...UMUC Haircuts Stage 1 ISFM 300 Abstract A strategy for competitive advantage and improving a business strategy are fundamental for improving a business overall, as competition, customers’ expectations, technology, type, and quality of products and services are changing in time. This paper is analyzing UMUC Haircuts’ cost leadership strategy and improvement of customer and employee scheduling process, following Porter’s Five Forces Model. UMUC Haircuts Stage 1 I. Introduction The paper is a business environment analysis for UMUC Haircuts, at the request of Mrs. Myra Morningstar. UMUC Haircuts has been in business since 1995, and the news that a Hair Cuttery will open five miles away is concerning for Mrs. Morningstar, as she is trying to find ways to remain competitive in this changing environment. Mrs. Morningstar already selected a strategy for competitive advantage, using a cost leadership strategy. The business process that Mrs. Morningstar stated needs improvement is her customer and employee scheduling. The following pages will provide solid justification for Mrs. Morningstar’s strategy, for competitive advantage and the business process that she selected. Additionally it will help UMUC Haircuts enter the 21st Century standards, and able to survive in this competitive type of business. II. Five Forces Analysis Porter’s five forces analysis is a model that helps any business to understand “how competitive an industry is and to analyze its strengths...
Words: 1224 - Pages: 5
...UMUC Haircuts Stage 1 Since the opening of UMUC Haircuts in 1995, Myra Morningstar has seen an increase in customers and competition from a variety of competitors. Myra would like to expand her business into the gift shop area next door. To remain competitive, Myra recognizes that she needs to improve her current management practices in combination with better scheduling of her employees and customers and management of her supplies. Myra has hired a System Analyst to help her with determining how she can improve her business. FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS FORCE EXPLANATION (Minimum 2 good sentences) IMPACT (POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, or NEUTRAL) AFFECT STRATEGY? (YES/NO) BUYER POWER Customers buyer power is neutral.. Customer have the option to go to another competitor in the area. Neutral No SUPPLIER POWER Supplier Power is high. Supplies are going up in price. Myra has no means of finding cheaper prices. Myra has no control over suppliers. Negative Yes THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES Threat is neutral. Customer can let hair grow or get someone else cut their hair. Neutral No THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS Several businesses have open and one more will open within a 5 mile radius, Barrier entry is high because Myra has no IS. Negative Yes RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITORS Threat of substitute services is high, Myra has no means of contacting customers and has no promotions to offer. Rivalry offering same services as Myra’s business. Negative Yes Strategy...
Words: 611 - Pages: 3