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Submitted By cashie22
Words 257
Pages 2
TCP/IP network, TCP/IP identifies both the stuff and how the stuff works together.
Networking standards record the details of exactly what a new networking technology does, and how it does what it does.
TCP/IP model defines a large set of standards, which, when implemented together, create a safe and useful network.
Open networking model like TCP/IP purposefully shares the details so that any vendor can make products using those standards.
Open system interconnection (ISO) set out with a noble goal to create an open networking model.
Encoding standard creates something like a spoken language that uses electricity.
A header and/or trailer as a place to store a message that needs to flow through the network with the user data.
Leased line creates the equivalent of a cable directly between two remote sites. T
Internet Protocol (IP), list the rules so that the network can forward data from end to end through the entire TCP/IP network.
IP address identifies that device in a TCP/IP network. Remember, computer networks, including TCP/IP networks, need to deliver bits from one device to another.
IP routing defines exactly how routers makes their choices of how to forward data in a TCP/IP network.
: frame and packet. The term frame specifically refers to encapsulated data that includes the data-link header and trailer, plus everything in between—including the IP header. The term packet refers to what sits between the data-link header and trailer, but not including the data-link header and

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