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Video Summary


Submitted By apolito110
Words 600
Pages 3
Video 1.07 talked about different ports and connections on a computer motherboard or integrated card. Serial ports are male and have 9 to 25 connector pins. Parallel ports are female and have 25 connector pins. Serial connections send information one bit at a time while parallel connections send information 8 bits at a time. Game ports are female and contain 15 pins in 2 rows. Modern mouse and keyboard connections are PS/2, USB, or wireless. NIC connections convert parallel communication to serial and use an RJ-45 connector. A modem connection uses an RJ-11 connector and converts analog signals to digital signal and back. There are three types of video connections: VGA, DVI, and S-video. USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is hot-swappable, which means you can plug it into the computer while it is running and it will automatically configure without having to reboot. There are two types of SCSI connections: Narrow SCSI which is Type A with 50 pins, and Wide SCSI, which is Type P with 68 pins. IEEE 1394 or Firewire is Serial, fast, hot-swappable, and is used for streaming media. Last there is Multimedia which consists of your microphone, speaker, and earphone jacks.
Video 1.07 Ports and Connectors * Serial Ports * Parallel Ports * Game Ports * Mouse * Keyboard * NIC * Modem * Video * USB * SCSI * IEEE 1394 * Multimedia
Terms and Definitions * NIC Network Interface Card * DVI Digital Visual Interface * USB Universal Serial Bus
There are two types of monitors, cathode ray tubes or CRT and LCD or liquid crystal display. CRT’s have three standard resolutions while LCD’s have four native e resolutions. To configure your screens resolution, right click on the desktop, click “properties”, and then click the settings tab. There are three types of connectors: VGA, DVI, and S-Video. There are two types of video busses or slots to plug into the motherboard: AGP slots and PCI express. A wavy screen or screen flicker may be evidence of EMI or electromagnetic interference. Never open a CRT monitor case because the capacitors inside have stored electricity which could discharge and possibly kill you.
Terms and Definitions * Contrast Ratio difference between purist white and purist black * Refresh Rate times per second CRT beam writes to screen * Response Time time needed to create new screen on an LCD * Interlacing where CRT beam writes to alternating lines. This compensates for slow refresh rates * Dot Pitch distance between phosphorescent dots on a CRT * Resolution addressable points on a screen for both CRT and LCD
Video 1.09 Video * Monitors * CRT Resolution * LCD Resolution * Connectors * Video Busses * Video Cards * Troubleshooting
There are three types of printers: dot matrix, inkjet, and laser. Dot matrix is used to print multi-part forms and uses a tractor feed system. There are two types of inkjet printers: thermal bubble and piezoelectric. Laser printers use six step electro photographic process. The traditional; type of printer interface uses a 36 pin Centronics connector at the printer and a 25 pin parallel connector at the computer. Modern printer interfaces use USB, SCSI, or wireless. When installing a printer, install the drivers first before connecting the printer. To improve the performance of your printer you can add more memory, move or delete graphics on your document, or lower the document resolution.
Video 1.11 Printers * Dot Matrix * Inkjet * Laser * Six Steps In Laser Printing * Problems with Laser Printers * Printer Interfaces * Installing a Printer * Spooling * Queue
Terms and Definitions * Spooling controls printing process and improves performance. Pint job is stored in printer queue to free up computer * Queue list of print jobs waiting to be printed

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