...Tonkawa Indians In the 15th century, the Tonkawa Tribe probably numbered around 5,000, with their numbers diminishing to around 1,600 by the late 17th century due to fatalities from new infectious diseases and fighting with other tribes, most notably the Apache. By the year 1921, only 34 tribal members remained. Their numbers have since recovered to close to 700 in the early 21st century. Most live in Oklahoma. The Tonkawa were actually made up of various groups, many of which are no longer known by name. The following groups are generally counted as Tonkawa: Awash Choyopan Haiwal Hatchuknni Kwesh Mayeye Nilhailai Ninchopen Pakani Pakhalateh Sanukh Talpkweyu Titskanwaticha Food: The Tonkawa depended on the Buffalo for a food source....
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