...Immunization against communicable disease in one of the world’s greatest accomplishments in 20th century. Due to vaccination human mortality and morbidity have greatly decreased. All the vaccination and protection against diseases should begin in infancy according to Center of Disease Control (CDC). I believe that the diseases that once killed millions of people have been controlled and some others very close to extinction due to effective vaccines. For example, Polio, measles, mumps and chicken pox were the most feared disease in the world causing death. However, there are some parents are against vaccination putting the children prone to preventable diseases. “In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared that measles...
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...The HPV immunization program implemented since 2008 in British Columbia school has been facing low acceptance by the public. Moral and ethical principles have been questioned by parents that present resistance HPV vaccine in children, even though important benefits are promoted by HPV vaccine. The public health authorities should promote the vaccination of school-aged girls against HPV, because the benefits and positive aspects are stronger than negative points once it is program ethically justified. The school-based HPV Vaccination Program is a program that adheres to the principle of beneficence. Due high efficiency, the HPV vaccine prevents HPV infections and malign disease that requires previous HPV infections to occur in young girls. Thus, the incidence of some type of cancer such as cervical cancer will decrease and...
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...Periodic Intensification of ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION PRE-PRINT RELEASE Lessons Learned and Implications for Action Cover photos courtesy: TopLeft: UNICEF TopRight: UNICEF/El Salvador/Gonzalo Bell BottomLeft: WHO BottomRight: AED/Berengere DeNegri Periodic Intensification of ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION Lessons Learned and Implications for Action e Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals thanks the donors whose unspecified financial support has made the production of this document possible. is document was produced by the IMMUNIZATIONbasics Project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (Cooperative Agreement #GHS-A-00-04-00004-00) and the Expanded Programme on Immunization team of the Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Ordering code: WHO/IVB/____ Printed: _____2009 is publication is available on the Internet at: www.who.int/vaccines-documents/ www.immunizationbasics.jsi.com Copies of this document as well as additional materials on immunization, vaccines and biologicals may be requested from: World Health Organization Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland • Fax: + 41 22 791 4227 • Email: vaccines@who.int • © World Health Organization 2009 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791...
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...“Childhood vaccination has proven to be one of the most effective public health strategies to control and prevent disease” (Ventola, 2016). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) publishes yearly recommendations and guidelines for childhood immunizations. While these guidelines are available, parents may choose to decline, delay vaccinating, or find an alternative to the immunizations due various reasons. These reasons can be medical, religious, or socioeconomic. Research supports that, “the incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of many communicable diseases have significantly decreased in Western countries largely because of national immunization strategies aimed...
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...Upon first glance, immunizations look like a terrific solution to a horrific problem. But what if these immunizations were causing horrific problems of their own? What if the ingredients of the injections were just as bad as the disease they were meant to prevent? A staggering 77% of American kindergarteners are up to date with their vaccinations. (Park, 2008) This percentage makes Americans the most vaccinated group of people in the world. The number of shots required for school age children has doubled since 1980; today’s children will receive up to 28 injections for 11 to 15 diseases by the time they go to kindergarten. Many of these mandatory vaccinations are not safe because of the toxic chemicals, the multiple doses that they are administered in, and the neurological disorders, such as autism, that the immunizations may be causing. One main concern for many parents is the amount of injections that infants and young children are receiving at once. It is very common for the doctor’s office to administer three or even four different vaccinations in one visit. Many doctors and nurses share the concern that it is unhealthy for our children to receive so many shots at one time. One survey taken in Minnesota found that between 60 and 70 percent of the pediatricians, nurses, and parents they asked, felt uncomfortable giving a child more than two vaccinations in one office visit. (Madlon-Kay & Harper, 1994) The simultaneous injections can cause more severe side effects...
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...Fragile Administration is a big hurdle for Pulse Polio Immunization program. Vijay, 1 Fragile Administration is a big hurdle for Pulse Polio Immunization program. Gautam Vijay Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Author Note This paper is prepared as a review of Pulse Polio Immunization Program monitored by the author on behalf of WHO-INDIA as an external monitor. FRAGILE ADMINISTRATION…. Vijay, 2 Introduction Year 2007, Pulse Polio Immunization Program was conducted in the Northern part of Gujarat, a state/province in the western part of India. In past few years, despite of repeated periodical Pulse Polio Immunization programs, Government had failed to curb the menace of Polio in this region. This review points out the various loci of laxity observed, while monitoring the program as an External Monitor on behalf of WHO – India, under following headings: - 1. Polio – long standing challenge 2. Emergence of Pulse Polio 3. Role of External Monitors 4. Personal experience with the programme in North Gujarat in 2007 Polio – long lasting challenge Polio, also known as Poliomyelitis is a viral contagious disease, caused by Polio virus. It is an intestinal virus which attacks the nervous system. The disease is contracted through contact with contaminated feces or through airborne droplets in food and water. Port of entry into the human body is via nostrils or oral cavity, the virus then reaches the intestines. After incubation it enters...
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...Thesis question: "Do parents have a right to withhold vaccines from their children for philosophical reasons, or should parents be forced to have their children immunized for the good of society?" Thesis statement: “Since vaccines have been invented, there has been a lot of controversy regarding the belief whether parents should immunize their children for the benefit of the society or withhold vaccines for personal reasons”. Introduction: It is inevitable that media, especially tabloids and articles play a big role in shaping the beliefs, practices and norms of the society. Immunization, which is also known as vaccination is one of the most controversial debates that evokes different opinions among the general public. Since vaccines have been invented, there has been a lot of controversy regarding the belief whether parents should immunize their children for the benefit of the society or withhold vaccines for personal reasons. During the last couple of months, the Disneyland Measles outbreak has been one of the hottest and most controversial news in the nation. According to writer and news announcer Rath of National Public Relations (2015), it was reported that since December 2014, roughly 80 people in the Unites States have been confirmed to have measles. Seventy percent of the affected individuals were allegedly the ones who visited the Disneyland theme park. It was discovered that at least 28 of these victims had not received the measles vaccine. Because of this...
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...Unvaccinated Children: Should they be allowed in public schools? Assignment 5: Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with VisualsYour Name Lisa Teitler Eng 215 March 13, 2016 Unvaccinated Children: Should they be allowed in public schools? Today’s vaccinations are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety to the general public. Currently there are no federal laws which mandates vaccination, but there is a vaccination requirement per state for children entering school. The chart below details which vaccines are mandated for public school by several states: Children who are not vaccinated have a greater chance of death than children who received the required vaccinations. The safety of vaccinations is in questioned by many, asking if they are safe for children to receive. They are safe and should be required for children since those vaccinations help prevent illnesses, lower the risk for some diseases and it might even cause financial growth. There are several advantages of receiving the recommended vaccines. One advantage is that they are designed to put foreign antigens into the body so the body will produce antibodies to fight it off. The body will produce two types of immune responses when an antigen is introduced in order to ensure total immunity from the disease. Vaccines ensure that children get immunity from diseases instead of contracting them. Having immunity is a major advantage...
Words: 2003 - Pages: 9
...Expanded Program on Immunization I. Rationale The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was established in 1976 to ensure that infants/children and mothers have access to routinely recommended infant/childhood vaccines. Six vaccine-preventable diseases were initially included in the EPI: tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and measles. In 1986, 21.3% “fully immunized” children less than fourteen months of age based on the EPI Comprehensive Program review. II. Scenario Global Situation The burden In 2002, WHO estimated that 1.4 million of deaths among children under 5 years due to diseases that could have been prevented by routine vaccination. This represents 14% of global total mortality in children under 5 years of age. Source: Weekly Epidemiological Record, WHO: No.46,2011,86.509-520) Burden of Diseases The immunization coverage of all individual vaccines has improved as shown in Figure 1: (Demographic Health Survey 2003 and 2008). Fully Immunized Child (FIC) coverage improved by 10% and the Child Protected at Birth (CPAB) against Tetanus improved by 13% compared to any prior period. Thus, the Philippines has now historically the highest coverage for these two major indicators. Figure 1: Comparison of the 2003 and 2008 EPI indicators, Source: NDHS III. Interventions/ Strategies Program Objectives/Goals: Over-all Goal: To reduce the morbidity and mortality among children against the most common vaccine-preventable...
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...Anti-Vaccination: An Opposition Melanie Say Kaplan University Professor Chad Walls CM220 March 13, 2015 Opposition: Anti-vaccination Despite extended benefits demonstrated through immunization programs, parents and vocal groups alike are challenging the administration of inoculations. A history of fraudulent studies introduced the concept of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, adding fuel to the controversial fire of adverse reactions associated with immunizations. Furthermore, organizations in Maine defend philosophical exemptions in schools as their "personal freedom and parental right", disregarding the "imminent danger to others who can't take the vaccine" (Boston Globe, 2015, para. 4). Within the past two decades, opposition...
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...Vaccination Controversy Julie S. Bertram Excelsior College Author's note This paper was written for MLS 500: Graduate Research and Writing taught by Dr. Kyla Hammond Most healthcare professionals and leaders attribute vaccination as the single-most important reason for increasing the health of the human population during the past one hundred years. As a result, required immunizations are common in the U. S. and other developed countries. However, there is a segment of society who argue against vaccination due to worries that immunizing negatively impacts future health. More and more information is becoming available that presents allopathic vaccination in an ugly light. (Sharma, 2003) For the past century, vaccines for diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and now more recently, hepatitis B and varicella have programmed our immune systems to be powerful protectors of our health. Compulsory state immunization laws have increased the U.S. immunization rate to 77%, the highest ever. (Largent, 2012) Despite high immunization rates, there is an underlying progression of a movement of parents questioning whether the vaccines are contributing to health conditions such as autism. Contributing to the uncertainty are occasional anecdotal accounts of parents with children who experience adverse reactions. Fear causes many parents to entirely forego vaccines for their children. Regardless of mandatory school vaccine laws for school children, physicians can...
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...“Access to Appropriate Immunizations for Veterans Act of 2011” that proposes that the government should make all vaccinations suggested by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices available to all veterans in a timely manner as suggested on their immunization schedule. It also proposes that the Secretary of Health and Human Services will be responsible for setting and monitoring goals for compliance of the new program. The following is an evaluation of this bill and subsequent recommendation of whether or not it should be enacted. In order to evaluate this bill, we must take into account the economic impact that it will have on the country. Using the adult immunization schedule as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Price List also by the CDC, the initial cost of vaccines would be $85.48/person for normal healthy adults and a maximum of $113.21/person for high risk adults needing additional immunizations (CDC, 2011c; CDC, 2011a, p. 2). According to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics (NCVAS), as of September 20, 2010, there were 22.7 million veterans (2010). If you calculate this, the total cost of initial immunizations would be $1.94-$2.57 billion. According to the National Business Group on Health (NBGH), the lifetime cost of adult immunizations is between $380 and $480 per adult (Lindley & Bhatt, 2006, p. 5). Calculating this for the 22.7 million veterans, the cost of immunizations would be approximately...
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...(citation). Measles is an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin, typically occurring in childhood. This infectious disease can be prevented by getting a vaccine. A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. In the past 50 years, vaccinations have saved more lives worldwide than any other medical product or procedure. The intriguing story of vaccination goes all the way back to ancient Greece. Ever since the invention of the first vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been plenty of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. Parents should be required to vaccinate their children. Throughout this essay, the focus will be on the health of the children, the falsifying data about vaccinations, and the benefits of them. Every parent’s biggest concern is the health of their children. As a parent, you make informed choices about your child’s health and safety every day. The health of any child depends heavily on if they receive vaccinations. The children that receive these vaccinations tend to be more resistant to some diseases than those who do not. Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction primarily due to safe and effective...
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...Introduction Bronwyn visited the GP in regards to her 11-month year Old daughter’s measles, mumps and rubella’s immunization. As a Healthcare worker, Bronwyn is aware of the on going news about side effects of immunization, such as Autism. She also heard about the benefits of immunization. However, Bronwyn is confused whether she goes ahead and immunize her child or not. The purpose of this document is to investigate the effects and benefits of measles, mumps and rubella’s immunization through different literature. Different articles with different methods are going to be reviewed to identify if immunization is the cause of Autism in young children. Moreover, the question involved in this paper is, “What are the health benefits and risks associated with measles, mumps and rubella’s immunization among infants?” This question was formulated considering the PICO principal, which is used to portray information and to guide application of investigations into clinical practice. The principal consists of population, intervention, comparison and the outcome. In this instance P in the PICO (our patient or population) is the 11-month year old infant. The intervention is immunization (Adams, Newcomb, Smith & Withaeger, 2009) . Alternative term might include vaccination, protect, inoculate while immunization (I) can be referred to as vaccination, protect, inoculate. C in this instance is, not to immunize and O or outcome is to eliminate the chances of experiencing side effects of...
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