...Why would someone fight if he knows he is going to lose? Why would someone fight if he knows he is not going to make a change? Why would someone fight if he knows he is going to die in the fight? For black sailors during World War II, this fight was worth it. Courage under fire is what they didn’t need because they had more than enough. Courage under fire means having courage, no matter what. That is what Small and his squad had in the book The Port Chicago 50 by Steve Sheinkin and in the audio recording, “The Port Chicago 50: An Oral History.” These sources describe the events that happen before and after the explosion at Port Chicago. The book is a more effective source for showing the fight for African American’s rights that seemed that they couldn’t win. In the long run they were willing to fight even to the cost of their lives, but to be heroes or to free their...
Words: 680 - Pages: 3
... In December of 1777 General Washington of the Continental Army brought me, you, and all of our comrades. We set up camp here in Valley Forge to fight in the American Revolution. You are a soldier at Valley Forge will you quit? Do you want go home and not re-enlist? Do you want to re-enlist and stay to fight? Don’t desert the general if you don’t re-enlist he’ll understand. He is a good man. Listen to what I have to say or listen to Paine to decide. I have decided to not re-enlist for three reasons which are death and sickness,...
Words: 851 - Pages: 4
...from you is for you to fight for it. The only things that success denies you of are the things you aren’t willing to fight for. Attending The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fate Event, made me realize something that is bigger than I. Mr. Wes said, “in order to be successful in life you have to fight for something that is worth the fight”. Fighting is not something a wise person would recommend doing, but in life, there are some things that are worth the fight no matter what the cost of the battle is. One is going to have to remember, fights don’t really have to be physical. In my life there are a few things-that are worth fighting for, my God, my life, my family, and my education. The most important thing to fight for is my God. My Father usually tells me,...
Words: 561 - Pages: 3
...Sha-Dasha Poe Heather Lowry English 1101 7 November 2013 A Fight for Rights Standing up and fighting for rights within the community is worthless if there are not supporters who believe in the fight as well. Within Tommie Shelby’s “Social Identity and Group Solidarity” he discusses how African Americans must come together and stand up against racial and social injustice. Shelby implies that black solidarity needs to be emphasized more towards the community on how we should be treated equally because we are human and should not be judged based off our race and culture. Race should not limit anyone’s role within the community or deprive them from who they are. K. Anthony Appiah’s “Race, Culture, Identity: Misunderstood Connections” is a perfect example as to why race should not define people as a whole. Appiah believes that we should not be catergozired in these racial groups because it takes away from our nation sticking together as a one. Both authors make it clear that race should not deprive anyone of human rights because every human deserves to have equal rights. Shelby discusses that in order to eliminate the black stereotypical image; African Americans must unite and call upon each other to fight towards racial injustice. Shelby states “Blacks are a people whose members need to work together to bring about their collective self- realization as a people” (585). This statement shows that Shelby strongly believes that African Americans should utilize black solidarity...
Words: 1104 - Pages: 5
...Chapter 1: Marines Marines and troops have always fought strong and hard. An alien alliance has begun a war with the UNSC. We have fought strong so far, but with the covenant, that can change in about 1 month. We must fight strong and hard in order to min this war. A alien commander called the Prophecy of Truth has been sending a lot of Arbiters and Grunts to the planet Reach in order to collect the materials and items in order to create his most power full weapon ever yet. He has succeeded, but they will not activate the weapon again. We will not let them. The covenant will not last, we will fight until only one alliance is left. The Grunts are annoying messy little things that fight for freedom what the Truth promised them. The Jackals fight for money what the Truth has promised them. The Arbiters fight for help and food and shelter and protection. The Hunters fight for power. The Brutes fight for power and to torture. But we fight, for peace and order. The Arbiters and Brutes have not ever liked each other. The Brutes have always wanted to torture the Arbiters and to kill them. The Jackals carry plasma shields and a lot of them carry Covenant sniper rifles. But there is 1 last surviving sparten after a giant war on a planet. The sparten is called the master chief, sparten 117. The UNSC with the master chief must deffeat the covenant, the Prophecy of Truth, and his ultimate weapon called,...
Words: 260 - Pages: 2
...removed from the "I Have a Dream" Idealism of the 1960s. This movement was pioneered by Spike Lee's film Do the Right Thing, and the civil rights themed song Fight the Power composed by Public Enemy. In the Fight the Power music video, which was also directed by Spike Lee, Chuck D denounces the marches and speeches of the 60s and calls for more radical action, promising that "the young black America... ain't goin' out like that '63 nonsense." The clip documents a large rally in Brooklyn’s, Bed-Stuy against the racially motivated violence that had plagued the city. This landmark song and video are widely considered hip-hop greatest, and helped to mobilize a new youth culture with a civil rights movement of their own. The song became more than just a feature in a movie. Fight the Power means something big, refusing to let racism keep Black African Americans down. Furthermore, it's about not just talking the talk, but also walking the walk (Shmoop). In our dissertation, we will concentrate on why Spike Lee wanted to write Do the Right Thing and the message he wanted to send to America. Then, we’ll move into Public Enemy rising as civil rights leaders for black youth and their aggressive approach for equality along with their composition of Fight the Power. We’ll then shift into text and the meaning behind the lyrics of Fight the Power. In addition, we’ll also focus on the civil rights movement that followed after the song and movie were released and how it became an anthem for black...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...We are a nation gripped by consumerism. We want we we do not need and can ill afford. We are taught that we must attain, the American Dream, gaining things we do not need nor want to build a façade to but on display for others. We want the house, the car, the clothes, the education and more so we force ourselves into debt. While the rich have the ability to play this game, the vast majority of us do not. We must buy these things with a credit card. You want to go to school, go get a loan. You want a house, go get a loan. What about a car, go and get a loan. We keep diving further and further into debt for these things, some of which are necessary for society but, there are many things that we truly don’t need but to keep up with the Jones’...
Words: 1186 - Pages: 5
...Cesar Chavez, an NFWA leader and civil right activist, who experienced the horrendous condition of Mexican-American farm workers, and determined to fight against the injustices. Cesar devoted his life to Community Service Organization to improve lives of Mexican-Americans along with Dolores Huerta. He planned to form farm workers union, but not until 1964, after the end of the bracero program that the union or NFWA gained more supports. However, multiple strikes formed by the union going nowhere, so he came up with the idea of a pilgrimage to Sacramento to prove the state that they worth more than what they deserved to be. This movement achieved higher wages, no child labor, and safer working condition, but most important was that it gave not only hope but the motivation for all the next generations to stand for what is right. Chavez movement helps us realize the importance of responsibility by taking actions for our future. He strongly believes in human nature of help others when need and not back down by any forces of injustices. He knew the farm growers treated them like trash and it's up to him to take actions against...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...Fight Club In “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk we follow The Narrator in his problem-riddled everyday life, and his attempt to escape it by fabricating an alternate identity. The essay focuses on themes such as masculinity vs. emasculation, violence and the connection inbetween. Secondly, the essay includes references to the theoretical text “The Crisis of Manliness”. In the text “Fight Club” we follow the unnamed narrator or The Narrator in his daily life at Microsoft. Suffering from relationship problems, self-esteems problems and an insufferable boss, The Narrator has a hard time suffering from insomnia because of this. To handle his problems, he starts a fight club with his alter ego, also known as Tyler Durden. The text uses first person narration, as we see through The Narrators eyes, but also the thought of Tyler Durden, as they are the same person, even though he is written as an independent character in chapter 6. The Narrator and Tyler Durden start fight club as a way to regain their masculinity. This violence begins in the parking lot behind a bar, where Tyler tells the Narrator to hit him. The Narrator is reluctant at first, but gives in. In return he receives a punch to the chest by Tyler. This is the beginning of The Narrators self-realization. The Narrator agrees with Tyler that self-destruction is the way to self-improvement. The Narrator mentions the fight club as not being a solution to his problem, but rather a way to escape from the problems, as mentioned...
Words: 562 - Pages: 3
...Fight Club "There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed.” Mahatma Gandhi This quote fits perfectly on me. Even though I have enough clothes to last an entire lifetime, yet I keep finding myself at the mall, buying things I simple do not need at all. And I am not the only one, millions of people is doing the same thing. It is because we need certain things: we desire different certain things. Now what is that problem called? Consumerism. Modern society is based on different things. But one of those things, consumerism, has been growing majorly over the past couple of decades, mainly in America. Americans consume exponentially more than any other country in the world and are the leaders in waste production and It’s not only depression - that is harming the over consumers, it’s also creates lifestyles disease. In many people lives it’s controlling their lives. For a lot of people their main concern is how other people seen. “The things you, end up owning you” – that is a quote from fight club. Fight club is a book/film who shows consumerism at its worst form. The main character is first in the film, completely controlled of consumerism, which is described later in the essay. The book Fight Club is written by Chuck Palahniuk, it was later turned into a film. The Film/book is about a nameless narrator who works for a major car manufacture how can’t sleep. He has insomnia. He stumbles across different types of support groups. They make the...
Words: 1753 - Pages: 8
...We all run towards Marco. He lies there lifeless. I reach down and close his eyes. Lily sits on her knees crying and Jeremiah sits on the ground, leaning against the wall with his head in his knees. “We are all done. We are going to die in three hours tops,” he says with a shaky voice. I kneel down “What happened?” I ask with tears in my eyes from Marco’s death. “The images. Me and Marco saw images of what’s going to happen. The monster that’s been giving us nightmares. It’s not a giant, it’s not a god, it’s not a titan, and it’s not a regular monster. I can’t describe it. It’s more than evil,” Jeremiah says with tears coming down his face, then he continues “It took five millennia for them to defeat it. It took the gods, giants, and titans five millennia to defeat it. The artifact wasn’t what we thought it was. The artifact holds what the gods, titans, and giants did to defeat it. Now it’s gone,” he says...
Words: 603 - Pages: 3
...about life and how their clans were doing and somehow got onto the topic of merging Awaken and Hostile and seeing what the outcome out be. They named all the positives and negatives of the situation and the merge seemed to look like it was all positive outcomes. After having a pk trip together and hunting some smaller clans in the wilderness, the leaders figured the pk trip went very well and decided to finalize the merge. Two top 20 clans came together to make a clan able to compete with the best, and looking like we were going to be top 5 within the first week of merging. Violent Resolution Leaders - General Shop, Drew Koskey, Viper1500 and Stephen22288 Officers - Cera S6, Jerminator12, Tyler11, Billybagz, Deadmanbjd81 and Lancer 3000 Warlords - Runechamp812, Exp Hog, Dogflogger, Prinz Jao Advisors - Diegosage, Sweetbritt69 The starting officials of the newly merged clan looked to be very experienced to help Violent Resolution’s quest to the top. The first week of being merged was a layed back one, with everyone just getting to know everyone and setting up the forums, IRC channel, teamspeak and a memberlist, which was estimated to be 150+ members (90 hostile, 60 Awaken) but turned out to be at around 110 members. After setting all that up, we decided to start getting some wars to get some experience working as a unit. Our first opponent, Mystic Knights. We had very little experience going into...
Words: 4480 - Pages: 18
...Should America get involved? There are many opinions on why we should go to war and why we shouldn't with ISIS. The three articles I have read had three different opinions. They were got war, stay out of this war, or as a political way of fighting rather than actual fighting. In my opinion I believe we should stay out of this war still. I believe we should stay out of this war for now because, it hasn't gotten to the extent where we need to take action. In the second article it says that George Bush recklessly conceived the invasion of Iraq. By us going to war in Iraq we just made matters worse for the people who were living there. The war that was going on there was not meant for us to be fighting in yet, and if we had just waited we...
Words: 407 - Pages: 2
...To what extent do you agree that Fight Club is an updated version of The Great Gatsby that captures the zeitgeist of modernism? The extent to which Palahniuk’s Fight Club bears resemblance to Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is debatable despite the fact that there are numerous similarities between the two texts in terms of its narrative structure dominant themes and the presentation of characters thus their respective zeitgeist of modernism, both texts have clearly their own mark that make them truly unique. Clearly the extent of the similarities between the two texts cannot be overlooked when Palahniuk stated himself in the Afterword that ‘’Gatsby’s updated a little’’, as both novels have apostolic narratives it can be seen that both reveal the hollow superficial nature that existed within society in both the 1920’s and 1990’s. Fight Club and The Great Gatsby can be contrasted as, Fitzgerald describes Gatsby’s lavish parties, flamboyant suits and mansion to be a template for the narrator’s own existence in ‘Fight Club’. His life is dominated by his IKEA ‘’condo’’ and his own job, which he then finds that he has nothing to live for and is empty inside. He is someone who has ‘’ lost everything’’ and is ‘’ Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete.’’, which also illustrates the impossibility of the American Dream of both novels. ‘’Fight Club’’ thrusts the idea of conspicuous consumption even further as the narrator describes the destruction of material possessions no longer...
Words: 1904 - Pages: 8
...today. That's not America. We are known as people that are fat and lazy and like get things handed to them. We should not be proud of that; we should be seen as the proud, hardworking Americans that our Founding Fathers taught us to...
Words: 562 - Pages: 3