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Virgil's Aphrodite: The Goddess Of Love

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When you think of the goddess of love, do you think of someone sweet and innocent . Aphrodite is not sweet and innocent as she is look upon. She is the goddess of love and beauty, but she has affairs with a lot of different gods and even mortals. Aphrodite is a greek god who is an unfaithful wife, has an unique personality and she is represented by many symbols and animals. Aphrodite was not faithful to her husband Hephaestus by any means. She was actually in love with Hephaestus’ brother, Ares. Helios caught the two lovers during their affair. Hephaestus tried to embarrass them in front of the town, but they could not blame them. Not only did she have affairs with Ares, she also had affairs with several different men. Would you really want to look up to someone who is so unloyal? I sure wouldn’t. …show more content…
She had some that were helpful: she was very joyful and brought joy and laughter to all the mortal men, women, children, and the gods and goddess. She helped someone tease and manipulate the person they loved. She also had some harmful personalities. Aphrodite was very treacherous because she did not love or even have feelings for her husband or any of the men she was in an affair with. She did have her beautiful features, but it wasn’t all for the better. She used some of her beauty to woo people into loving one another. She also used her beauty in bad ways because she was very seductive. Which this did not make her loyal, this made people frown upon

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