...The novel Slaughterhouse-Five written by Kurt Vonnegut has been on banned, burned and hidden since 1969 when it was released. The controversial situations and topics that are brought up in this novel have been the roots of its banishment in numerous student libraries across the United States. This declaration against Slaughterhouse-Five in the Racine, Wisconsin Unified District High School Libraries in 1986 outlines the biggest reasons used to justify the banning and censoring of this novel, ¨Restricted to students who have parental permission due to language used in the book, depictions of torture, ethnic slurs, and negative portrayals of women” (ala.org). There have been so many arguments and court hearings over the fact that people find this book to be too inappropriate and explicit to be accessible within schools. Vonnegut's’ Slaughterhouse-Five should not be...
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...The Bombing of Dresden was an attack on Dresden, Germany, which took place in latter part of World War II. Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., is a novel about the author’s personal experience in World War II. The novel is about a prisoner of war who survives and witnesses the Allied Forces’ firebombing of Dresden. Slaughterhouse Five is a work of literary fiction mixed with elements of sci-fi, history, and also contains biographical context. Most people believe that they understand war, and what the soldiers go through. What Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is trying to tell his readers in a calm, emotionless manner, informing us that we do not know anything about the horrors of war, and how meaningless it is. Vonnegut brings us the traditional view on war by giving the readers the preview into the mind of a prisoner of war who survived the war. This novel is a literary classic which will be just as meaningful and educational during any period of time. Slaughterhouse Five is an educational piece about the psychological, historical, and biographical aspects of war and the effect of war on soldiers who have witnessed and survived it. When reading this novel, the feeling one would get is of fear and sympathy. Kurt Vonnegut’s novel is an all-time great cult classic with elements of time travel. “Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time” (Chapter 2). The novel’s protagonist, Billy Pilgrim, travels through periods of his life, which he is not able to decide what period he lands in. Therefore...
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