In Neil Gaiman’s novel Anansi Boys, Fat Charlie and his brother Spider met, and they both learned more about themselves than they ever thought was possible; such as, their relationship with the gods and their connection with each other. This initial meeting caused the two boys to change who they are and what they believe. Fat Charlie aided the transformation of Spider into a more human-like being. Spider also aided the transformation of Fat Charlie: he became happier with himself and more confident. The theme of transformation relates to the characters, Fat Charlie, and Spider, as they impacted each other’s changes throughout the novel. Fat Charlie lived a miserable life with his father constantly embarrassing him, his work becoming unbearable,…show more content… After meeting long-lost brother Fat Charlie, Spider’s life changed for the better. He was touched by the humanity of Fat Charlie and soon-to-be lover Rosie Noah. Spider was very close-minded about how the gods felt and operated. With the unintended aiding from Fat Charlie, Spider’s thoughts opened up and let him have access to thoughts and knowledge that he was locked away from before. “Until now Spider had believed that gods were different: they had no consciences, nor did they need them…But something had changed – inside him or outside, he was not sure – and it bothered him” (Gaiman 128). Spider also became more humane throughout the novel. Love, brotherly and romantically, was a major factor in his growing humanity. Fat Charlie, although he attempted to get rid of Spider, cared enough about his brother and family to return the feather to the Bird Woman--saving his and Spider’s lives. Rosie, who was Fat Charlie’s fiance, eventually fell in love with Spider. Spider first met Rosie when he was impersonating his brother, and immediately fell in love. They went on several dates and he even took her virginity. But as time went on and Rosie spent more time with Spider, his humanity grew and began to show. Not only did his humanity grow, but he became seemingly happier. “The bit of