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Violence Against Women in Lebanon


Submitted By sahava
Words 2994
Pages 12
Table of Contents |

Executive Summary………………………………………………………iv |
Problem and Scope……………………………..1 Procedures………………….………………….2
Violence against women in Lebanon………….3 Education Statistics in Lebanon…………..…...4
Research Analysis…………………………………………………………6
Personal Beliefs……………………...……….12

Executive Summary
The purpose of this report was to raise awareness about abused women in Lebanon and try to promote their rights.
Research for this report included true based stories from reality shows and social media, furthermore, literature on web-based tuitions and interview with a professional social worker who deals with abused women.

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current and prospective of women abuse concentrating in South of Lebanon. Other calculations include rates of numbers of women being abused including statistics of women educated in Lebanon. We also found two reality shows where men clarify why women are allowed to be abused and that it is the right thing to do in certain situations. Furthermore, we inserted KAFAA’s point of view on this matter including what type of situations they dealt with. Also, we have a valid report on the behaviors of the victim and the abuser by a Dr. from psychology department. The interview reveals reasons to why women are abused and how should they react to it. The report finds that even though the government tried to pass a bill that will give women some rights, the religious groups withdrew the law by claiming that it is against their beliefs and that the Shariaa is more than enough. It is a true fact however; if the Shariaawas fully implemented then it would have worked perfectly as said by Dima El Dassouki, a social work in AUH who works with abused women.

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