...day, logging into the computer, eating a snack while becoming absorbed in what you are looking at. This is a pretty easy to imagine for most people. Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One” is a story of a boy in his teens named Wade Watts. The novel begins with a multi-billionaire named James Halliday passing away. Halliday was the creator of the OASIS, a massive online global networked virtual reality. After his passing, a contest begins to find a virtual easter egg hidden within the OASIS world to inherit his multi-billion dollars. The internet becomes a place of comfort for Wade. He feels the world is just too harsh, and tough to bear, and he learns that the attraction of the internet is a hard battle, but it can be done. Turning from virtual to reality is hard step for Wade to make. Earnest Cline shows us that virtual reality is running our lives and we are not living up to our potential; true happiness is found in real connections, memories, and friendships we make in reality....
Words: 1073 - Pages: 5