...Bangor Family Physicians Case Study Executive Summary & Stakeholders Bangor Family Physicians is a partner based medical group practice located in Maine. The practice consists of four family practice physicians, and a medical support staff. The medical support staff is made up of a practice manager, two receptionists, four nurses, two medical assistants, two billing clerks, and a laboratory technician. Additionally, Bangor Family Physicians employs a CPA to assist with taxes and financial advising. The key stakeholders are the four family physician partners, in which each physician holds an equal stake in the practice. Bangor Family Physicians Reimbursement There are two determinants to reimbursement for Bangor Family Physicians: a monthly salary and yearly profits after accounting for reinvestments into the company. Since the foundation of Bangor Family Physicians in 1986, the practice has used an equal pay compensation model as the reimbursement scheme of choice. Profits that are above overhead costs at the end of the year are portioned out equally to each partner, thus determining the overall amount the physician receives for the year. While this type of compensation model discourages overutilization and allocates risk among all physicians, it negatively affects productivity and does not reward efforts to improve quality. Such a system can only work on the basis that all physicians have the same skill and productivity levels and are equally motivated to contribute...
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...Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Darrick Poole HCS/531: Health Care Organizations and Delivery Systems February 11, 2013 Eugene Burwell Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance In 2010, health care expenditures in the United States almost reached $2.6 trillion. This was 10 times more than expenditures spent in 1980. The rate of increase slowed in the late 1990s and early 2000s but industry experts still expect the cost of health care to increase more than the national income for some time to come. Stakeholders agree this continual financial burden is of critical importance. During the last decade, the financial woes in the United States caused many people to lose employment and others to work for much lower wages. The effects of the financial conditions increased the focus on health care spending and peoples’ ability to afford health care. The premiums paid by employees for their families increased by 97% putting further strains on employers and their workers. Baby boomers reaching retirement age increased enrollment in Medicare and Medicaid causing strain on federal and state government budgets. In 2010, health care expenditures consisted of 17.9% of the Gross Domestic Product. Over half of the nation’s health care expenditures result from hospital care, physician, and clinical services. One way the Affordable Care Act seeks to address the issues of cost is by reducing the compensation for hospital and treatment services that result in medical errors or inadequate quality...
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...Managed Care Lucille Purry Economics of Healthcare Faculty Sever South University 10 December 2013 Abstract Managed care, a deliver system for health care intended to reduce the cost of that care. Examples of managed care organizations are HMO, IPA, PPO, POS and PFFS. MCO’s operate through contractual agreements that are set to meet certain standards due to the fact that they don’t have direct control. Managed care provider and hospital reimbursement ranges from fee for service and capitation. Episode-of-care is where providers receive one lump sum for all the services they provide related to a condition or disease, and capitation is where the third party payer reimburses providers a fixed amount for a period. There are many other forms of reimbursement between these two methods and vary depending on service. Risk – based payment applies to both hospitals and providers. With so many choices in health care coverage and means of payments, it becomes necessary to be sure you have a complete understanding of what is expected from you, what is covered and not covered and to be sure any treatment is necessary. Along with managed care, we have to consider how this affects Medicare and Medicaid. These have changed the healthcare system and joined together to better serve the public. Managed care; advantages and disadvantages as well as how it came to be are to follow. Managed Health Care dates as far back as 1910; one example is when the Western Clinic in Tacoma, Washington...
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...Independent health care providers are facing more challenges than ever before. With changes in payment models and reimbursement methods, competition with a large group of employed physician practices, and changes in patients’ insurance coverage, a practice can be at risk for decreased revenue and increased financial instability. Fortunately, having an efficient Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) process and integrated electronic health records (EHRs) can help mitigate financial risk. Whether we like it or not, reimbursement policies for physicians and their practices are changing. To stay relevant, independent healthcare providers must keep up or get left behind. A recent article in Healthcare Dive touches upon today's ever-changing regulations...
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...healthcare payment model has been fee-for-service (FSS). FFS describes the arrangement where healthcare providers deliver a treatment or test to a patient in return for payment. The FFS model rewards volume and intensity of service so essentially the more admissions, testing’s, procedures and treatments a provider delivers, the more they stand to earn. The FFS model for health insurance does not give providers a reason to control health costs because the more services they provide, the more they get paid. The FFS model is widely accepted as an underlying reason for the catapulted costs of the healthcare system in the past 30 years. For this reason, in recent years, major payers in U.S. healthcare systems have been exploring new payment models that create incentives to control the unnecessary healthcare spending taking place. The government and private payers are moving rapidly to value-based risk payments. Payments include rewards and penalties for system wide performance on population-based metrics. These metrics include inpatient readmission rates and preventative care for chronic conditions. Managing population health requires systems to reorganize care while integrating inpatient, outpatient, rehab centers and preventive care to achieve specific performance benchmarks. Systems must develop specific capabilities to manage on a population basis, including care coordination, integrating IT with analytics and integrating clinical networks. The transition into a risk-based payment system...
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...Reform ‘Volume to Value’ Abstract The White House and the current administration of President Obama made the passage of Health Care Reform a top priority and signed the bill into law March 23, 2010. There are two laws that make up the reform package; the first is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Critics both in support and opponents claim the bills do little to alter healthcare inflation or uneven delivery of care (Ferman, 2010). The goal of the bill is to change a volume based model in to a value based business model. A comment by Moody’s Investor services exclaimed that the reform will undoubtedly require healthcare leaders to focus even more on multi-year strategies to ensure long term financial stability (Kim, Majka, & Sussman, 2011). Leaders will have to establish a long range plan that includes financial projections and goals, long range capital expenditure requirements, debt capacity, capital position analysis, capital shortfall analysis and sensitivity and risk analysis (Kim, Majka, & Sussman, 2011). There will be substantial increases in the number of newly insured that will place a tremendous amount of stress and unknown consequences on an already burdened healthcare infrastructure (Tyson, 2010). The objective of this paper will attempt to examine the implications of reform on strategic planning of health care institutions transitioning from a volume based model to a value based one. The...
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...Tayong Bih Instructor: DR. C. IREGBU, Ph.D. Health Financial Management (HSA525) Assignment 1 Company Overview Universal Health Services (UHS) is a health management company that operates in three divisions; behavioral health facilities, acute care hospitals and ambulatory centers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico. Founded since 1978, it has prided itself in delivering top-notch hospital services through its strategy of purchasing already existing strong and successful health care franchises. With its philosophy of integrity, competence and compassion, it has grown its employee population to 68.000 and has established a strong capital position which is enabling it stay an industry leader. (UHS, 2015). As its newly appointed chief financial officer (CFO), one of the many duties but not limited to will be that of a financial operator. In this role, operation will ensure that UHS becomes financially effective or stays financially effective. In order to determine whether this organization stays or is finally stable, conducting a wide range of financial operations starting with an internal financial analysis will be paramount. One of the first tools utilized is a trend analysis. This tool uses UHS’s revenues generated from 2012 through 2014. |Year |2012 |2013 |2014 | |Revenue |6961.4 |7283.82 |8065.33 | |Expense ...
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...LP4 Assignment: Physician Reimbursement • What are the different methods that MCOs reimburse providers for health care services? There are a variety of options available employers have for compensating providers. There is the Non-Risk-Based Physician payment used by all types of Payers which includes: • Fee-For-Service: a payment method where the provider is paid a fee for each procedure performed and billed. There are straight charges; Usual, customary, or reasonable (UCR) allowances; percentage discount on charges; fee schedule; relative value scale (RVS); resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS); Percent of Medicare RBRVS; Special fee schedule or RVS multiplier; Facility fee add-on (pg. 122) • Case rates and global fees: A case rate is single payment that includes all professional services provided in a defined episode of care. (pg. 128). •...
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...Diabetes Working Group White Paper Avalere Health LLC on behalf of the Diabetes Working Group January 23, 2012 Table of Contents Authors.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 5 Provider Survey ......................................................................................................................... 6 Standards of Care Economic Model .......................................................................................... 7 Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 8 Care Management ................................................................................................................................ 8 Payment Reform ................................................................................................................................... 9 Workforce Supply ............................................................................................................................... 10 Background and Role of the Diabetes Working Group ............................
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...How can group practices be value-based and profitable? Quality and value have historically been associated with profitability. This was the case in medicine as well. Those who were recognized as being quality providers of healthcare received increased business and subsequently increase profits. However, in today's competitive market a push for increased volume has often resulted in a inverse impacted quality. This is largely due to fee for service payment schedules which encourages providers to perform larger numbers of services and higher revenue generating procedures and tests. To push back against this government providers such as Medicare as well as other insurers are seeking new ways to provide reimbursement based on value rather than volume. When providers initially look at what is involved in...
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...Residential Group Homes Failing Reimbursement Rates: An Analysis of North Los Angeles County Regional Center’s Failing Residential Providers August 30, 2015 Introduction In California individuals with developmental disabilities receive hands-on training provided by over 45,000 vendors, who are contracted by 21 separate non-profits called regional centers (Information About RC, 2015). Each regional center has an annual performance contract with California’s Department of Developmental Service. The performance contract measures how each regional center delivers services to the individuals they support in their catchment area. In addition, the performance contract is supposed to assure the proper funding for each regional center, and it serves as a monitoring mechanism to help verify that each regional center is using the funds appropriately (RC Performance Contracts, 2015). All of this was made possible by ground breaking legislation passed in 1977 known as the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act (Lanterman, 2015). The Lanterman Act declares that individuals with developmental disabilities have the same legal rights and responsibilities guaranteed to all other persons by federal and state constitutions and laws, and charges the regional center with advocacy and protection of these rights. A developmental disability is a severe incapacity which attributes to a mental or physical impairment for the individual before the age of eighteen. These disabilities...
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...Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Tessa Zendner HCS/531 March 2nd, 2015 Georgetta Baptist Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Pay-for-performance programs have changed the way physicians provide care in many sectors of the health care industry. They impact reimbursement, especially in regard to Medicare and Medicaid. Pay-for-performance has effects on both the quality and efficiency of health care delivery, although its overall impact it a matter of debate. There are studies that show improvement in quality of care in some areas, and others that show no difference in outcomes. There may even be negative repercussions and ethical issues stemming from the enactment of these initiatives. The goal will be to revise and adapt the system within the evolving health care landscape in order to provide the best outcomes possible for both providers and consumers. Pay-for-performance Pay-for-performance is an incentive program defined by the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute as, “a term that describes health-care payment systems that offer financial rewards to providers who achieve, improve, or exceed their performance on specified quality and cost measures, as well as other benchmarks” (Pay for Performance, 2012). Pay-for-performance has become a popular tool to attempt to improve quality and efficiency in health care. It is becoming more widespread with the enactment of The Patient...
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...Operations Analyst for a healthcare system. As was mentioned in another opening post, Oakley and his team failed to take seasonality into consideration. Two weeks in January are surely not representative of an entire year, especially in terms of patient volume; thus annualizing two weeks data is an obvious error. I would expect the patient volume to be lower than average in January as it is not a peak of cold/flu season and patients prefer to have their annual checkups during warmer seasons (mind you the hospital is in Massachusetts). This hunch is confirmed by analysis of the data in Exhibit 8: if we take values for Physician Visits/Year, combined NP – Patient & Employee Visits/Year and Intern/Resident Visits/Year and convert them to Visits/Day (taking into account that there are 8 Physicians, 1 Nurse Practitioner and 13 Interns/Residents at the clinic) we will get values of 5.3, 5.7 and 1.0 Visits/Provider/Day, which are very low (48 work weeks/year and 5 days/week work schedule assumed). Therefore, either PCU is overstaffed or more representative time span should be taken. Another factor that Oakley’s team overlooked is the fact that the teaching hospitals receive direct and indirect Graduate Medical Education payments from Medicare that partially compensate for residency education costs and for higher patient care costs due to presence of teaching programs. According to Donald A. Young et al, the authors of “Medicare and the American Health Care System: Report to the Congress”...
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...Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Paper Patricia Vandermark HCS/531 November 3, 2014 Connie Melton Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance Paper The arena of health care has always been constantly fluid, dynamic, and extremely challenging. As health care providers we struggle with the increasing demands of our institutions, the increasing demands of our patients, and most recently the demands that are a direct result of today’s health reforms. Since the inception of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 (Obamacare) our health care system has been challenged with the demand to improve health care quality and patient satisfaction while reducing costs. The United States health care system is evolving from a fee-for-service to a fee-for-outcome or pay-for-performance model. Not since Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law in 1965 has there been such a significant overhaul of our health care system. In this paper, I will discuss the "pay-for-performance" strategy and how it is intended to improve the quality and efficiency of health care. Definition pay-for-performance "Pay-for-performance" is an umbrella term for initiatives aimed at improving the quality, efficiency, and overall value of health care (Robert Wood Foundation, 2012). Financial incentives are offered to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers and facilities if certain predetermined quality or performance measures are met. The pay-for- performance model also may impose...
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...diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) as acute care hospital inpatients. It is based on resources that are used to treat Medicare recipients in those groups. Each DRG has a payment weight assigned to it, based on the average cost of treating patients in that DRG. IPPS plays an important role in deciding all hospital costs including the costs of all devices for treating the patient during a particular inpatient stay (CMS. Gov, 2012). On the other side, the outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) is regulated for different outpatient service groups as ambulatory payment classifications (APCs). Outpatient services in each APC are similar in terms of clinical aspects and required resources. In addition, the APC payment rate for each group is wage adjusted to justify geographic differences and applied to all services in the group. In this, hospitals get a fixed amount for all outpatient services based on ambulatory payment classifications. Apart from this, Medicare uses it to reimburse physicians and other health care providers for the services and items that are not part of prospective payment systems (Herbert, 2012). A medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS) determines the payment rates for physician and therapy services that are based on relative value units, conversion factors and geographic practice cost indices. Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) is related to reimbursement rates for these certain items to suppliers that ensure accessing...
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