...Traffic jam in Palton area Trffic jam in Farmgate area Taffic Jam in Dhaka City Men have stepped on the moon. Now they are going from one place to another with few hours. But the citizens of Dhaka(sometimes) can not reach to Gulistan Jatrabari from Mohakhali or Farmgate within few hours. Who is responsible for this? Traffic Jam is that magician. Traffic jam has become a great monster in our modern life. Traffic jam has turned daily trips into nightmares. The business community inevitably suffers for the constant waste of its most precious resource of time. Others commuters complain of being stuck in jam for hours an end, while residents breathe in a lat more lead and almost 10 percent of its population seeks medical treatment each year for air pollution related respiratory illnesses. I. Drivers don’t comply with traffic rules. II. Allegations of police support to makeshift shops on footpaths and street sidelines and illegal automobile and rickshaw parking, which occupy more than a third of the streets. III. Some police officers are busy for extracting money for allowing illegal parking. IV. Lack of automatic traffic signals, slow-moving illegal rickshaws and rail crossings are also causing serious traffic jam. Many roads of Dhaka city are not spacious according to the necessity. As aresult, traffic jam occurs very now and then in the congested areas even of the highways. Overtaking tendency is another reason which causes traffic jam. Moreover, our traffic system...
Words: 559 - Pages: 3
...to our attention.One of them is traffic jams. The reasons can be listed as follows .For one thing,it’s cheaper to buy a car than IT WAS a few years ago.In previous years,a car was a luxury that Chinese families COULD NOT afford,but cars are now becoming more accessible to the common people because of the reduction IN the price.Therefore we can see VERY many cars driving on the road. For another reason,with people’s needs for transport facilities increasing substantially , the road network is far from rational. Stimulated by high demand , the number of private cars has increased at an average annual rate of over 30 per cent . Therefore , restrictING road BUILDING can’t meet the requirement of the INCREASING NUMBER OF cars. Although traffic jams haVE brought inconvenience to us, it seems that people are not prepared to give up their cars and use other forms of transport. Here are a variety of reasons for it. First,owning a car is a metaphor of one’s status. Generally, a man who haS a car may be richer than a man who goes by bus. SecondLY A car is FATER compared with A bus or bicycle. In a survey conducted by a well-known magazine, it takes us one hour to go to your destination by bus. While you may save half an hour if you have a car. Then,how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions,which may be of some help. One way is to call upon common people to use A bicycle in place of A car,which cannot only reduce traffic jams but also REDUCE air pollution. Another...
Words: 376 - Pages: 2
...20 or 30 minutes required. Who is responsible for this? Traffic jam is that magician. Traffic jam has become a great monster in our modern life. Traffic congestion is not only affecting our business but the education sector as well. Students cannot do other tasks such as photocopying or collecting notes before attending class in the morning because a lot of time gets wasted on traffic congestions. It wastes lot of working hours of students as well as teachers. In many occasions, students and teachers fail to attend classes in due time. And it is more painful when students fail to reach exam halls and fails just due to a social problem. Now just think everyday how much national time is wasting, how much economical activities are losing, for the traffic congestion problem. This assignment is focusing current situation of traffic congestion problem in Dhaka city. What is Traffic jam? A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic, or because the road is blocked by something. Over the last few years the traffic congestion problem of Dhaka City has visibly been deteriorating steadily. Limited resources, invested for the development of transport facilities, such as infrastructure and vehicles, coupled with the rapid rise in transport demand, existence of old transport and also huge number of non-motorized vehicles on roads, lack of application of adequate and proper traffic management schemes are producing severe transport problems...
Words: 3286 - Pages: 14
...our day-to-day life. And as such, the bad effect of traffic jam can better be understood than described. So movements on the roads and streets must strictly be regulated by certain rules, which we call traffic rules. Vehicles must keep to the left, obey speed limits and should avoid overtaking and follow the traffic signals. If these rules are followed strictly, the vehicles can go on smoothly without causing any traffic jam. But most often than not, there is glaring carelessness about these rules. As a result, the common people pay very dearly for it. People lose their time on their way for nothing. Sometimes we feel inclined to think that our government and the people at the helm of these affairs are very indifferent to such vital problems. Something positive must be done to relieve the people from such problems. Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, congestion is incurred. As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam. Consequences of Traffic jam: At rush hour, a distance of three to four kilometres...
Words: 2272 - Pages: 10
...Traffic Jam Introduction: Communication is an important aspect of our day-to-day life. And as such, the bad effect of traffic jam can better be understood than described. So movements on the roads and streets must strictly be regulated by certain rules, which we call traffic rules. Vehicles must keep to the left, obey speed limits and should avoid overtaking and follow the traffic signals. If these rules are followed strictly, the vehicles can go on smoothly without causing any traffic jam. But most often than not, there is glaring carelessness about these rules. As a result, the common people pay very dearly for it. People lose their time on their way for nothing. Sometimes we feel inclined to think that our government and the people at the helm of these affairs are very indifferent to such vital problems. Something positive must be done to relieve the people from such problems. Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, congestion is incurred. As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam. Consequences...
Words: 326 - Pages: 2
...Term Paper on Traffic Jam in Bangladesh TERM PAPER ON Traffic Jam in Dhaka City Prepared For Mohd. H.R. Joarder United International University Prepared By MD. Aminul Islam Ariful islam MD. Mesbahuddin Shahanaz Parvin Mou Jeenniifeerr Islam Date of submission Name of Group Members Letter of Transmittal May 5, 2012 Mohd. H.R. Joarder Faculty School of Business Administration United International University Dear Sir, It is a great pleasure for us to submit our Term papers on “Traffic Jam in Dhaka city”. It is a great opportunity for us to implement the knowledge that we have learned in our academic career to work a Term papers on “Traffic Jam in Dhaka city”. We try our level best to make this Term papers to the required standard. We hope that this report will fulfill your expectation. We therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to go through this report for evaluation Sincerely yours ------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- MD. Aminul Islam Ariful Islam Shahanaz Parvin Mou ----------------- ------------------- Jennifer Islam MD. Mesbah...
Words: 3508 - Pages: 15
...facilities in spite of their living in the ambit of the city. They throng to the city just to earn their living. Driven by extreme poverty, insecurity, river erosion, serious unemployment problem have sent them to this city. Quickly this situation cannot be changed. Environmentalists have expressed concern that the encroachment on the river Buriganga, the life line of Dhaka city, traffic congestion, pollution and diseases are turning this once majestic city into a choking hell. About fifty percent of the river's pollution load comes from the industrial source while sewerage and domestic wastes contribute to the remaining fifty percent. Between 1980-2009 the population of Dhaka has swelled from three million to more than ten million and its importance has increased manifold but the basic amenities have not kept up with the changes.. Water from the river Buriganga and Shitalakhya that would have supplemented the need of drinking water and other purposes such as cooking and washing has been fouled as much by raw sewerage as by a number of industrial and chemical units and even pesticides. Traffic jam stands as the number one problem of Dhaka city. 93%city dwellers are directly related to it. It was followed by pollution 62 percent, higher fares 46 percent, and frequent accidents 26 percent, hijacking 26 percent The city's vehicle population has almost increased ten times since 1992 as a result of our failure to introduce mass transport. Eighty percent of the vehicles are three...
Words: 1933 - Pages: 8
...Small road capacity is the main cause of the traffic jam. When a volume of traffic or modal split generates demand for space greater than the available road capacity, traffic congestion occurs. So, too many vehicles, too old or narrow roads, and any other immature road infrastructure will lead to traffic jam. For example, in Sao Paulo City, Brazil, almost 1000 new cars are bought every day, while the capacity of public transport is quite limited: subway has only 38 miles of lines, and many roads are old and in bad condition. As a result, citizens spend 3 to 4 hours behind the wheel every day, making Sao Paulo the city with worst traffic jam in the world. Traffic accident is another problem leads to traffic jam. Some of them are caused by road works and weather events, but for most of the time, this situation attributes to lax traffic rules and people’s disregard of them. Though there are some problems leading to traffic jam, they can be solved by some actions. Solutions to small road capacity should be the improvement of road condition. More and wider roads, even underground railways and tunnels should be laid down to relieve traffic congestion. At the same time, better public transportation systems are also needed, including bus, MRT, LRT and many others. To reduce traffic accidents, stricter traffic laws and regulations should be issued. Governments should also raise the public awareness of traffic rules through education. Solutions like using stricter laws and regulations...
Words: 293 - Pages: 2
...stucked in a traffic jam. Tension grew up in his mind because he has to attened an interview. Shafiq is not sure whether he would reach in time. Shafiq incident is not any exception in our country. Traffic jam is a big problem in Bangladesh. Improper road construction, breaking traffic rules are the two causes of traffic jam, which results in various severe problems in our life. The first reason of traffic jam, and in my opinion the most important, is improper road construction. The existing highways, roads and streets are slender and narrow. The roads are not constructed under standard and proper planning. One-way traffic system is not in every places where it is badly needed. In some cases, the roads are so damaged that it can be hardly understood whether it is a road or a pool. Moreover, when the authority repair the damage rods, it also creates a problem to the traffic system. For instance, most of the time the authority chooose the Rainy season for repairing the damaged roads. In Rainy season, traffic jam normally occurs frequently than other times and repairing the roads in this time make the situation worst. For all of these reasons, lack of proper road construction is one of the main reasons behind traffic jam. In addition, breaking the traffic rules is another cause of traffic jam. In big cities, lots of rickshaw-puller pull their rickshaws on the roads and streets. As most of the pullers are illiterate and ignorant of traffic rules, they often break the traffic rules and...
Words: 508 - Pages: 3
...Traffic Jam in Dhaka City Over the last few years the transportation problem of Dhaka City has visibly been deteriorating steadily. Citizens constantly complain about the unbearable twin problems of traffic jam and air pollution. Democracy watch decided to address this problem through an opinion poll covering around eight hundred households randomly selected from several purposively selected neighbourhoods of the city, representatives of middle and lower income areas. The questions asked focused mainly on three issues: (a) the nature of the problem as perceived by the surveyed residents, (b) their understanding about the causes of these problems and (c) their recommendations on solutions to these perceived problems. Some preliminary results from this survey were presented at a workshop, which was participated by persons associated with the formulation and implementation of traffic policies, rules and programmes .This Draft Final Report benefits from valuable discussion and comments received at the workshop. The methodology of this survey is explained below in brief. It is easy to see that the study extended beyond a standard opinion poll and entered the arena of investigative research in seeking some explanations to perceptions as well as behaviour. The findings are presented mainly in the form of self-explanatory tables with some introductory highlights and conclusions. A further extension of the survey is currently being completed to cover the very poor and the...
Words: 5654 - Pages: 23
...Reasons behind traffic jam in Dhaka city (a) City lay-out (master plan) and over-population: The causes of traffic congestion in Dhaka city are multifarious. Starting from the city itself, it is observed that the skeleton, structure and lay-out of Dhaka City are not well-planned and well-directed. Dhaka is also a highly populated city. More than one crore people live here and the figure is increasing day by day. This huge population acts as an auto-catalyst of traffic congestion in Dhaka City. (b) Inadequate and unplanned roads: Dhaka City has very inadequate road networks. For a standard city, where the minimum road requirement is 25%, Dhaka has only 7.5% road of its total area. 30% of this 7.5% road is also occupied by the hawkers, salesman and shopkeepers. A significant portion is occupied by construction materials and waste-containers of the City Corporation. As a result, vehicles do not get sufficient space to move on. Besides this, in most cases roads are serpentine rather than being straight. This ultimately breeds a number of unnecessary junctions where vehicles automatically slow down. Again, these roads are also not well constructed and regularly repaired. City Corporation, DESA, WASA, BTTB excavate the roads randomly without any integrated and central plan. Lack of proper maintenance causes the vehicle to stop without any prior notice. During the rainy season the situation becomes more critical while the roads go under water due to heavy rain. (c) Heterogeneous...
Words: 709 - Pages: 3
...Understanding Stress SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, CAUSES, AND EFFECTS | | |Share|RSS | [pic] Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, it’s time to take action to bring your nervous system back into balance. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects. What is stress? The Body’s Stress Response When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper. These physical changes increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time, and enhance your focus – preparing you to either fight or flee from the danger at hand. Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. When you sense danger – whether it’s real or imagined – the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as...
Words: 1988 - Pages: 8
...Nowadays, traffic jam is becoming a big problem for everyone within the city. it is very terrible. People feel angry and they will go to school or work late. They spend their time on the road. The reasons why traffic jam occur are vehicles increasing during New Year season, accidents happened on the road and toll plazas. One of the reasons which cause traffic jam is vehicles increasing during New Year season. Many people will go back to their hometown during New Year season like Hari Raya Puasa Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas and so on. Many people will like to travel by their own car rather than take public transportations. This is because people will think that if they take public transportations, they will feel uncomfortable. This will cause many car on the road. As the number of vehicles increase, the chance of happening traffic jam also increase. In addition, accidents happened on the road also a cause of traffic jam. When accidents happened on the road, it will block the traffic. People who are busybody will slow down their vehicles to see what happened. If not, the traffic will be smoother. Furthermore, toll plazas also is one of the cause of traffic jam. People do not prepare syiling to pay the toll payment. So, people have to wait for the change from the toll plazas. This will cause a long line of car waiting in queue to pass through the plaza toll. Therefore, traffic jam happened. In conclusion, traffic jam destructs our life. It can be concluded...
Words: 318 - Pages: 2
...problems are brought to our attention.One of them is traffic jams. The reasons can be listed as follows .For one thing,it’s cheaper to buy a car than a few years ago.In previous years,a car was a luxury that Chinese families cannot afford,but cars are now becoming more accessible to the common people because of the reduction of the price.Therefore we can see so many cars driving on the road.For another reason,with the people’s needs for transport facilities increasing substantially , the road network is far from rational.Stimulated by high demand , the number of private cars has increased at an average annual rate of over 30 percent . Therefore , restricted road can’t meet the requirement of the increasing cars. Although traffic jams has brought inconvenience to us,it seems that people are not prepared to give up their cars and use other forms of transport. Here are a variety of reasons for it.First,owning a car is a metaphor of one’s status.Generally, a man who have a car may be richer than a man who goes by bus.Second,car is more express compared with bus or bicycle.In a survey conducted by a well-known magazine,it takes us one hour to go to your destination by bus.While you may save half an hour if you have a car. Then,how should we solve this problem?Here are some suggestions,which may be of some help.One way is to call upon common people to use bicycle in place of car,which can not only reduce traffic jams but also decline air pollution.Another way is to make...
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
...SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY HECKSCHER-OHLIN MODEL Submitted to: Prof.Dr.Mohammed Ali Rashid Dean School of Arts & Social Science Submitted by: Faria HossainLisa Batch-17 Id no: 2013020106023 Course code: ECO 3233 Course Title: International Economics HECKSCHER-OHLIN MODEL A country shouldn’t produce the entire product because there will be an “inefficient allocation of resources”. Trade is needed because of “efficient resource allocation”. The entire nation has the main goal to increase GDP or per capita income because to increase “standard of living”. It only can possible with the proper use of resources. Income or output increased by the proper use of resources. So the differences between nation’s resources are the main source of trade. By Richardian model we can know that comparative advantage only can happen because of international differences in labor productivity. But in real world we can see that international differences between resources are the main source of trade. This is explained by Swedish economist Eli Heckscher and Bertil ohlin.This model shows that by the interaction between nation resources (the relative abundance...
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