canyon University Entrepreneurship An entrepreneur is an individual who organizes and manages any initiative, particularly a business venture, typically with substantial creativity and risk, (Bolton and Thompson, 2000) have defined an entrepreneur as “an individual who usually makes and revolutionizes to build something of recognized importance around apparent openings”. According to (Onuoha, 2007), entrepreneurship is defined as the practice of starting a new venture particularly a business in response to a spotted window of opportunities. (Lowell & Sharon, 2001) entrepreneurship is the procedure of designing, starting and running a new business, which typically begins as a small business offering a product or service for sale or hire. It’s the capacity to organize resources for a profitable venture. Entrepreneurship entails total creativity and innovation, and usually, hard work to achieve the set objectives. It could be new and different ways of doing something much better, smarter, simpler and effectively. Entrepreneurship is a drive or a spirit to inspire others in what they do and how they have succeeded in the business. Ethics Ethics means doing what is right in a responsible and accepted manner, for example, putting something back where you found it, not yelling to your colleagues, always saying sorry and so on. (Rushworth, 2009) states that "standard definitions of ethics have typically included such phrases as 'the...
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...Client-centered Counselling Counselling has developed significantly since the 1950's . Carl Rogers, a pivotal player in the growth of counselling, developed an approach to counselling called "non-directive" (Barker, 2009 ) which is now known as client- centered counselling. Client-centered counselling involves three key concepts: empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard. Each play an important role in connecting with the client to help them achieve empowerment to resolve their issues. When all three of these key concepts are used, Rogers (Shebib, 2014) suggests, counselling has the best possible chance of success. This paper will define each concept, discuss the importance of each concept to the counselling relationship, and give a personal reflect view on how the three concepts relate to this writer's personal life experiences. This writer will begin with the definition of empathy. Discussion Description This writer's view of empathy, is having the ability to not judge, and to put yourself in someone else's shoes and to see experiences from their eyes and not your own. This writer found support in both the Oxford dictionary (2002) and Carl Rogers (Shebib, 2014, p. 47). They define empathy as "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another", and "being able to see the world through the eyes of the client", respectively. When a counsellor is unable to understand a client's concern, and lacks the ability to see through the eyes of the client, the...
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...Three Pillars Essay Linda Rivera Grand Canyon University: UNV-504 (UNV-504-0502) May 23, 2015 . GCU's Colangelo College of Busines has embraced three distinctive pillars that set the stage for students to be driven, successful leaders. Servant leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation are the pillars upon which the Colangelo College of Business is grounded. The mission of GCU is to challenge and inspire students to be servant leades and these pillars help set the foundation for academic success. The catapault in which to have students launch into a fruitful career relies upon an entreprenuerial spirit while exemplifying the values of servant leadership. A closer look at each of the pillars can shed light into the correlation each pillar has with one another. Entrepreneurial Spirit Jerry Colangelo is a businessman and a visionary whose inspirational work ethic and drive provided GCU a platform in which to inspire future leaders. Mr. Colangelo believed that an entrepreneurial spirit is key to success. One should be willing to take risks, and the most successful persons are risk takers. Additionally, one must maintain integrity at all times (Colangelo, 1999). An entrepreneur is one who creates a business and is willing to take full accountability for the success or failure of the company. Economic growth is dependant upon entrepreneurial activity, but it is imperative that the entrant is able to sustain the process from fledgling company to one of a successful...
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...ESSAY: THREE PILLARS OF THE KEN BLANCHARD COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Jakes Chege Grand Canyon University: UNV 504 June 10, 2014 Three Pillars of the Ken Blanchard College of Business Ken Blanchard College of Business consists of three pillars which act as a guide to anyone that pursues academic excellence through this faculty. They are found via video and there are a few articles that touch on their content and they are available in the Grand Canyon University school library. Ken Blanchard is a renowned writer and one of the founder members of Ken Blanchard Group of companies who has sold over 80 million hard copies of his books detailing on global leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and servant leadership. I will be examining and discussing each of the three pillars in this essay and binding them with the findings I gathered from articles in topic 3 of this course. Servant Leadership The mission of Ken Blanchard College of Business is to develop a servant who by developing business skills and values not only can run businesses well but can also make difference in the community and in the world at large. According to Blanchard (2011), servant leadership is the foundation that sets up innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. These leadership skills in these servants will not only impact their homes, communities but can change the world. Blanchard (2011) continues to state that the servant Leadership has two parts in itself which encompasses the whole meaning. They...
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...The three pillars of Reiki enhances the Reiki session. It permits the practitioner to link with their higher self along with the Reiki source. These three pillars are called Gassho, Reji-Ho and Chiryo. Each pillar has their own specific individual characteristics. When these pillars are in accord with each other, along with the right formula, just a kernel of intention along with affirmations and a connection, you can gain a greater connection to your intent. Gassho Gassho basically is the solidifying of intention to allow Reiki to flow. Gassho has several parts to it. They are breathing, centering, meditation and asking for the Reiki energy to flow through you. It is meant to be practiced for twenty to thirty minutes. The best times would...
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...The Change Process at Concord Bookshop Meagan Petersen, RN BSN University of Phoenix HCS 587 The change process is a three-fold process that begins with unfreezing, followed by moving and then refreezing. These steps are based on the quasi-stationary equilibrium theory by Kurt Lewin. This theory looks at the system involved with the change and focuses the interventions of the parts of the system: the individual, group, or organization (Schein, 2010). When discussing the Concord Bookshop situation, none of the change process was completed correctly. The company failed because change was not implemented well. The unfreezing part of the change process seems to be the hardest. It requires the change agents to create disconfirmation of the participants (Schein, 2010). In regards to the Bookshop, the employees never understood that their environment was not creating profit. When unfreezing, the way the change agent involves the employees so that they understand the need for change is vital. Abruptly changing the middle-management structure without any discussion was implementing change incorrectly. The step of moving, proposed by Lewin, requires searching for solutions (Schein, 2010). When change is thrust upon a group, for example, employees, there is no input by the participants and therefore, less likelihood the change is implemented effectively. If the employees would have understood the need for...
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...inescapable. The three pillars of white supremacy are Slavery/Capitalism, Genocide/Colonialism, and Orientalism/War The first pillar in Smith’s model is the concept of Slavery/Capitalism and how slavery enables a capitalistic society. Since the beginning of this country being black has essentially been the equivalent of being a slave. Starting with being owned by white masters, to the modern day prison system after slavery was outlawed, blacks have been seen as property. This idea advances a capitalist mindset. Capitalism takes advantage of blacks being viewed as property and allows escape from the racial hierarchy for other minorities. The second pillar is Genocide/Colonialism. The motive behind this pillar is that if Native people disappear then the non-native settlers can claim the land they took from the Natives as their own. Genocide is used as a cover-up to hide the injustices that the U.S. has committed against many minorities groups, with the main focus being on Native...
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...environment. * Misunderstanding about the direction from the “Plan A” and which pillar from that can be more suitable and sustainable for the M&S in future. * Inconsistency within the sales of M&S during different time periods as it is described in case the business which is working on such large scales have to face various downfalls in their sales i.e. during the 1998 while the company has the recorded sales of 16.2billion but the market share and the profits of company dropped. * Prices that charged by the M&S are not justifiable to providing value to its customers. * Variation among the supply cycle and high costs then competitors. Analysis M&S has various opportunities to get there “plan A” implemented on different directions which involve all those five pillars that described case one by one. Which could be the stage of the climate change in which the company focuses on the reduction of the usages of the carbon dioxide for which the M&S has to do various efforts that are linked with the customers awareness which involve the instructions of wash the cloths below 30degree temperature and the implementation of the eco friendly refrigerators and energy efficiency. While company is focusing on this particular pillar the company wants to enable the farmers to produces their own electric energy and they could sell their “green” electricity to others. If we checkout the pillar two which...
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...Through various backgrounds she’s an acceptor Those times had passed, come on leap up Listen to a cry of woman I cry for this is my burden I cry for thy things aren’t fairy-tales Stories are told, yet truth lies in them This is unbearable, this is uncontrollable O, you of cruel hearts can’t you see thy heart is fragile? Listen to a cry of a woman I cry, not murmur, those sleepless nights Hearing flights just in the atmosphere But all my ears can hear is fights on the very same ground Foe not physical, but emotional as well Gender bias thy things seem Fruitfulness of nature is dim For we are the cause, the land is Worthless in our absence Listen to a cry of a woman For I tell you, I am a mother, a daughter, A sister, a pillar of strength Land would be nothing without the sparkling water For the golden egg is hatched Why break it? I already have questions, all I need is answers O, poor soul Hopeless cause no stones are painted with answers No flyers, flying, from somewhere Advertising answers Listen to a cry of a woman O, mighty woman the daughter of a sinner Whom his heart cares less I cannot command, but surely can suggest Times of clowning are long gone Seng kotloesa bothloko ke gore Ka etse, bare “mosade ke motswara thepa Ka fa bokgaleng” (For what bothers me is, I know How brave a woman is) Listen to a cry of a woman For I see the boiling blood that Carries cruelness, heartlessness, carelessness Of the very great rulers, great leaders ...
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...environment. * Misunderstanding about the direction from the “Plan A” and which pillar from that can be more suitable and sustainable for the M&S in future. * Inconsistency within the sales of M&S during different time periods as it is described in case the business which is working on such large scales have to face various downfalls in their sales i.e. during the 1998 while the company has the recorded sales of 16.2billion but the market share and the profits of company dropped. * Prices that charged by the M&S are not justifiable to providing value to its customers. * Variation among the supply cycle and high costs then competitors. Analysis M&S has various opportunities to get there “plan A” implemented on different directions which involve all those five pillars that described case one by one. Which could be the stage of the climate change in which the company focuses on the reduction of the usages of the carbon dioxide for which the M&S has to do various efforts that are linked with the customers awareness which involve the instructions of wash the cloths below 30degree temperature and the implementation of the eco friendly refrigerators and energy efficiency. While company is focusing on this particular pillar the company wants to enable the farmers to produces their own electric energy and they could sell their “green” electricity to others. If we checkout the pillar two which...
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...have fallen into a state of confusion, where they view their values as superior to those of the rest of the world (1). As a result, their American relations, along with those overseas have been negatively affected (1). This flawed foreign policy stands on the basis of three pillars: security, prosperity, and values and culture (2). While for the most part, these are not bad goals, pillar number three is where the conflict lies (2). This opens the conversation as to whether Canadians truly believe in such values that they are pushing on the international community. Stairs argues that they often do not, and moreover, when they do it is only because they have the money to support them (17). He would lead one to believe that Canada, along with all other nations, are merely self-interested with no regard for the benefit of anyone else. This is not the case. Stairs’ argument stems from the third of the three pillars. This rule governing our actions abroad, was meant to show Canada as an intelligent and cultural nation, but has instead been used to project our values on...
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...The Five pillars of Islam The Prophet Muhammad is also called as the “seal of the prophets”, the only being to whom Allah, the name given to God of the Muslims, revealed his revelations in the form of the Quarn, the Holy book of the Muslims. Though the basic teachings of Muhammad constitute of three points: the uniqueness of Allah, the need to care for the poor, orphaned and widowed, and the inevitability of the final judgement. But the entire teachings of the Muslim religion focus on the five basic elements also known as the Five Pillars of Islam. The first pillar of Islam (the Shahadah) is believing and professing the unity of God and the messengership of Muhammad. There is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God. The second Pillar is the performance of a continual round of prayers. Five times a day, the faithful are to perform ritual ablutions with water ( or sand or dirt if necessary) face Mecca and recite a series of prayers and passages form the Qur’an bowing and kneeling. The third pillar is spiritual tithing and Alms Giving (Zakat). At the end of the year all Muslims must donate at least two and a half percent of accumulated wealth to needy Muslims. This provision is designed to help decrease inequalities in wealth and to prevent personal greed. In addition Muslims in general are also encouraged to donate and give whatever amounts each can afford not only to mosque, the place of worship, but also for the support of the poor of the community. ...
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