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Toyotomi Hideyoshi Research Paper

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Would you ever suspect a powerful warlord to have the nickname Monkey? For Toyotomo Hideyoshi it wasn’t unusual. For a man who ended Sengoku* in Japan and was in many battles all falling to his success a warlord would be an understatement. Hideyoshi was highly successful and influential to Japan, for his origin of being a pesent. His manipulation and determination got him what he needed and brought him to his highest ranks as a leader. Toyotomi Hideyoshi influenced his people by his increasing power and success across his legacy. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, today recognized as one of Japan’s three great unifiers.The biggest legacy from Hideyoshi was his origin. He was most likely born in Nakamura in Owari province but hence his was born a peasant records are unclear. His rise to power was …show more content…
Toyotomi Hideyoshi had done just that. Throughout his ruling Hideyoshi battled with numerous people all across eastern Asia. A loss was never an issue when Hideyoshi was the general. A very notable occasion was the avengement of the previous ruler Nobunga (who he was heir to) who was forced to commit seppuku^ by Akechi Mitsuhide of Honnon-ji. Hideyoshi’s authority and commitment towards his heir was proven enough as he brought the head of Mitsuhide to his grave. Hideyoshi was exceptionally talented in speaking with people and deciphering manipulation. In his later years Hideyoshi issued an invasion to Korea to invade China and conquer the eastern side of Asia. The invasions notability comes from HIdeyoshi’s determination to conquer. He repeatedly entered Korea but he failed to achieve such goals as Korea was prepared and armed. Upon word of his loss Toyotomi Hideyoshi spoke on his deathbed “Don’t let my soldiers become spirits on foreign land,” and his words are remembered as a empowering legacy. Hideyoshi brought forth his power through his battles and continued to bring his power though his

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