...Licom Systems Ltd. 3D Surface Creation Training Course Notes INDEX OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 1 WORK VOLUME ................................................................................................................. 1 WORK PLANE .................................................................................................................... 1 WORK VOLUME CREATION. .............................................................................................. 2 2D WORK PLANES ............................................................................................................. 2 RULED SURFACE ............................................................................................................. 3 SWEPT SURFACE 2 CURVES ......................................................................................... 4 SWEPT SURFACE 3 CURVES ......................................................................................... 5 SURFACE OF REVOLUTION.......................................................................................... 6 COONS PATCH 3 CURVES.............................................................................................. 7 COONS PATCH 4 CURVES.............................................................................................. 8 INTRODUCTION .............................................................
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...Creating a part in Pro/ENGINEER: Select the FILE menu at the top of the screen and then select the option NEW Select the button for PART (if it is not already selected) and enter a name for the file in the space provided. This will create a set of three mutuallyorthogonal datum planes and display them on the screen. They are labeled RIGHT, TOP, and FRONT A few comments on Datum Planes; Datum planes are 2-sided. They have a Yellow side and a Red side. The yellow side is considered primary, that is, in most commands involving orientation of the datum plane in 3D space, the facing of the yellow side takes precedence. To create your first shape feature: From the Feature menu select CREATE For Feature Type select SOLID and in the SolidType menu, select PROTRUSION (a protrusion is a solid feature which adds material to the model) For SolidOptions select EXTRUDE, SOLID and DONE This specifies that we will be creating our protrusion using the operation of extrusion, which sweeps a planar profile through a distance normal to the plane of the profile. The FeatureControl dialogue box will now open and show what is required to create the feature in question. The box lists the properties for the feature and notes whether they have been defined, are currently being defined, or are still required. For Attributes select One Side and Done (this option specifies that we will extrude to one side of the plane of the profile; the two side option makes the profile plane the midplane of...
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...ADOBE® READER® XI Help and tutorials Reader Help Print PDFs Print button missing? Common printing tasks Why can’t I print my document? Simulate overprinting of inks Print button missing? To the top If you can't see the Print and Cancel buttons, your monitor is set to a low screen resolution. Reader wasn't designed for low-resolution displays (the minimum recommended is 1024 x 576). However, you can work around this limitation. Do any of the following to print your document: Press Enter or Return. If a scroll bar appears on the right of the dialog box, drag the slider down to access the buttons. (Windows) On some monitors, the Windows taskbar covers the Print button. You can hide the taskbar so it appears only when you mouse to the very bottom of the screen. Right-click the taskbar and choose Properties. In the Properties dialog box, select Auto-hide the Taskbar, then click OK. Set the Taskbar properties to hide the taskbar so you can select the Print button Common printing tasks Print on both sides To the top You can print double-sided if your printer supports that feature. The printer driver controls the options, not Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Check your printer documentation to see what features your printer supports. (Double-sided printing is also called duplex, back to back, front and back, or two-sided printing.) In the Print dialog box, enable Print on both sides of paper, and choose an edge to Flip. Print in black and white ...
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...established itself as the most effective form of persuasion due to its insidious nature, convincing people to believe lies, support unjust wars, and fall for other deceptive agendas” Aris Jameson from helium.com. The people decide whether something or someone has a good or bad reputation, even if they were fooled to believe so as Jameson explains. The people choose between what is good or bad, right or wrong, and moral or unmoral. The people are the deciding factor for everything, they can make change, make or break a business, decide what the trend is, and other common things. Public views can be disputed on so many subjects, for that purpose in this essay the main focus will be on the public image of tank-tops used in Smith’s article. “The name is the issue. For they are known as “wife-beaters.””(Smith). The public image for tank-tops are negative because people have given that type of particular clothing a terrible image of a “wife-beaters”. Smith states why the public image is important, how is it decided if it is wrong or right, and what are the effects to inform the results of a public image given to the intended subject. The public image is very important because it is the deciding factor for everything. People choose from what they wear, to what to they buy. But when the public view is put into play they can change everything. In a funeral the...
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...national leader in the education field, and their goal is to become world class leaders; so they must create reforms that reflect the current needs and create the largest impact for student growth. To achieve their primary goal, Maryland is focusing on five main areas to support the Race to the Top federal grant, Maryland’s Third Wave of Reform (Maryland State Department of Education, Preparing World-Class Students, 2012). Maryland has adopted the Common Core State Standards and PARCC assessments to ensure that the students will be prepared for the increasing demands of a global society. In order to meet the rising needs of 21st century students, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) developed the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum which aligns with the new national standards and assessments. These higher standards have raised the expectations for our students and are providing them with opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the skills they need to be prepared to enter college and careers without the need for remediation (MSDE, Preparing World-Class Students, 2012). This Race to the Top strategy is universalistic because it takes the position of a reform view for the assumption, purposes of schooling (Astuto, Clark, Read, McGree, Fernandez, 1994). This strategy focuses on implementing the Common Core State Standards, a revision of the Maryland State Curriculum. These new standards are national education standards that define the skills and knowledge...
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...open the file Any other unexpected behavior that cannot be attributed to the typical operation of the program If the document shows any of these symptoms, or if you cannot open the document, go to method 2. Back to the top Method 2: Check other documents and programs Sometimes, this behavior may be caused by factors other than document damage. To eliminate these other factors, follow these steps: Look for similar behavior in other documents. Look for similar behavior in other 2007 Microsoft Office programs or 2010 Microsoft Office programs. If any of these steps indicate that the problem is not in the document, you will then have to troubleshoot Word 2007 or Word 2010, the 2007 Office suite, the 2010 Office suite, or the operating system that is running on the computer. Back to the top Troubleshooting steps to try if you can open the damaged document Method 1: Change the template that is used by the document Step 1: Determine the template that is used by the document Open the problem document in Word. In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Options. In Word 2010, click File on the Ribbon, and then click Options. Click Add-Ins. In the Manage box, click Templates under View and manage Office add-ins Click Go. The Document template box will list the template that is...
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...show should readily transfer to any 3D software that you use. For this tutorial we will use the Nieuport 11 as an example as a lot of the shapes are relatively easy compared to WWII aircraft or modern jets although the techniques shown are equally applicable to those types. We will cover how to model a wheel, cowling, fuselage, tail plane, fin, top wing and engine crankcase. I will also show how to uvmap those items so you can texture your aircraft. I will also give some tips on how to model the rest of the aircraft if you wish to finish it off. This is the first time I have ever used Blender so there may be better ways of doing things. Getting Started Step 1 Download Blender 2.45 & install. Optional Download Python 2.5 for your operating system & install. Note: Python allows full functionality of the software but you should still be able to do this tutorial without Python. Step 2 Download these 3 PDF files which teach you the basics of the interface, keyboard shortcuts and have some tutorials that are well worth going through before you start modelling aircraft. The Blender manual is also extremely handy reference and is available from blenders help menu. Some very good reading on blender which explains things about the program really well and in simple terms with plenty of great tips. http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/dojo/ Look for “Blender for the Faint hearted” 01-09....
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...general definition of social justice is hard to arrive at and even harder to implement. In essence, social justice is concerned with equal justice, not just in the courts, but in all aspects of society. This concept demands that people have equal rights and opportunities; everyone, from the poorest person on the margins of society to the wealthiest deserves an even playing field. Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being.The term and modern concept of "social justice" was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati. The idea was elaborated by the moral theologian John A. Ryan, who initiated the concept of a living wage. Father Coughlin also used the term in his publications in the 1930s and the 1940s. It is a part of Catholic social teaching, Social Gospel from Episcopalians and is one of the Four Pillars of the Green Party upheld by green parties worldwide. Social justice as a secular concept, distinct from religious teachings, emerged mainly in the late twentieth century, influenced primarily by philosopher John Rawls. Some tenets of social justice have been adopted by those on the left of the political spectrum. Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality...
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...Case Analysis 1. Would Enterprise’s approach to human resource management work in other industries? a. I think that Enterprise’s approach to human resource management would very well work in a lot of industries. One example of an industry that would benefit from this type of human resource management would be fast food industries. It allows people who may not have graduated in the top of their class and who may not have had the best GPA in school to still qualify to enter the company with a degree. They can show off their good work ethic and dedication by starting off at the bottom and working their way to the top. Having said that, job loyalty is greatly promoted in industries that perform in this way. 2. Does Enterprise face any risks from its HR strategy? b. Of course Enterprise faces risks from its HR strategy, as well as any other industry hiring brand new employees. There is always the struggle of teaching new employees the rules and strategies of the industry they are working for. They have to go through a training session to tell them what is expected of them and how they should go about doing their job. One good thing to note about Enterprise’s HR strategy is that they like to hire former athletes and former people who have been in a club of some sort so that they at least know they are hiring someone who has been dedicated to something at some point, and hopefully they can be just as dedicated to their job. 3. Would you want to work for Enterprise...
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...UNITED STATES AUTO INDUSTRY BACK ON TOP . . . OF CEO PAY Valerie Lieber MGT 2500 Human Resource Management February 11, 2015 INTRODUCTION Executive compensation has been at the forefront of discussion for a long period of time. Analyzed by academics, highlighted by the media, questioned by Congress, and scrutinized by the general public, the topic warrants much debate. In the 1990’s, total executive compensation increased substantially as companies began offering stock option programs; CEO’s of S&P 500 saw an average increase of 150%. While many top U.S. executives continued to receive enormous compensation options throughout the economic downturns of 2001 and 2008, none was more apparent than those in the automotive industry. While the big three, comprising of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, were facing insurmountable debt and possibly bankruptcy, top executives were receiving some of the highest reparations ever experienced by directors of the companies. The case study presented in Managing Human Resources, Sixteenth Edition by Snell and Bohlander brings to mind the fact that during 2011, Ford CEO, Alan Mulally, received $53.5 million in stock awards. Many discussions can be derived from this statement. However, a basic understanding of modern corporate compensation structures must first be realized. Along with understanding these compensation structures, knowledge of the views on economic rent and optimal contracting must also be developed. Corporate...
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...employers and others for whom you might want to display your work. As part of your program of study, you will create an ePortfolio and upload at least one assignment from each course taken. Instructors will then view your ePortfolio in order to evaluate these assignments. General Information: * Instructions for creating ePortfolios begin on the next page of this document. You can also access several useful videos on how to create and use ePortfolios here: http://www.foliotek.com/demos (Scroll down to “Presentation – Getting Started”) * You can create multiple portfolios on your ePortfolio account. * Your ePortfolio account includes a file repository where you will store files like course papers, reports, projects, photos, and videos. These files can then be attached to any portfolio page you create. * You can share (show) your portfolio(s) to an individual person, a group, or the general public. Check each of the following to make sure your ePortfolio assignment is ready to be graded: * Upload your assignment to the file repository. Label it by the course number and assignment name. * Add the assignment to the “Course Portfolio Assignments” page of your ePortfolio. This is where your instructor will look to find the assignment. * Click “Save” and “Merge with Shared” (top right of portfolio screen) to ensure new uploads can be viewed by those with whom you have shared your ePortfolio. Check each of the following to make sure your ePortfolio...
Words: 1848 - Pages: 8
...smells that I remember saying that it smells like a fair. When I looked around the only thing I remember thinking was wow. The view that I saw from looking down that street was amazing. It looked like it never ended and on the side of the road were people, trees, so many famous buildings that I couldn't name them all, and the infamous New York taxis. My group of people was Grace, Eva, Abby, Aspen, and Ms. Shutte. On the sidewalk, we tried to cross the street and it was controlled chaos by the crosswalk. There were so many people waiting to go in all different directions. There were so many people everywhere in New York that we had to make a train to get through the crowds so we wouldn't stray from the group. The Big Apple was so populated that everywhere we went, we could either not see the ground because there were so many people, or see all the way down the street because there were barely any people....
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...HEADERS AND FOOTERS What are Excel Headers and Footers? In Microsoft Excel, headers and footers are lines of text that print at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each page in the spreadsheet. They contain descriptive text such as titles, dates, and/or page numbers. They are used to add information to a spreadsheet that is being printed. Add a Custom Header in Excel In Excel, a header is a line of text that prints at the top of each page in the spreadsheet. A header is used to add information to a spreadsheet before it is printed. Custom headers can be used to add specific information, such as a title, or description of the worksheet. A header can appear in three locations on the spreadsheet - the top left corner of each page, the top center, and the top right corner of each page. Adding a Custom Header in Excel To add a header: 1. Click on the Insert tab. 2. Click on the Header & Footer option in the ribbon. 3. The spreadsheet switches to page layout view. 4. Three boxes can be seen above the worksheet page. 5. By default, the center box is highlighted. 6. Click with the mouse on either of the side boxes to change the location of the header if desired. 7. Type in the header information. Add a Custom Footer in Excel In Excel , a footer is a line of text that prints at the bottom of each page in the spreadsheet. A footer is used to add information to a spreadsheet before it is printed. Custom footers can be used to add specific...
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...just an example of one of the top compensated CEOs today in France. Are this high wages justified? This debate causes many reactions, especially in a period of difficult economic and social context in developed countries. Whereas important CEOs are able to ask themselves where to spend their next holidays, most workers remain concerned by being able to pay their bills at the end of the month. This inequality leads us to reflection. In my opinion, this inequality is proportionally unjustified. Showing the huge gap between CEOs’ and workers’ average wage wouldn’t be enough to prove the irrelevancy in today’s top executives’ salary calculation. This is why I will introduce various concepts and go more deeply in the analysis of my point of view. We should consider one of the principles usually used to justify CEOs’ compensation: the desert view. This concept emphasizes the fact that top executives deserve the money they make considering their competences, efforts and high responsibilities. It would be extremely hard to prove that a CEO sits at his position without having valuable business competences and experiences, especially as he is chosen by a board of administrators willing to enhance the company’s performances to answer shareholders’ expectations. The question of high responsibility is also difficult to deny as a CEO would be on the front line to face any problems relative to the management of the company, especially from a legal point of view, that could affect his career...
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...How to Create a Tableless Website Using Dreamweaver CS3 or Higher This seatwork and guide should make it easy for you to learn how to apply css in creating a tableless website layout. The end result of this seatwork will look like this: Setting up your project Let us start from scratch by setting up your project. 1. By now you should have already defined your site for WebDev1. 2. Create a folder under the root folder (web) and call it “tableless”. 3. Create a folder inside the tableless folder and call it “images”. Copy the image files provided into the folder. The image files are: a. Logo.gif b. Mother_baby.jpg 4. Create a folder called "css" under the root folder. The css folder is where you will later save your css file. 5. Make sure you are in the tableless folder; create the blank pages of for your site. They are: c. Index.htm d. Services.htm e. Aboutus.htm f. Contactus.htm Create template and external css 1. Let’s start with creating a new template. You have two options. a. File > New > Blank Page > HTML template > none > create b. File > New >Blank Template > HTML template > create 2. Save the template. Name it template_css. It will get saved as a .dwt file in a new "Templates" folder that will create itself. 3. Edit the title to “Sitename”. 4. In the css panel click the NEW CSS RULE icon. In the window do these: c. Selector type...
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