Premium Essay

Trauma In Deward's Life After World War One

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Words 514
Pages 3
The journal of a lowly soldier undermines the usual top down story of World War One in that its fundamental focus is not historical processes, theories, and ideologies, but rather the tale of an ordinary man’s life and struggles during and following the war. The tragedies of the war are brought to the forefront in Dewards diary entries, using words he paints a much more humane picture of the trauma and losses of the war. Also, Deward’s transformation from an enthusiastic recruit to a world weary veteran is contrary to the usual, top down story of men fighting the ‘good fight’ to further their nation’s interests. Additionally, many of the usual stories on World War One written by scholars detail the social system and politics, however, this first hand account story goes into detail regarding the degree to which the trauma he experienced during the war influenced his life following the end of the war. …show more content…
Likewise, stories of the Great War are often related by numbers (i.e. millions of human races, thousands of shells, etc.. c…); even so, the tragic nature of the war is reflected in the number of men who were reported missing and assumed dead (p.91). Farther, it is those same soldier, who were largely marginalized and missing, presumed dead, that shaped the war itself. After his first battle Deward writes, “the casualties were heavy. I dug in under shellfire in a funk hole and it did not take long. I am completely tired and done; worse than hell.” It is these sorts of stories that demonstrate just the level of trauma the men along the Western Front had to bear. Thus, the impact of war is not measured by alliances and strategic leaders, like to state in top down stories, but rather is the culmination of trauma endured men by on the front lines and lives of ordinary men

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