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Truth Tables


Submitted By DKKG
Words 720
Pages 3
Truth Tables and Euler Circles

February 23, 2009

Truth Tables and Euler Circles

In this paper I am going explain the relationship between truth tables and Euler circles. A truth table is a table that is used to show when a compound statement is true or false given the truth values of the simple statements that make up the compound statement (Bluman, A., 2005, p. 82). Such a table typically contains several rows and columns, with the top row representing the logical variables and combinations, in increasing complexity leading up to the final function. The truth value of a statement is T if it is true and F if it is false. In symbolic logic, letters are often used, such as p, q and r to represent statements and the following symbols to represent the connectives (Figure 1) (Williams, P. 1996).

Figure 1:Source: Statements, truth values and truth tables.

Another way to determine whether an argument is valid or invalid is to use circles called Euler circles. This method was developed by Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) and later refined by John Venn in 1881. The circles are similar to Venn diagrams. The circle method uses four basic types of statement (Bluman, A., 2005, p. 106). They are:
|Type |General form |
|Universal Affirmative |All A is B |
|Universal Negative |No A is B |
|Particular Affirmative |Some A is B. |
|Particular Negative |Some A is not B. |

On page 115, Project 1 states, Truth tables are related to Euler circles. Arguments in the form of Euler circles can be translated into statements using the basic connectives

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