Premium Essay

Usage In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Pages 2
In Ayn Rand’s novel Anthem, she chose to have odd personal pronoun usage. In the novel, Rand used the pronouns “we” and “our” instead of “I” and “me”. Ayn Rand chose this pronoun usage because she wanted to demonstrate how in 1938 it was shamed upon to have your own thoughts and opinions. In Anthem the scholars stated that it is a sin to refer to themselves as “I”. It is even said that they would be punished for using the word because it would be a “great transgression”( ). In the novel, the people are so used to only using the pronouns “we” and “our” that it is considered not normal to use other pronouns. Equality did not like this and slowly started to break away from what the scholars were telling them. Today, some could even say that we

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