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Training and Development


Submitted By asbrenchley
Words 334
Pages 2
As individuals, we are responsible for own personal and professional growth. For a company like AT&T, it is important to have programs that support employee growth and development. AT&T’s success in the areas of innovation and customer service rely on an invested workforce.
Training and development encompass personal growth and is only functional if employees are engaged, motivated, and ready. Your management team needs to understand the assessment process and consider their department’s role with current and future strategic goals during the training needs assessment (TNA). Establish needs through questionnaires, performance reviews, goal setting, and one-on-one discussions with employees. According to Noe, (2013), development helps employees prepare for changes in their current jobs that may result from new work designs, technology, customers, or, product markets (pg.367). Employees in innovation-based careers are creative; give them opportunities to provide input.
Training, education, coaching, and cross training are some facets that enhance employee growth. Compensation packages that include healthcare, discretionary benefits, performance-based merit, recognition, and work-life balance are factors that increase employee motivation.
According to AT&T’s company webpage, (2015), as a telecommunications company you strive to “help people connect with advanced mobile services, next-generation TV, high-speed Internet services and smart solutions for businesses” (corporate overview). Your primary goal is to add value and make your company more successful, how you manage employee growth will direct their contributions based on motivation. Employees look for work satisfaction, stability, and a competitive salary from their employers; employers look for talent, retention, and loyalty from their employees. Providing growth opportunities, training, and tuition reimbursement will help you reach your strategic goals. Work with Human Resources to facilitate and monitor your TNA.

AT&T. (2015). AT&T Company Information. Retrieved from
Meier, J.D. (n.d.). Personal Development Quotes. Retrieved from
Noe, R.A., (2013). Employee Training and Development, sixth ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

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