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Using the Family Structural Theory How Can Families Created Following Second Marriages Learn to Function as One?


Submitted By yecrum
Words 283
Pages 2
Topic4 DQ1
Using the family structural theory how can families created following second marriages learn to function as one?
Any break up in the family such as divorce and remarriage is not always easy for children to go through which this transition needs a set of merged beliefs and values must require to happen. This depends on the levels of development of the children, such as their environment support and their frame of mind are components on how they responses. When combining into two separate families, there will be external and internal stressors. Thus, it’s important to the children to have a good support system to aid with the transition of going into two separate families therefore, the adults need to follow the limitations. As an adult, we must set the rules and directions that it’s expected and what we want but need to be accommodating as well and be very supportive to one another in the outcome. The dispensation of power with the adults require to be equal, and the rules need to be recognized by the family members. Study shows that the divorce rate in second marriages is greater at 70% in comparison to first marriages secondary to internal and external stressors so in order for an integrated family to function well and survive, there need to directions, and good support systems established, and anything is doable.
T.D. Afifi, S. Keith: A risk and resiliency model of ambiguous loss in post-divorce stepfamilies. Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., & Mandle, C. (2014). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 8th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

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