...26/3/15entry 12 It was a good Thursday and we had to start brainstorming for ideas for our upcoming play. My teammates for the play were You Chuan, Rachel and double H. I would say they were a rather good team as they were willing to commit the the final exam. Ms. Pat gave us newspaper in hopes we could find idea in it and she also gave us a hugh paper and some colour pens for us to do a mindmap of what we had in mind for our play. I had many good ideas but I wasn't very sure if it would be easy to execute. My team had many ideas in total and we had to pick the best amongst it. One of the idea we had was a love story genre but there we something about it that just doesn't fell right. I recommended to my team about doing a horror skit but then again, there were a lot of things to take into play as it is quite difficult to execute and the audience might find it boring or whatever. Then an idea sparked into my mind and I told my teammates about a horror-comedy play. They seem to be very interested in what I had to say. My idea was that we could have a lovely couple in the scene when all of a sudden, theres a plot twist in which the boyfriend would assasinate the girlfriend in hopes of getting out her organs for donor. Somehow, I felt that something just wasn't right about that play. I wasn't sure what to do anymore. Fortunately, Ms Pat would come from group to group to tell them about their story and would help give them ideas on a successful play. Ms Pat came to my group...
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