...Gggg ggg gggg ggg ggggg gggg ggg ggg gggg ggggg ggggg ggg ggg gggg gg gg ggggg gggg ggggggg gg ggggg gggg gg gggggg gggg ggg ggg gg ggggggggg gg gggggggg gggggg ggg ggggggggg gggggg gg ggg gggg gggg gggg gggg ggggggg gggg ggg ggggg g gggg gggggg ggg ggg gggggg ggggggg ggggg ggg gg gg gg gggg ggggg ggg ggg ggg gg ggggg gggg gggg ggg gg ggggg ggg ggggg ggggg gggg ggg ggggg gggg gggg ggg ggg ggggggg gggg ggg gggg gggg ggggg uuu uuu uuu u uuu uu uuuu uuu u uuuu uuuu u uuu uuuu uuuu uu uuuu uu uuu uuuuu uuu uuu uuuu uuuu u uuuuu uuuu uuu uu uuuu uu uuuu uuu uuuu uuu uu uuuu uu uuuu uuu uu uuu uuuuuo iii iiiiiiii iiii iiiiii ii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiii iii iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiii8hy8888888 8888888888 88888 88 888888 8888 888 888 88888 8888 8888 88888 88u55 5555 5555 55555 5 55555 55 5 555 55 555 55 555 55 55 5555 55555 555555 555 5555 5555555 555 55555555555 5555555555555555 555 5555 5555 5555 5555 55555 555 55555 55 5555 555 uuuuuu uuu uu uu uu uuu uuuu uuu uuuu uu uuuu uuu uuuuuu uuuu uuuuuu uu iuu uuuu uuuu uu uuuuuu I I iii iiiiiiiii I ii iiiiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiii I jk sj dlkjas aodj kladj a sakao dj ajd kle alajd ajoe akj ksa ado jsa asj d kiai ajdkl k kd fjka djk fa ajfkfdjka jd saj da f dj kadj sdj ksjd afjk...
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...differ, a good amount of a specific antibody can’t be made alone unlike monoclonal, it is less reliable, and the same sample can’t be guaranteed each time unlike the monoclonal which can bring similar clones months later. 3) The GFP-HDAC3 overlaps the DAPI where the nucleus is. This shows that HDAC3 is a nuclear protein. However, some deletions show that the nucleus has gone smaller while others show that the nucleus has gone larger. The goal of this experiment was to find out how the different portions of the protein affected localization in the cell. The experiment does show that there was a significant effect. 4) Sense: 5’ aagccccatcgcctggcattg 3’ Linker Loop: 5’ uucaagaga 3’ Antisense: 5’ caatgccaggcgatggggctt 3’ Poly U: UUUUU The goal of the knockout would be to see if the removed proteins had any effect on the function of the cell. The siRNA should be 30%-50% GC content, 21 bp in length, have a AA on the 5’ end, a linker, around 75 bp ds of the gene, and have a poly U tail. These conditions are satisfied but the GC content is slightly high. 5) Fold increase in HDAC3 mRNA gene in control vs experiment = 1488/151= 9.85 fold increase. Fold increase in the internal Actin control = 1058/479= 2.21 fold increase. Real fold increase of HDAC3 = 9.85/2.21= 4.46. 6) The threshold cycles are: 1L1-b con: 29, copy number = (-39.204 + 29)/-3.488= 2.93 1L1-b vit: 18, copy number = (-39.204 + 18)/-3.488= 6.08 RPLPO vit: 20, copy number = (-39.204 + 20)/-3.488= 5.51 ...
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...[ROCKET LAUNCHER] [A C++ coding] Tenzin Kunsel T.C.V SCHOOL SELAQUI P.O-SELAQUI DEHRADUN [ROCKET LAUNCHER] [A C++ coding] Tenzin Kunsel T.C.V SCHOOL SELAQUI P.O-SELAQUI DEHRADUN Contents DEDICATION 1 ACKNOWLEDGEME ___________________________________________________________________2 CERTIFICATES 3 CODES 4 PHOTO 5 BIBLOGRAPHY _______________________________________________________________________6 This project is dedicated to all those digital world revolutionist and for my beloved country and the country man who is under the reign of the P.R.C govt ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher B.tech Palden Tsewang as well as our principal Mr. Duke Tsering who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the Rocket Launcher, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that master Tenzin Kunsel of Class XII A has completed his project on time and Put a great effort in making this a successful one. Teacher sign. Invigilator sign. //KUNSEL & TSUNDUE //TERMINAL PROJECT //Username:foreverknight //pswd:rocket123 #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> ...
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