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Ultrasound Screening

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cUS is an important , informative and common study in most NICUs. It is safe, non-invasive bed-side investigation that does not require moving an infant from the NICU which can lead to clinical deterioration of a sick neonate. Many clinical circumstances occur in the NICU for which timely scanning in addition to clinical evaluation is extremely valuable. In the absence of a dedicated scanner, ultrasounds can be difficult to obtain for hours or days after the event in question, and the need to perform repeat scans to assess evolving lesions are made difficult by the cost and the limited availability of staff and technical support
In this report we have highlighted some of the clinical indications in which ultrasound screening in the NICU proved invaluable. The development and progression of IVH and PVL represent two …show more content…
Neonatologist can attend one of the many available courses currently exist so they can achieve the appropriate level of theory and practical expertise needed to detect the most common neonatal problems. This model is similar to the practice of Paediatric cardiologists who have used ultrasound diagnosis for many decades, and it has become an essential part of this disciplines.
Neonatologist should work closely with our ultrasound colleagues in order to ensure high standards of care are delivered to our patients. Neonatologist should have their scanning skills and their ability to interpret cUS evaluated by experienced Radiologists and reviewed by peers who have developed their skills before being allowed to independently perform and interpret scans A weekly combined radiology/ neonatology meetings were scans are reviewed can serve as method of continuous education and as and as a safety net to confirm that right interpretation is being made by neonatologist (especially in early

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