...Running head: Time management in nursing 1 Time management in nursing Running Head: Time management in nursing 2 Nursing is a demanding career in and of itself. Without effective time management both at work and home a nurse be easily become affected by prolonged stress. Learning to manage your time effectively is highly rewarding. By managing time you become more effective and less hassled . At the end of the work day you go home with little more energy and better attitude. Time may be one of the the precious source to manage.There is an old saying that time is money. In health care time affects both money and quality. For each nurse there is a finite and identifiable limit to the hours to do work. With the same second in every minuites nurse need to find ways to stretch the time available to meet the needs that arise(Hurber,20006)Many nurses complain about needing more time. They are stressed and frustrated . At any point in time nurse guggle work and other roles such as student, partner, parent, child,or friend.As work places are restructures for efficiency and employ fewer...
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...Time. Many people use their time differently, Some use there time inventing, inspiring. There is one thing that everyone can agree on is time is not something to waste. Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone ease’s life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” .this quote explains time well because you don’t want to let other peoples options get in the way of your goal and cause someone to waste their time. One will never know when their time will be up, Good time management for a student requires three points. One step to make time management effective is to develop a time strategy. The time strategy should be based on a short list of time priorities. This short list forms the basis for a student's time planning for every week of the year. The dictionary definition of the word time is “the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.” My own personal definition of time is the opportunity you are give to succeed of or fail. The first of the three points that a student should keep in his or her mind is not taking on more than he or she can handle. If a student has scheduled to many classes to take in one semester...
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...Time Management "Things that mmost should never be at the mercy of thing that matter least". atter We, as human beings, let this happen much too often. Many of us waste our time on things that are neither important nor necessary, instead of using that time for thing of that are significannot . Time management is not only how to get more out of you're time, but really how to become a better person. Time is a very hard thing to manage, because we can neither see it or feel it until its has passed. Before we can manage our time we must know exactly what time is. The dictionary describes it as, the duration of one's life; the hours and days which a person has at his disposal. How we dispose of that time is time management. It's the way we spend our time to organize and execute around our priorities. Remember just because time is intangible doesn't mean that it is not valuable. I want to teach you about the background of time management, the different styles and how to use them, and how it will change your life. Background Time management today is not as it was in the past. It has grown with time. Stephen R. Covey places time management into four generations. He feels it has evolved the same way society has. Each generation grows on the one before it. For example, the agriculture revolution was followed by the industrial revolution, which was then followed by the informational revolution. The first wave or generation is basically notes and checklist...
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...HOW TO SPEND YOUR 168 HOURS A WEEK WISELY Time or the lack of time is a major problem for many college students. The week won't expand to 200 hours, so it's up to you to make your activities fit the time you have. Follow these directions and use the calendar on the other side to analyze your time use and find some solutions. About 100 of the 168 hours are taken up with sleeping, eating, personal care, travel, chores, religious activities, and some leisure time. TOTAL THE HOURS ALLOWED FOR CLASS, STUDY, WORK, AND OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES. EXAMINE YOUR SCHEDULE AS IT IS FIRST, FILL IN MAJOR COMMITMENTS AND PERSONAL TIME: Pencil in all your class times, work hours, and other regular commitments such as meetings and practices. Allow for travel times. Allow time to shower, eat meals, do laundry, shop for groceries, etc. REMEMBER TO ALLOW ENOUGH TIME TO SLEEP! If you consistently try to get by on less then 7 hours of sleep per day, you may risk your physical health and undermine everything else. It's true-- you should allow about two hours of study time for every hour you spend in class. A 5-credit math or science class requires ten hours a week to read, study, and do homework problems. Schedule study and review times as soon after classes as possible. Allow study time every day for difficult subjects. Study specific subjects at specific times- math at 2 on Sunday. Try to study at the times of day that are best for you. If you are at your best...
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...Where Did the Time Go There never seems to be enough hours in the day. Where does all the time go? The alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m., I normally hit the snooze so that I can get fifteen more minutes of sleep. I get up; feed the dogs, than head for the shower. While getting ready for work, I’m keeping an eye on the time, knowing that if I don’t leave by 5:45 a.m. I will be stuck in base traffic and will be late for work. On my ride into work, I’m constantly thinking of all the things I need to juggle hoping to fit everything into my busy schedule. Since starting college this semester, the evenings consist of going to class and homework. My husband will call me and ask what my plans are for after work and it’s always, cook dinner, feed the dogs and homework. If I’m lucky, I’ll finish with my classwork and be able to sit and relax for about thirty minutes. Then it’s time to put the dogs out and off to bed. I feel like I am consistently juggling my time between work, school, dogs and oh yeah, my husband. Then there is always trying to find time to complete household chores. Most of these have to happen over the weekend. Laundry, dusting and cleaning the floors are only a few of the indoor items needing to be done. Then there are dogs that need to be bathed and poop that needs to be scooped. When I was getting ready to go back to college, my husband kept saying, “I can’t wait to see how you plan to keep doing all the things you do and go to school.”...
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...the best tool because questionnaire are relatively quicker and easier to create, code and interpret. In addition, we are able to contact large numbers of respondents easily and efficiently. This is also one of the methods providing us with most reliable data. Our questionnaire is designed with four parts. The first part is to identify the difficulties of students in managing time. The second part is to find out the popular reasons by seeking the respondents agreement to our suggestive options. Besides, two questions in the part three give the importance of controlling the time effectively. Finally, the forth part gives possible solutions to help control the time. To collect the data to do the research, we delivered 50 copies of questionnaire to 50 students from different classes. They were all second-year English Department students. We conducted the survey among second- year students because they are more mature than the first-year students and not too busy like the students in the last semesters. In addition, they are also familiar with studying environment at university. After a quite long learning time, whether they can find out methods to balance their lives between studying and other activities. Before carrying out the real survey, we had a sample in one of our class for one day. We received the useful comments from our classmates. Our original questionnaire does not have various types of question, so they see that it is quite boring. Therefore, we added some open-ended...
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... |428 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Team Members/Contact Information |Name | |Phone | |Time zone and | |Email | | | | | |Availability During the Week | | | |Marcella | |(803)347-9611 | |(Evening) | |Marcy926@email.phoenix.edu | |Bouldrick | | | | | | | |Shamika Lewis | |(706)4218275 | |(Open) | |whoreg@email.phoenix.edu | | ...
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...While reading "Time of Her Time" we can see that Sergius is a man who thinks that women are just a sexual object, and he thinks that they are inferior to men. During his life he had have sex with many women, but one day he met Denise who is a 19 year old girl from NYU. They both start their own sexual relationship and he describes her as a girl not to feminine instead, somehow she was a "boy". During their sexual meetings he start to get too concerned about his masculinity, because he was not able to take Denise to her orgasm, but Denise made him have an early ejaculation. At the end he finally tell us that she got her orgasm and he feels very filled after that, and he treats her like something he finally won; but he did not win anything because she tells him that he didn't do nothing he just confirmed his homosexuality. In "From the Second Sex", Simone de Beauvoir explains us how our world other women from men. Simone tells us in her article that there is no reason to other people, because we are reciprocal, she also tell us that the past stereotype of woman is no longer accepted by society because nowadays, a woman look better if she has a tan, like a man who is exposed to sun the whole day. Also, in "time of her time" we cannot know in theory if Denise got the orgasm or not because the one who is telling the story is Sergius. We can use these two articles to make society know how othering is not right because as Denise told Sergius that he was “homosexual” she was trying...
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...and I tell myself that whenever I get big and become a lady I want to be just like her, she is beautiful in every way I call her beauty with a purpose. My mother oh god! she is like the devil from the pit of hell, it seems she makes it her point of duty to tell me how ugly I am, that I am good for nothing and that I will never be nothing like Ms. Chin she said “gal being like miss Chin is just a figment of your imagination a dat mi a tell u”. I am just seven and she talks to me as if i am a 30 year old person she makes me do everything u can think of and this is the sad part sigh! her boyfriend is so unhealthy for me and she fail to see that, each time he comes by he looks at me and say “gwaan grow me wife” he would tell me occasionally that he loves me and wish I was older and he touch me as if am a woman, I cry each time he comes by my mom, because he is back and forth my mom would send me on Saturday’s to him for money at his house, I would pray and ask god to take away this forsaking day called Saturday. I would watch the television and pray asking god to send either the Minister of Youth Sports and Culture or Child Development Agency (CDA) to send someone to take me from this hell hole I call a home which houses me my mother’s boyfriend and her, they should be the protectors which I should trust with my life but they are the one that stole my childhood in a vilest and most terrifying way. I never thought he would touch me but he did and the pain in my heart is overwhelming...
Words: 538 - Pages: 3
...full of history and traditions. In this research paper, we will discuss the characteristics that shape the culture make up of the country Yemen. Yemen is an Arab country that is based on Islamic beliefs. In Yemen, the Muslim population is for the most part evenly divided between Sunni and Shi’a. In southern Yemen, the population is predominantly Sunni to where as the northern part of the country the Shi’a. Within Islam there are different religious beliefs that socially divide Muslim groups. Each religious group follow basic Islamic beliefs however, interpret the historical pass of leadership within the religion differently. This difference has placed strain amongst the two groups for hundreds of centuries (Shi’a vs Sunni). In ancient times, the area around Yemen was known by the name of Arabia Felix which meant happy or prosperous (Nyrop). The area was well known for the trade of indigenous goods such as spices, silks, precious stones and a variety of goods. The country was divided into tribal communities. During the 7th century, the prophet Mohammad began to preach leading to the majority of the populace to embrace the Islamic faith. Between the 7th and 19th Centuries, control over Yemen bounced back and forth between descendants of the prophet Mohammad and the Ottoman Empire better known as Turkey. During the 18th century, the British became a big influence on the...
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...Luc Cassier 1/21/13 Period 2 The Buffalo Bills The Buffalo Bills, an American football team, were founded in 1960 when Ralph Wilson Jr. bought the Buffalo Niagras and renamed the team after the famous Wild West circus performer “Buffalo Bill.” They then joined the American Football League, or AFL, which was thought to be inferior to the National Football League, or NFL. Since that time the Buffalo Bills have become a very important part of the economy in Buffalo. Headquartered in Buffalo, it is one of the few prospering businesses in Buffalo which ranked in as the no. 8 most miserable city in the United States, according to Forbes magazine. To the people of Buffalo, the Bills represent much more than an economic impact, but have become the only thing that these miserable people have to look forward to every year. Unfortunately for them, the bills have also been ranked by the NFL network as one of the top 10 “snake bitten” franchises and experienced an incredible amount of bad luck and struggle throughout their history. The Bills got off to a slow start in their inaugural season finishing with a below .500 record and getting the less than spectacular distinction of being the only NFL team to lose to a Canadian Football team when they lost to the Hamilton Tiger Cats. In an attempt to change their fortunes they acquired San-Diego’s star quarterback, Jack Kemp, off waivers, and they drafted Syracuse Stand out and Heisman winner Ernie Davis. However, the bad luck of the...
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...Time is said to be eternal. It is said that it has neither a beginning nor an end. Yet men are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. They have also given meanings to the words – past, present and future. True, time has a meaning. It moves. What was yesterday is not today. What is today will not be tomorrow. Yesterday is gone. Today is and tomorrow is yet to come. Yet time is said to have no holiday. It exists always. The entire creation moves on according to a time pattern. There is birth, growth and death. There is time for everything. Plants flower and give fruits. Seasons come according to time. A child is born, grows into boyhood, adolescence, youth, middle age and old age according to age and time. Every movement of creation is linked with time. One cannot grow paddy in a month nor can a child become an adult in a year. Everything is fixed to a time-frame. Time is a free force. It does not wait for any one. It is commonly said that time and tide waits for no man. Time is money. A minute not usefully spent is an eternal loss. You can never get back the lost minute. One has to strike the iron when it is hot. The time flies and never returns. If you waste time it wastes you. ‘Time is the best medicine’, says Ovid. It is said that time heals all wounds and it even heals what reason cannot. All human beings are emotional. When negative emotions like fear, anger, envy and jealousy overtake them, they lose reason and act in haste leading...
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...Introduction cont.. * Poor time management can negatively affect the performance of the working students in several ways. First if they don’t structure their time for homework & projects, they may not able to complete them on time. Second is the cramming for examination which is the another common trait of disorganized or undisciplined college students that rather than setting aside time each evening for study, poor time managers try to absorb everything in a few late hours the day before the test. * Trying to manage all the demands of working and going to school is not an easy task, but it is possible. Time management is the key to their daily survival and success in reaching their goal. Introduction cont.. * Poor time management can negatively affect the performance of the working students in several ways. First if they don’t structure their time for homework & projects, they may not able to complete them on time. Second is the cramming for examination which is the another common trait of disorganized or undisciplined college students that rather than setting aside time each evening for study, poor time managers try to absorb everything in a few late hours the day before the test. * Trying to manage all the demands of working and going to school is not an easy task, but it is possible. Time management is the key to their daily survival and success in reaching their goal. Statement of the problem The study aims to answer the following questions...
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...Time What does time mean to me? For a long portion of my life time meant the hours I had in a day to do things that I thought were fun. Time was a way I measured how long I had until the next instance of something that I had to do. Time was not important it was numbers on a clock. Time was what I had to keep track of the days as they flew by with nothing important to do. Time in its essence had no meaning, no value, or no real importance. Then one remark made a point in time the most important occurrence of time in my life. One question asked gave value to time, one voice gave meaning to time, and one smile forever made time important. The first time I saw her made me question what I was using time for. How could someone I just met change my views on the importance of time? “How big is that shirt? It is like a tarp on you.” That one question followed by that one comment was the first event in my time that had real importance. It was the first time in my life that time had meaning, value, and importance. Her answer made me blush. Her smile made me forget who I was, and her eyes slowed time. As I tried to regain my thoughts I hurried to the back office. What was I thinking was the first thing that came to my mind. That was the first real event in my life. It was the first event in my life where time had a...
Words: 274 - Pages: 2
...new phases is common throughout the book. Tom's adolescence is a time of great accomplishment and pain, as he is horrifyed by the accident that is brother Daniel was involved with and the inmpact it had on the family. Throughtout this time he is also trying to find himself after the event change his life. In this time he questions what is really inportant to him. His realtionship with is new football tean in Coghill is highly significant. In his role as halfback for his football team, he takes on the role of trainning and guiding the team. This involvement with football become an important symbol of growing up. He starts to appreciate and enjoy the game and comes to realise winning isn;t everything. But in the book it take a while for the characters to venture into the world. n the story of Tom Brennan many individulas venture into new experiences but coming across new experices you may have to encounter obstacles. In the end its all worth it because you may also gain significant rewards. New phases and experiences in life are exciting for all individuals. in the story of tom brennan, this idea of new phases is common throughout the book. Tom's adolescence is a time of great accomplishment and pain, as he is horrifyed by the accident that is brother Daniel was involved with and the inmpact it had on the family. Throughtout this time he is also trying to find himself after the event change his life. In this time he questions what is really inportant to him. His realtionship...
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