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Veterans Affairs Case Study

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The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was established in 1930 with the purpose of serving those who have fought in the military and the beneficiaries. The VA has been criticized by most people for being financial wasteful and inefficient in some areas of health care. Many regard veterans as the most important citizens, and therefore deserving of the best care possible, however the VA’s actions do not reflect this respect. The organization mishandles billions of United States tax dollars on frivolous conferences that accomplish nothing, and bonuses for executives who failed to go the extra mile for those who are dependent on VA services. The VA must hold every individual responsible for the neglect, oversight, and corruption …show more content…
Those wasteful expenditures went unpunished for far too long, and false reports were rewarded with fat bonuses, so the VA continued to be place where government tax dollars went to die instead of help save veterans who had already been through enough. Gina Farrisee, Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration, herself testified to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs that the “ VA must do better holding our executives and employees accountable for poor performance.” The construction delays and budget overruns happen because someone is not making projects get done in timely manners and are cost-effective. The misguided bonuses were given out to executives who were not doing their job well, so either the VA needs to hold the executives they have now accountable for what they do wrong, or hire new ones who will do their job better and actually make sure changes occur. People committed fraud and misused buying cards 2000 times because no one held them accountable, so the VA needs someone who will forever, instead of just a House Committee now. The psychiatrists again are being mismanaged, the VA is wasting the employees time and the government's funding, because people are not making sure they are being put to good instead the VA is letting be a burden. The HR conference scandal got out of control because no e onlimited them, no one questioned the extravagant gift buying, no held them accountable. The solution is simple: better management holding people

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