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Vark Analysis


Submitted By RoseJoseph
Words 985
Pages 4
VARK Analysis
Rossamma Joseph
Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V
June 29th 2013

VARK Analysis Paper
The VARK questionnaire is a instrument used to identify ones preferred method of learning. The author of this paper has finished this questionnaire to learn her style to be determined. According to the VARK analysis, this author is Multimodal-learning style, which means the author has multiple preferences when it comes to learning styles. According to Fleming (2011a), approximately 60% of any population has this same learning style preference. Author will provide a summary of the author’s learning style, list the author’s preferred learning strategies, compare the author’s preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies, and appraise any change the author needs to make in study habits to ensure greater learning competencies.
Summary of Preferred Learning Style
Author’s learning style is Multimodal. The multimodal learning style means that the author does not have one preferred learning style but rather uses all of the learning styles. According to research, the majority of students in the health care profession have multimodal learning preferences (Breckler, Joun, & Ngo, 2008). The four learning styles which structure the multimodal learning style are: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. The visual learning style means the person prefers to have a visual of the information such as a pictures, gragh, charts etc. This type of learner is attentive most in layout, design and colorful look. The aural learning style means the person chooses to hear the information, such as listening to a lecture, or audio-book. The read/write learning style methods the person prefer to learn by reading the material and writing the information down. The kinesthetic learning style means that the person would prefer hands on activities such as

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