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Trees To Timber Case Study

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1. Trees to Timber is a nonprofit organization that is seeking to preserve natural forests. They are considering holding an art raffle or auction to raise funds. Please select one and describe what steps can Trees to Timber take to ensure a successful event? What measures can they take to increase the probability that the fundraiser will be successful? How can Trees to Timber evaluate their success? In real life, have you attended a fundraising event that included a raffle or auction? Did you perceive it as successful? Why or why not?
Steps Tree to Timber to ensure a successful event:
· Set goals and budget
· Recruit Team
· Solicit Auction Items
· Select Date and Location
· Find Auctioneer
· Promote event and sell tickets
Yes, I attended an art event sponsored by “VSA Art” they partner with Children’s of Alabama they offer art therapy for the patients. My daughter was a participant for several weeks at the end of their session the company had a fundraiser. They hosted an auction at B&A Warehouse, and my daughter’s painting sold for $1500, we were very excited to be apart of such a wonderful event. The event was a great success they raised several thousand dollars for the patients at Children’s. …show more content…
Please compare the information shared by this week’s guest lecturer to the information you read in the book. What new information did you learn? What information was surprising to you, and why? What is the United Way’s guiding principle for fundraising? What is their fundraising timeline as shared by the guest lecturer? Guiding Principles: Integrity – We conduct ourselves with the highest level of objectivity and transparency
Candor – We respect and appreciate diversity of thought and opinion
Equity – We respect fair policies and equal access to the opportunities to

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