...HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites Jon Duckett John Wiley & Sons, Inc. HTML & CSS Design and build Websites Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com ©2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana ISBN: 978-1-118-00818-8 Manufactured in the United States of America Published simultaneously in Canada 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 7486011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales...
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...| | |1. Briefly state the main idea of this chapter. | | The main idea of the chapter is to introduce us to the history of computing and how it has grown and advanced over the years. | | | |2. List three important facts that the author uses to support the main idea: | | A. It started with the first computers, that consumed multiple rooms and were a number of vacuums. | | B. It explained the ethical dilemma that comes with the growth of technology in a society that doesn’t understand the consequences of the| |infrastructure. | | C. He covered the creation of the world wide web with Tom Berners Lee, which I believe to be one of the best technological advances in | |the history of technology. | |3. What information or ideas discussed in this chapter are also discussed in readings from DePalma...
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...field. This new technology brought forth many new ideas for better, faster, easier ways to communication between the different computer formats, so the experts had get together and create a universal language that would be accepted with all computer hardware systems. Most web pages today are written in HTML, XML, JAVA, JavaScript are just a few examples. Websites now and in the past use the uniform resource locations (URL’s) to communicate inside the different browsers with the information or resources on a specific server. Without these locations, the information cannot be found or accessed, for example, to access Google.com, the browser needs to break down the information into an address to continue, and if the address is incorrect or cannot be located it will return a page not found error. Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the most common language that spans across the different platforms. This language is pretty easy to learn using the free basic instructions available on the internet, and now most high schools teach HTML to their students so they can create their own webpage. Most personal webpages today are a great example of what is called a static web page. “An HTML document that is stored in a file is an example of a static Web page: the contents of the document does not change unless the file itself is changed.” (Connolly & Begg, 2010) JavaScript is a very complex language and can used to create interactive web pages, but this language takes more practice and...
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...HTML FORMS Introduction For a website to be successful, it is important to be able to get feedback from visitors to your site. This could be a request for information, general comments on your site or even a product order. This could be done with a MAILTO: link but providing a form has several advantages over a simple email. .. It makes it easier for people to send the information .. A form gives you greater control over the information that is sent. .. Form results can be organised in a way that makes them easy to store in a spreadsheet or database. These fields can be added to your forms: Text field Password field Hidden field Text area Check box Radio button Drop-down menu Submit button Reset button Image button Form Handlers When a form is filled in by a visitor to your site and sent, the results of the form need to be processed in some way. One of the most common ways to process form results is with a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script. This is a small program that the information entered in to the form is sent to as soon as the form is submitted. The purpose of this script is to accept the results of a form, organise the results and send the results to an appropriate location, such as a text file, database or email address. In these exercises we won’t go into creating CGI scripts since that is quite different from HTML and requires some programming knowledge. There are many free CGI scripts on the Internet that you can download...
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...from one computer system to another, usually larger computer system. From a network user's point-of-view, to upload a file is to send it to another computer that is set up to receive it. People who share images with others on bulletin board services ( BBS ) upload files to the BBS. Transmission in the other direction is downloading -- from one, usually larger computer to another, usually smaller computer. From an Internet user's point-of-view, downloading is receiving a file from another computer.http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci213255,00.html Dreamweaver workspace elements The Start page enables you to open a recent document or create a new document. From the Start page you can also learn more about Dreamweaver by taking a product tour or a tutorial. The Insert bar contains buttons for inserting various types of "objects," such as images, tables, and layers, into a document. Each object is a piece of HTML code that enables you to set various attributes as you insert it. For example, you can insert a table by clicking the Table button in the Insert bar. If you prefer, you can insert objects using the Insert menu instead of the Insert bar....
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...1) Introduction to HTML: It stands for hyper text markup language. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, the European Laboratory for Practical Physics in Geneva. HTML is a special formatting language that defines the appearance and contents of a webpage. Its specific syntax rules allow you to define the placement and format of the text, graphics, sound and videos on the webpage. HTML is one of the most commonly used interface language used now a days for the web. 2) Terminology: a) Hypertext: It refers to the text which acts a link. You can jump to any page on the Internet by simply clicking at the link. b) Hypermedia An extension to hypertext which supports linking graphics, sound, and video elements in addition to text elements. The World Wide Web is a partial hypermedia system since is supports graphical hyperlinks and links to sound and video files. New hypermedia systems under development will allow objects in computer videos to be hyperlinked. c) Web Client The client, or user, side of the Web. It typically refers to the Web browser in the user's machine. It may also refer to plug-ins and helper applications that enhance the browser to support special services from the site. The term may imply the entire user machine or refer to a handheld device that provides Web access. d) Web Server Web servers are computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address...
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...Universidad Católica del Norte Escuela de Ingeniería Coquimbo Javascript El futuro es hoy David Cortés Mery 1. Historia JavaScript tuvo su origen a mediados de los años 90 y nació bajo la necesidad de entregar mayor dinamismo a los documentos HTML de la época, los cuales eran estáticos y no permitían ningún tipo de interacción con el usuario. JavaScript originalmente fue llamado LiveScript y desarrollado por Brendan Eich para NetScape e iba a ser lanzado en la versión 2.0 del navegador web NetScape Navigatior de la misma compañia. En el año 1995 NetScape firmó una alianza con Sun Microsystems para el desarrollo del lenguaje de programación, por lo cual, antes del lanzamiento del lenguaje, NetScape decidió cambiar su nombre a JavaScript por asuntos de marketing, debido a que Java era la palabra de moda de la época. La primera versión de JavaScript fue un completo éxito y la versión 3.0 del navegador ya incorporaba la versión 1.1 del lenguaje, la cual agregaba muchas características y capacidades. En el año 1996, Microsoft lanzó su propia versión de JavaScript llamada JScript junto con el navegador Internet Explorer 3.0. Para evitar una guerra de tecnologías, NetScape decidió estandarizar su lenguaje. Así fue como en el año 1997 se envió la especificación JavaScript 1.1 al organismo ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association). ECMA creó el comité TC39 con el objetivo de estandarizar un lenguaje de Script multiplataforma e independiente de cualquier empresa. El...
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...software. * Enterprise application software: unfortunately, this type of software is simply out of reach for smaller firms because of the cost, time required, and the technical expertise required to get it up and running. * Enterprise application integration software: allows a company to decide which systems it wants to tie together, how it wants to do it, and then generate the necessary program code to completely integrate the pieces into a cohesive unit. Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture It's becoming quite common for the average computer user to create Web pages using the Hypertext markup language (HTML). In fact, by using ubiquitous software applications such as Word 2000, Lotus 1-2-3, or PowerPoint, you can as easily create a Web page as you can a letter, chart, or database. While you don't have to be an expert in HTML, you should be familiar with how the coding works. Using tags, you...
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...2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | You can specify the size of a table by specifying the ____________________ CSS property for the <table> element. | | | | | Selected Answer: | width | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | Because heading elements are always directly associated with a caption, a user agent can always tell when one is used for a table caption. | | | | | Selected Answer: | False | | | | | Question 3 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | Even though you should handle the visual display of content with CSS, you can use several types of built-in formatting options without CSS. | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | The width property can not be applied to tables. | | | | | Selected Answer: | False | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | To apply default alignment and CSS styles to entire sections of a table, you can use table structure elements. | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | Web browsers size each column to be as wide as the widest item in each cell, up to the width of the browser window. | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714 points | | | The <td> element stands for ____________________. | | | | | Selected Answer: | table data | | | | | 2.85714 out of 2.85714...
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...fat clients and require a server to process large amounts of data. Thin clients are secure and usually cheaper than fat clients. Thin clients are easy to install and does not need a lot of extra software and programs. Create a glossary of 10 basic web design terms based on research and defined in your own words. Items from this list can serve as criteria for the website evaluation paper you will complete in the Learning Team assignment. 1. Browser: A way for user to access the internet or World Wide Web. 2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): A way to format the font, layout, color, and style web pages. 3. External CSS: When you create the style of a website in a separate document and then link pages to the document. 4. HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language): The language that web sites are written in. 5. Hyperlink: Are links within web pages that allow you to go to a different section or web page. 6. Internal CSS: When you create the style within the web page code. 7. JPEG: A image format that is compressed and losses some quality when...
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...IT302-Unit7- Kaplan University Part1 – Introduction. The approach I used in unit 5 was a generic design which is flexible in nature with a basic layout planned so it can be easily molded, or modified to fulfill a variety of needs or applications. The wireframe associated with the design is shown without a supporting structure. The associated structure will be dictated by its application and placement. Part 2: Commentary Text. Commentary text should be selectable using different means. The most obvious means of selection is by the use of a designated help button. When touched this will display a help screen to provide a means for the customer to seek assistance. Additionally, this should also be accomplished by clicking the mouse curser on an item or text that information is desired on. All of these means should result in the same basic effect. The commentary text used in the presenting the product to potential customers has the potential of using a variety of text styles and sizes. Also in some cases color will be added to the text for emphasis or used to highlight items or attract the consumers’ interest. When initially presenting an item the text that is to be used will be designed in a manner to catch potential customers’ attention. This can be accomplished through the use of text styles that catch the eye, such as a change in size or creating an emphasis through the use of colors. Using a text style...
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...Aigner- love and luxury molded into one classy brand. [/h1] [p] Etienne Aigner started out in the 1950s in the busy yet fashionable streets of New York. The brand introduced high quality and exclusive leather goods which caught the attention of people from all around the city. In a short amount of time, the said label extended its reach to one of Germany’s largest cities, Munich. Originally, Aigner aimed to create a line of high quality and classy luggage. However, because of various sports events like horse racing, where leather is considered a top material, the brand has embraced the creation of classy belts and handbags, too. Aside from its top class leather goods, Aigner also manufactures fragrances, watches and jewelries. Bearing the infamous logo, the letter “A” crafted in a horseshoe shape— the Aigner brand already symbolizes a positive experience for consumers who are fond of quality yet fashionable leather products. [/ p] [p ] [ a class = "more" href = " javascript: void (0); "] more ... [/ a] [/ p] [ div id = " descriptionbox "] [ div] [ p] What makes a good leather product? Top quality leather is of utmost importance—without this factor, any leather product is nothing but a waste of money. A skilled hand is also an important factor, that is, the precision of cuts and sizes of leather. The craftman’s attention to the product’s detail and proportion is very valuable in the leather goods’ business. Finally, a sophisticated design is an equally important consideration because...
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...HTML Frames • Frames allow you to have multiple sections of the browser window, called frames, each showing their own .html file within the frame. • HTML Frames can be used to split a web page so you can load multiple HTML files or pages into one web page. This will cause the web browser to display multiple pages at one time. Frame sets are rarely used these days, as the introduction of server side scripting languages such as php and asp allow you to create content pages dynamically. The introduction of HTML5 has also provided new methods of doing page layouts without having to use frames. Frame Set - ... • the frameset tag defines a group of frames. Setting the rows and cols attribute allow you to create the number of frames needed for your layout. • rows="??,??" - To set up multiple frames in rows, replace the question marks by the size of each row, either in pixels or as a percentage. A * can be used as a wild card, for instance: rows="100,*" would give you a top frame of 100 pixels high, and a bottom frame using the rest of the screen. cols="??,??" - Similar to rows, a number of frames can be set out in columns. border="?" - Frame border thickness in pixels. bordercolor="?" - Colour of border between frames. (*) • • • Frame - Each frame within a set will need a frame tag to tell it which web page to load in the frame. It uses the attribute: • src="url" - Filename or URL of page to show in the frame • noresize="noresize"...
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...day intensive class on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you know nothing coming into the class it will be like drinking from a fire hydrant. I’m not sure why the class has HTML in the title as it only covers HTML for about 10 of the 500 pages. So, you really should have some decent HTML experience prior to the class. That being said, there are so so, so many resources for information on these three topics I thought it would be nice to break it down. In addition, many students take this class in preparation for SharePoint. I will also include specific SharePoint references, as … well …. SharePoint currently rules the world Module 1: Overview of HTML and CSS W3Schools Heather Solomon Styles for SharePoint CSS Selector Reference Chapter 2: Creating and Styling HTML Pages F12 Developer Tools – Introduction F12 Developer Tools Module 3 JavaScript in 12 minutes JSON vs. XML Regular Expressions reference Module 4 HTML Forms Tutorial – Video Regular Expressions reference CustomValidity – Video Module 5 JQuery tutorial – video Sending and Receiving Data using JQuery General References JQuery Selectors Module 6 Pseudo-classes Pseudo-elements Module 7 JavaScript Object Oriented Programming – book OOP in JavaScript – book JavaScript Objects – video Module 8 FileReader Explained FileReader Example Drag and Drop Tutorial – video GeoLocation Video F12 Developer Tools video How to use F12 Developer Tools to Debug your Webpages Module 9 HTML Web Storage Module 14 ...
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...their support in completing the project. I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of (Organization Name) for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1 Introduction Organogram for F.C.D.A- I.C.T Unit CHAPTER 2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Computer motherboard Installations of software CHAPTER 3 NETWORKING Networking Devices Ethernet standard of cabling Network topology CHAPTER 4 WEB DEVELOPMENT HTML and HTML tags The use of CSS Java script CHAPTER 5 Summary and conclusion Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter...
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