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Paris-based Burhan Ghalioun, chief of the opposition Syrian National Council, said the cease-fire brokered by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan was "in crisis" because it lacks teeth.
Speaking at a news conference in Tokyo, Ghalioun said there would be "no peaceful solution" to the violence in Syria "unless a threat of force against those who don't implement the plan
In Damascus, workers were paving over two massive craters caused by the bombs that struck a Syrian military compound Thursday. The attack, which also wounded more than 370 people, was the deadliest against a regime target since the Syrian uprising began 14 months ago.
Security forces armed with Kalashnikov rifles were guarding the compound Friday.
The bombings fueled fears of a rising Islamic militant element among the forces seeking to oust Assad and dealt a further blow to international efforts to end the bloodshed. Assad's government blamed the blasts on armed terrorists it says are driving the uprising.
But Ghalioun said he didn't think "these radical forces ... are isolated from the regime."
"The relationship between the Syrian regime and Al Qaida is very strong," he said, adding that the Syrian government had cooperated with al-Qaida against U.S. forces in Iraq, as well as in its movements in Lebanon.
The United States condemned the bombings and expressed concern that al-Qaida may be increasingly taking advantage of Syria's prolonged instability. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters that U.S. intelligence indicates "an al-Qaida presence in Syria," but said the extent of its activity was unclear.
Ghalioun is visiting Tokyo at the government's invitation and is appealing for diplomatic support and humanitarian aid. He said the Annan cease-fire plan will die if Assad's goverment continues to challenge it and "continues using terrorist bombings."
"Assad feels that he can run away from implementing all of his obligations without any consequences," he said.