...What is actually virtual meeting on business? Recent years, advanced technology brought a lot of new opportunities in our life and on our businesses meanwhile these technological improvements get inside our life day by day. Virtual meeting is one of these opportunities which many businesses are using it and many of them will use in the future. Virtual meeting is having a meeting by using internet connection virtually with the other branches or other related companies that you work with. “Virtual meetings will never eradicate the need for traditional face-to-face meetings, but they often provide the least expensive means of bringing people together” (2011, Mittleman). As long as companies remain, people who work within these companies will travel to other countries or cities to have meetings but virtual meeting which is videoconferencing and telepresence will decrease these travels. What are the advantages of the virtual meetings on an organization? Maybe 15 years ago, if we talked about a virtual meeting, it would be so weird but now this is very common way to have a meeting and will be more than now. There are a lot of advantages of the virtual meetings first and important one for a business is saving time. The other important advantage is saving money. These two important things are actually main factors to consider for many businesses anytime. These virtual meetings will reduce your employees to travel for a meeting sometimes these meetings can last 1 week or...
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...dilemma as your family does not want to be relocated. The project has a six-month deadline. What factors should you consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective? Answer: First of all, virtual assignments is where the employees and managers are located in different areas as in this case, the Project Manager’s office is in London whereas the other six team members are in Munich. Thus, the Project Manager has to rely heavily on communication technologies such as telephone, email or video conference. In my opinion, the factors that has to be taken into consideration include effective use of technology, invest time in building relationships and trust, provide specific intercultural training and arrange face-to-face meeting occasionally. To bring a success to virtual assignments, I will need to be aware of the full range of technology tools available to us and become practices and proficient in their use. Without familiarizing the technology, it is difficult for managers to keep in touch with the team and it might end up slowing down the team performance. For instance, it will be a waste of time discovering the function of Skype tools during the virtual meeting. Besides that, as a newly-appointed Project Manager, trust and a comfortable level of social or personal interaction are enormously important for effective virtual assignments. It is crucial for me to find ways to engage with my members and create an appropriate and effective dynamic within the team. Initially...
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...Here are the resources I use from internet. http://www.improvemybusiness.com.au/improve-cash-flow/professional-services/cash-inflow-cash-outflow-managing-your-business-cash-flow http://www.csun.edu/~hfact004/inventory_cost_flow_assumptions.htm Ideally, a company will have more money flowing into the business than out. Businesses sell products and services to generate income. Generally, the most common sources of cash for a company are: payment for goods or services from customers, receipt of a bank loan or increased loans or overdrafts, interest on savings and investments and shareholder investments. http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1073791119&type=RESOURCES In order to produce and sell goods and services, the business uses raw materials and labor, which must be paid for. In other words, a company has to spend money to make money. Here's where the bulk of cash outflows go: purchase of stock, raw materials or tools, wages, rents and daily operating expenses , purchase of fixed assets - PCs, machinery, office furniture, etc., loan repayments, dividend payments, income tax, corporation tax, VAT and national insurance contributions, etc. According the consolidated statements of cash flows of 10-K form, net income of each fiscal year from 2009 to 2011 are 623,369, 734,940, and 880,800, which are also can be found in consolidated statement of income.Net sales are 3,230,468, 3,607,636, 4,158,507. Clearly, sales are the primary source of cash inflow...
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...MULTISTATE CORPORATE TAX COURSE John C. Healy | Michael S. Schadewald 2014 EDITION CPE CoursE! BONUS Earn CPE Credit and stay on top of key Multistate Corporate Tax issues. Go to CCHGroup.com/PrintCPE 2014 EDITION MULTISTATE CORPORATE TAX COURSE John C. Healy | Michael S. Schadewald ii Contributors Authors ........................................................... John C. Healy, MST, CPA Michael S. Schadewald, PhD, CPA Technical Review ....................................................... Sharon Brooks, CPA Production Coordinator ................................................... Gabriel Santana Production ......................................................................... Lynn J. Brown Layout & Design..................................................................Laila Gaidulis This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. © 2013 CCH Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 4025 W. Peterson Ave. Chicago, IL 60646-6085 800 344 3734 CCHGroup.com No claim is made to original government works; however, within this Product or Publication, the following are subject to CCH’s copyright: (1) the gathering, compilation...
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...purposes of calculating income tax. • Legal entities o Companies, which have separate legal personalities, are legal entities. Income flows • Income should be considered as a cash flow stream, where timing is important. • The question is, when the income recognised as earned or deducted (because tax delayed is tax denied)? CLASS 1.2 Patterns of taxation Income tax • Income tax is a progressive system. • Income tax is mainly a rich person’s tax once franking credits are taken into account to produce an “effective tax rate”. • Wealthy people pay less tax overall by reducing their tax burden through using the lower rate paid on capital gains and other tax minimisation schemes. • Total tax as a percentage of GDP is lower in Australia compared to many other countries across the world. However, these results must be considered in light of the high level of income (where it may not be as much of a burden to pay high taxes where there is high income) and quality of public goods provided in counties such as Sweden (which has the highest total tax rate as a percentage of GDP). Justifications for taxation Why do we need taxes? • Public goods argument: the government can provide some benefits to society better than anyone else. Examples include defence, and law and order. • Market failure (merit goods) argument: the public does not spend enough for their own benefit. o Examples include education where some people do not emphasise tertiary education and therefore...
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...Why Off-Sites Should Go Virtual: the Virt-Site By Keith Ferrazzi Organizations are all trying to do more with less. As the economic downturn drags on, companies have tightened their belts even further. Businesses continue to lay off thousands of workers; holiday parties are being drastically downscaled; executive perks like corporate jets have become history; and the list goes on. As part of that belt-tightening, some companies have begun to rethink their strategic off-sites. Instead of flying executives from around the world to an expensive three-day offsite location, why not just conduct everything virtually? The problem, though, has been that many companies have been trying to use videoconferencing, virtual reality technologies, and other tools to try to replicate physical off-sites. One idea was to encourage spontaneous conversations by simulating a “virtual cocktail hour. ” Wrong! The use of virtual technologies to replicate traditional physical off-sites misses a huge opportunity. Doing so results in a “poor man’s” version of the real thing, like online training courses that consist of nothing more than a video recording of an instructor followed by a test. Instead, companies need to be much smarter about how they conduct virtual off-sites. They need to leverage online’s unique characteristics to push beyond what’s possible in a physical setting and truly transform the process. Interviews with dozens of experts resulted in the following methodology, dubbed the virt-site...
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...TAX COMPETENCIES, COMPLIANCE COSTS AND INCOME TAX COMPLIANCE AMONG SMEs IN UGANDA BY ANNET NAKIWALA 2007/HD10/11264U A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT S FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY September, 2010 TAXCOMPETENCIES, COMPLIANCE COSTS & INCOME TAX COMPLIANCE DECLARATION I, Annet Nakiwala, declare that this dissertation is my own work and that it has never been presented for a degree award at any other university. Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………… ii TAXCOMPETENCIES, COMPLIANCE COSTS & INCOME TAX COMPLIANCE APPROVAL This is to certify that this dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a Masters of Science degree in Accounting and Finance of Makerere University with my approval as University Supervisor. Joseph Ntayi (PhD) Supervisor Signature: ………………… Date: ……………………… Arthur Sserwanga Supervisor Signature: ………………… Date: …………………….. iii TAXCOMPETENCIES, COMPLIANCE COSTS & INCOME TAX COMPLIANCE DEDICATION I dedicate this entire effort to my late Mother Gorreth Nabagereka. We miss you dearly. iv TAXCOMPETENCIES, COMPLIANCE COSTS & INCOME TAX COMPLIANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Completion of this research has been a result of both direct and indirect support of many people to whom I owe acknowledgement. I owe profound gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Joseph Ntayi and...
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...The wealth of the nation is dependent on the wealth created by citizens, that wealth is created by people seeking opportunities to satisfy demands for new products and services, whether being of their own citizens or for exports the pursuit for those opportunities in a cost efficient way leads to profit for the individual and growth for the company. In this essay I will be describing the relationship between Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economical development. Well, in my view the relationship between these terms can only be explained thru a virtue circle. All of these 3 terms rely on each other if for example you reduce tax rate the government will get more tax going in because more companies would want to move to that country with a low tax rate => increase in infrastructure which will stimulate even more companies to move over, which will stimulate the economical development to increase this all was proven by Ronald Reagan. How do you stimulate innovation? Well, there are many ways to stimulate innovation: 1. Education: thru education you can stimulate young minds to innovate create new creative ideas. 2. Subsidies/funds: For example Israel grants a huge sum of money to whoever wants to start their own business, when the company is doing well the Israeli government sells their...
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...Week 4: Homework Problems Questions: 14-4 The purpose of the nonrecognition of gains/losses upon transfers of property is to encourage corporate formation. Gains and losses are not recognized upon transfer of property to corporations because essentially the transferee has retained their investment in the property through a different form - stock. When the property is transferred for the stock, the transferee does not recognize a gain or loss and therefore there is no tax burden on the transfer. 14-20 Corporations have the flexibility of choosing their tax year. They can choose to run on the calendar year or a different fiscal year. In addition, their fiscal year does not have to match up to the same accounting periods as the owners of the corporation. In the beginning of a corporation’s life, there is usually a net loss and having a different accounting tax year than that of the owners can lead for a tax benefit for the owners when applying this net loss. In a proprietorship and partnerships generally have to use the same tax year as the owners and S-corporations are generally required to use the calendar year as their tax year. Corporations definitely have the advantage here. 14-22 Corporate capital gains and losses computation is very similar to capital gain/loss for individuals. Capital gains and losses can be short-term and long-term, just like individuals’ capital gains and losses. When a capital gain occurs for corporations, they are required to be included in gross...
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...Fiscal and Monetary Policy The textbook states clearly that the aggregate supply curve (and the economy in general) is heavily influenced by unemployment: “The Keynesian range of the curve is horizontal because neither the price level nor production costs will increase or decrease when there is substantial unemployment in the economy.” (Tucker) This shows that high unemployment should be prevented as much as possible, and quickly alleviated if it begins to rise. “Our Fiscal Policy Paradox”, written by Alan S. Blinder, explores the current fiscal and monetary policy options, and describes which options should be implemented in order to pull the economy out of the recession. The fiscal options that are given are: 1. New jobs tax credit 2. Government hiring 3. Cut sales taxes The tax credit for new jobs would simply be an incentive for employers to hire more people in order to decrease unemployment, which will increase spending in general, a key factor in pulling the nation out of its economic trough. This strategy has been pursued, but not effectively. The author explains: The government could offer tax breaks to firms that increase their employment above some base level. In fact, Congress did just that with the HIRE (Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment) Act in March. But it was legislated on a pitifully small scale and will expire at year's end. We need a larger version that stays around for a while. (WSJ.com) Providing such a credit would theoretically...
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...I. Introduction The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my internship period with T and T Holdings Limited. This report is also a requirement for the partial fulfillment of University of Eastern Africa Baraton degree program. The report primarily focuses on the assignments handled, working environment, successes and short comings that the intern did encounter when handling various tasks assigned by supervisor. It is also imperative that recommendations and suggestions be given reflecting on the intern’s shortcomings, successes, observation and comments. II. Description of T and T Financial Sercices T and T holdings limited is a financial institution that started up around 14 April, 2008. It is generally involved in microfinance activities and currently provides three main services or products which are; small business lending, order finance, and salary based lending. 1. Vision To be recognized as being among the best financial service providers providing customers with advice, information and services to meet their financial needs. 2. Mission To make a positive difference in people’s lives through innovative financial products that are trusted and valued 3. Values The values of ministry of finance are; Transparency and Accountability, Professionalism, Impartiality, Teamwork and Responsiveness and Personal integrity. III. Duties and Responsibilities I began my internship program on 15th February, 2011 with T and T. The internship...
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...Environmental sustainability is gaining much focus in the recent years as people are beginning to strive for a balance between economic growth and sustainability. In fact, many developed countries such as UK, Japan have implemented strict environmental policies to enhance the quality on the environment and to preserve the sustainability of its resources. It is viewed that Malaysia’s effort has been marginal in achieving effective management of resources, pollution control and prevention of environmental degradation. Tax Incentives ENERGY Energy sector is one of the target sectors of Green Technology under the National Green Technology Policy. Various attractive incentives are given to businesses to encourage the generation of renewable energy (RE) such as biomass, biogas, hydropower and solar power, and the efficient use of energy (EE). Conservation of energy is a promoted activity under the Promotion of Investments Act of 1986, companies providing EE services or companies that incur capital expenditure for conserving energy for own consumption can be considered for the Pioneer Status or the Investment Tax Allowance. Besides, for companies who intend to implement Power Quality Improvement Projects can apply for Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA). On top of these, income received from the sale of certified emission reduction would be exempt from income tax. Incentives Available to Companies Adopting RE/EE Initiatives: a) Pioneer Status: Exempt from income tax on 100%...
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...MEMORANDUM To: File From: Date: October 24, 2012 Re: Craig - Structuring a cash transfer in the case of bankruptcy Facts Craig receives a $50,000 salary for running the day to day operations of Canterbury Corporation. He owns 100% of Canterbury’s stock, which is valued at $200,000. Canterbury currently needs $90,000 to meet short-term cash-flow needs, of which Craig is personally sending over to the business. We assume that when Canterbury goes bankrupt, there is no chance of further repayment of debt. Issues 1. How is debt treated at bankruptcy? 2. What are the tax consequences of contributing capital to a corporation when the company goes bankrupt? 3. If a loan is structured with the intent to protect investment, what are the tax consequences when the company goes bankrupt? 4. If a loan is structured to protect employment, what are the tax consequences at the time of bankruptcy? 5. Which of the above scenarios is the best way to structure a transfer for tax purposes? Conclusions 1. Debt will become wholly worthless upon bankruptcy. 2. The $90,000 capital contribution may be deducted as a capital loss to the extent of gains from such sales or exchanges, plus the lesser of $3,000 and the excess of such losses over such gains. 3. A nonbusiness bad debt may be deducted as a short term capital loss $90,000 in the year the loan becomes worthless to the extent of short term capital gains, plus the lesser of $3,000 and the excess of such losses over...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Since the 1960s to date, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have been given due recognitions especially in the developed nations for playing very important roles towards fostering accelerated economic growth, development and stability within several economies (Yitzhaki, 2006). They make-up the largest proportion of businesses all over the world and play tremendous roles in employment generation, provision of goods and services, creating a better standard of living, as well as immensely contributing to the gross domestic products (GDPs) of many countries (OECD, 2000).Over the last few decades, the contributions of the SMEs sector, the development of the largest economies in the world have beamed the searchlight on the uniqueness of the SMEs; and this have succeeded in overruling previously held views that SMEs were only ―miniature versions‖ of larger companies (Al-Shaikh 1998; Gaskill et al. 1993). And although Small and Medium Enterprises have been at the center of the policy debate for quite some time in both developed and developing countries, little analytical work has been undertaken in this area.The dearth information that exists among researchers on Small and Medium Enterprises however provides a sense of how important this sector is for sustainable development in emerging economies (Medina, 2001). For instance, recent studies conducted by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concur that SMEs...
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...On September 8th 2011, President Obama gave a speech on what he calls the American Jobs Acts. It’s basically and act that consists of a combination of tax cuts and creation of jobs as well as helping the unemployed and Unemployment insurance. Taxes: * Helping small businesses by cutting taxes in half first five million dollars in wages and temporarily cutting payroll taxes all together on new employees. * Allowing all businesses to make immediate deductions on expenses for new plant and equipment * Working with the SEC to reduces burdens on small businesses and help them gin capital. * Tax credit for companies hiring veterans * Tax credit for businesses hiring long-term unemployed * Cutting payroll taxes in half Creating more jobs: * Preventing layoffs of union workers (teachers, cops, etc) * Renovating schools to both create jobs and improve learning. * Create more jobs by fixing and improving our roads, rails, and airports. And something called project rebuild which will create more construction jobs. * Expanding access to high speed wireless which will free up the nations spectrum (whatever that means). Unemployment: * Reform that includes extending unemployment benefits. * A work sharing plan that will allow employees to keep their jobs at less hours rather than being laid off * Wage insurance to help reemploy older workers and help people start their own businesses. * A discrimination act which prohibits...
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