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Triangle Factory Fire Research Paper

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Survivors of the Triangle Factory Fire
Most people that were on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of the floors Triangle Factory during the fire did not survive. Within eighteen minutes the fire was over and 146 people died. Those who did survive were left to live with the memories and agony of the tragic event. Some of the survivors were even willing to do interviews and tell about about their experiences. Josephine Nicolosi was a blouse maker working on the eighth floor when the fire started. A cutter named Sal had a match on the table and yelled “It’s a fire,” but he usually joked about it so Josephine didn't realize it was real until he threw a bucket of water at it and flames started shooting up. She immediately ran towards the windows with a crowd of other girls but she was too scared to jump. Leo Brown, the mechanist, yelled to the girls “Get on the side, I have a key!” Josephine walked through the door with him along with others trying to escape the flames. When they got out side one of her friends said “Thank God we are not like them, we’re alright.” Her friend walked over to one of …show more content…
Him and his friend got out of work early and decided to walk around. They turned the corner and saw the burning building on the corner of Washington and Greene Street. They were stunned and couldn’t move as they watched women falling out of windows and plummeting to the ground. Firemen were helpless as they tried to catch the falling women, but the nets were not strong enough to save them. Eraclio’s friend broke down in tears and Eraclio got sick and couldn’t bare to look any longer. He ran home but didn’t get an ounce of sleep. About a year later him and his wife went down to Washington Street.They couldn’t find the building at first, so they asked people nearby and eventually found it. They stood across the street and Eraclio said it was almost like he could hear the screaming girls and see the burning building all over

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