...Virtualization and Its Benefits Virtualization and Its Benefits AITP – Research and Strategy Advisory Group Christine, Leja, CCP, Chair Richard C. Barnier Charles L. Brown, CCP Paul F. Dittmann Paul Koziel Mark Welle J.T. Westermeier, JD, CCP Abstract Virtualization provides many benefits – greater efficiency in CPU utilization, greener IT with less power consumption, better management through central environment control, more availability, reduced project timelines by eliminating hardware procurement, improved disaster recovery capability, more central control of the desktop, and improved outsourcing services. With these benefits, it is no wonder that virtualization has had a meteoric rise to the 2008 Top 10 IT Projects! This white paper presents a brief look at virtualization, its benefits and weaknesses, and today’s “best practices” regarding virtualization. The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) recommends these “best practices” to obtain the benefits that virtualization offers. Copyright 2008, Association of Information Technology Professionals. Permission to copy for personal non-commercial use granted. When the paper is referenced or quoted, direct the reader to www.aitp.org. Special thanks to the following editor: Mike Hinton, Southwestern Illinois College AITP Research and Strategy Advisory Group October 14, 2008 Page 1 of 40 Virtualization and Its Benefits Executive Summary Virtualization has quickly evolved from concept...
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...Virtualization Across the Board CIS512 Enterprise Architecture Technology is one aspect of business that can universally enhance any company’s capabilities and add resources to offer a positive impact on the bottom line. However, information technology comes with its own implementation barriers that can complicate matters when making IT investments with an expectation to generate a return on that investment. The biggest impact of virtualization in cost structures is the radical change in how technology is implemented and paid for. Previously, any new technology could require a capital investment, lead times for setup and training, and continuing overhead in the form of support and maintenance personnel. In order to justify this risk, the return on investment had to be exceptionally strong and the company would require excess free capital. All virtualization services are offered without the need for any capital outlay or lead time; once a subscription plan is worked out, the resources are automatically available through any internet connection (Kishore 2012). For companies with existing IT departments, additional servers or services can be brought online immediately and seamlessly. The services offered also allow businesses to enjoy economies of scale, even for miniscule implementations. This also means that companies have access to the latest technology upgrades and updates along with security features and protocols without having...
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...Virtualization is a technology which allows one physical server to run many virtual servers. By virtual server, I mean a software container that contains a full operating system and set of software, just like a traditional server would. Each virtual server “believes” that it is running on physical hardware, and thus any software you would run normally on real physical machines will work without modification in a virtual server. Furthermore, each virtual server appears to the outside world – to clients which connect to them – to be traditional physical machines with dedicated hardware. The operating system of the physical server provides hardware interfaces to the virtual servers via simulation in softwre: CPUs, hard drives, network interfaces, displays, CD roms, etc.. The physical server translates I/O to these virtual devices to the I/O to the requisite physical devices, if necessary. The resources allocated to virtual machines can be changed nearly on-demand (disk, memory, network interfaces); most operating systems need merely to be rebooted in order to see the new resources. Limiting factors in how many virtual machines an individual virtualization server can run are simply how much memory, disk space and network bandwidth the virtualization server has available to it, and to how many resources each virtual machine consumes. A very basic virtualization server could host eight to twenty virtualized machines. Furthermore, most implementations of virtualization...
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...Strayer University Assignment 3: Virtualization Across the Board Dennis R. Roque CIS512: Advanced Computer Architecture Professor Amir Afzal 4 March 2013 Table of Contents 1. Compare & contrast the AMP & SMP architectures 3 2. Determine if hardware virtualization helps businesses and organizations in terms of: 3 Cost management 3 Systems performance and scalability 4 Systems management and administration 4 3. Determine if software virtualization helps businesses and organizations in terms of: 4 Cost management 4 Systems performance and scalability 4 Systems management and administration 5 4. Compare and contrast VMware, Microsoft, and Citrix in terms of:…………………………………….5 Market adoption 5 Technical architecture 6 Technical support 8 5. Determine which vendor you would recommend for a virtualization strategy and explain why: 8 References:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 1. Compare & contrast the AMP & SMP architectures While symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) plays an important role in multi-core systems, the packet processing performance curve in an SMP configuration can flatten after only a few cores, yielding diminishing returns as more system resources are allocated to networking tasks. Wind River’s asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP) technologies provide a clean separation of control plane and data plane functions, which enable greater efficiency of multiple processing cores. The data...
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...Virtualization Success in the business world relies on the ability to overcome the competition on all levels. A highly competitive business will continually seek the best value for dollar weighed option available. Technology drives business entities to become more efficient and to compete on a world market. That’s were virtualization steps in. Virtualization provides a business with more effective solutions saving excessive hardware cost, more efficient time management, and overall improvement of system reliability. The standard model of technology infrastructure follows the rule of one application per server. For example, if an organization requires a database solution, a system administrator would design a solution to meet that requirement. This model has server our technology needs for decades but falls short in meeting the demands of fully utilizing the hardware (server). You are only using a small percentage of the computers capabilities and wasting the rest. As a result, technology has become more integrated into the most mundane of everyday activities, resulting in exponential growth of demand for capacity and processing power. Server virtualization breaks away from the standard model by allowing organizations to consolidate multiple applications and services to a single physical server, increasing capacity while lowering the operational costs. Virtualization allows organizations to enjoy a much greater amount of flexibility to respond to bother internal and...
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...Virtualization Executive Summary Jeremy Wright WGU Virtualization Executive Summary Physical servers are prone to failure and require replacement to guarantee availability to the business. Imagine if we took all of those servers and moved them onto a platform that could significantly raise their overall availability, cost less money and made us more technologically agile. There is a way to accomplish all of these goals, and it comes through virtualization of the servers. Availability All of the services that you use every day are run somewhere on a single physical server in our datacenter. Your e-mail is supported by a single physical box that sits neatly in a rack. If that server experiences a power failure or has a part fail, then you will not be able to access your email until a member of my team repairs that server and restores services. When we move to a virtual server platform, we abstract the mail server software away from the physical box and virtualize it into a pool of many redundant host machines. If one of those host machines were to experience a similar issue as mentioned before, the email server would simply migrate to a host that was still functioning as intended. This means that you never miss an email and we can solve the issue behind the scenes without any impact on operations. Costs We are currently replacing an average of 9 physical servers every year. The average server costs around $10k. We are spending $90k a year to replace servers. We can...
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...u10a1 Future of Cloud Computing Likwa Moyo TS5328 – Virtualization Instructor: Dr. Phillip Davis December 17, 2010 Instructions For this two to four page paper (APA compliant), you are to research the future of virtualization and “cloud” computing. Briefly define what exactly is meant by “cloud” computing, its current status, and where it might go in the future. For example, Google Apps is a perfect example of one model of cloud computing. Where might Microsoft find itself a decade later with its cash-cow, Office? Will it still be desktop based? Will it be server based? These are some points to consider. Include a minimum of three references, but using more than three references is enouraged. Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet (Jo Maitland, Executive Editor of Search Cloud Computing, 2010). No doubt 2010 has been a big year for cloud computing. Businesses are making the move to cloud computing to reduce costs, increase productivity and simplify IT. The on-demand, scalable, affordable IT infrastructure services provided by different vendors is driving a need to respond more quickly to changing business demands. Chad Swartz, an IT manager at Preferred Hotel Group says one of the biggest bonuses of using a cloud provider is getting your hands on topnotch IT gear. "They can afford a whole different class of SAN. I can look at Dell; they can look at Hitachi and a lot of other devices that make things...
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...There are three types of virtualization, full virtualization, paravirtualization and OS virtualization. Full virtualization uses hypervison, which keeps each of the virtual serves separate and unaware of each other. Also with full virtualization each server can run a different operating system at the same time. Paravirtualization is a software interface that is similar but not identical to that of the underlying hardware. In paravirtualization each server is aware of each other and they work together cohesively. OS virtualization runs independent servers but unlike full virtualization, OS virtualization cannot run different operating systems at the same time. Each virtual server is separated or portioned from each other but they all must run off the same operating system. Virtualization is important to an organization like BART for several reasons. One by using virtualization BART raised their server capacity by over 50%, which means, that BART didn’t need as many servers. By having fewer servers, they were able to increase physical space and reduce energy costs. Also by using virtualization it will now make it easier for adjustments as the organization continues to grow. Some of the risks that could possible come with virtualization could be accessibility, confidentiality or security issues. An example of accessibility issue would be if the hypervisor went down, then the organization could possible losing several applications. A confidentiality error could be if an administrator...
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...Please Note: This course is no longer being offered The following is the announcement for the last course offering (Fall 2006) Engineering 477 -- Course Announcement for Fall Term 2006 Principles of Virtual Reality Eng 477 - NA 477 (Eng477_Flyer.pdf) Note for Fall Term 2006: The class will meet for the first time on Tuesday, September 5 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in #1504 GGBL. No Laboratory Sessions on September 7 and September 8 ! Laboratory Sessions will start on September 14 and 15. (See First Week of Classes) Note: This is only the course announcement. The comprehensive Course Web Site is password-protected and will be made available to enrolled students at the beginning of the term. | | | | | | This course teaches the fundamentals of Virtual Reality (VR) and provides laboratory experiences in the UofM 3D Lab in the Duderstadt Center (former Media Union) on North Campus. The course is being offered to students from all schools and colleges at the University of Michigan and emphasizes cross-discipline collaboration and teamwork in group projects. "Principles of Virtual Reality" has been developed as part of the mission for the Duderstadt Center, a university-wide information technology center on North Campus. The UofM 3D Lab in the Duderstadt Center operates state-of-the-art virtual reality systems (including a CAVE installation) and provides the university community with access to an emerging technology that is expected to dramatically impact...
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...ACC 200 Assignments 1. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. A partnership is a business owned by two or more people . A corporation is a separate legal entity for which evidence of ownership is provided by shares of stock. Sole Proprietorship: Advantages: 1) Simple to establish 2) Owner controlled 3) Tax advantages Disadvantages: 1) Legally liable 2) financing difficult Partnership: Advantages: 1) easy to establish 2) shared Control 3) Tax Advantages Disadvantages: Liability Corporation: Advantages: 1) Easier to transfer owndership 2) Easier to raise funds 3) No personal liability Disadvantages: Tax 2. Internal users are managers who need accounting information to plan, organize, and run business operations. The primary external users are investors and creditors: -Investors use accounting information to help them decide whether to buy, hold, or sell shares of a company's stock. -Creditors use accounting information to assess the risk of granting credit of loaning money to a business. Other groups who have indirect interest in a business are taxing authorities, customers, labor unions, and regulatory agencies. 3. Financing activities involve collecting the necessary funds to support the business. Investing activities involve acquiring the resources necessary to run the business. Operating activities involve putting the resources of the business into...
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...Server Virtualization and Consolidation - A case study Ravi G Singh Consulting IT Specialist – System p rsingh@us.ibm.com Special Notices This document discusses Server Virtualization and Consolidation designed and implemented by the author for an IBM Customer. This document is presented “As-Is” without any warranty, guarantee or assurances of any kind, either express or implied. IBM does not assume responsibility for the statements expressed herein and it reflects the opinions of the author. If you have questions about the contents of this document, please direct them to the author at rsingh@us.ibm.com. Author is not responsible for errors in this document that may result in any kind of inaccuracies. Acknowledgements Thanks to John R Hock, IBM Certified IT Specialist – System p - Advanced Technical Support Americas (ATS) for reviewing this White Paper. Thanks to the customer and IBM team for their contribution and support to this project. Trademarks The following terms are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: AIX, AS/400, DB2, IBM, Micro Channel, MQSeries, Netfinity, NUMAQ, OS/390, OS/400, Parallel Sysplex, PartnerLink, POWERparallel, RS/6000, S/390, Scalable POWERparallel Systems, Sequent, SP2, System/390, ThinkPad, WebSphere. The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: DB2 Universal Database, DEEP BLUE...
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...***** 10/13/2015 UNIT 4 RESEARCH PAPER 1: WHAT IS VIRTUALIZATION? I watched the YouTube video “Virtually Speaking: What is Virtualization?” by Vizioncore (dated 2010). Representative Larry Loucks provides a comparison between the traditional arrangement of server hardware, operating systems, driver programs, and applications to the new arrangement in virtualization. It includes the same elements with the addition of a virtualization layer mediating the server hardware and operating system(s), which has the drivers embedded to the virtual machines of that layer. The problems of the traditional arrangement – 1) allows only one operating system per server, 2) disaster recovery and migration limitations, 3) under-utilization of servers and 4) cost ineffectiveness due to multiple servers – are solved or improved in virtualization – 1) allows multiple operating systems per server, 2) portability improves backup, restoration, and migration, 3) consolidation allows maximum utility of servers, and 4) less servers require less maintenance, power usage, and space occupancy, leading to less cost. Topics * Description of traditional architecture of past two decades * Problems of traditional architecture * Description of new architecture of Virtualization * Solutions and benefits of Virtualization Terms * Driver – programs written to give operating systems ability to work with server hardware * Virtualization – the inclusion of virtual machines with embedded...
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...Future Virtualization Project Gina M. Bishop AIU Online 09/18/2013 Abstract The Future of virtualization and cloud computing is here. More and More companies are realizing the benefits of this technology and eager to take advantage. Not only does this technology save time and money, but also allows the use of all the variable operating systems available without purchasing new computer system(s). Virtualization Virtualization is the ability to run multiple operating systems on one computer system, the virtual software acts as a go between for the main computer’s OS and the virtual OS(s). The primary computer‘s central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), hard disk drive (HDD), network, peripherals, etc. is accessible by the virtual system. Virtual Software Recommendation One would suggest VirtualBox due to its efficient installation, simplicity in understanding, together with the user-friendliness. VirtualBox can run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Solaris as well as Linux. The correct software name “Oracle VM VirtualBox” and is available for download at http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/virtualization/virtualbox/overview/index.html. This product can be downloaded free for home users, and for enterprise users the cost is $50 per named user. Oracle VirtualBox not only boast so many phenomenal features but the high performance has for enterprise users leaves nothing to be desired. Planning for space needed for the operating system, memory, and...
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...Securing the Virtualized Server Introduction The IT industry’s focus on virtualization has increased considerably over the years. Its appeal sprung from the ability to run several virtual machines on one physical computer resulting in saving companies the cost of having to purchase additional computer systems or servers. Just like their physical counterparts, the task of securing a virtual computer environment poses many challenges for IT technical personnel. The benefits of server virtualization have been touted over and over again to include load balancing, lower power consumption, ease of management, isolation from attackers and malware. While the benefits of virtualization have made it a “must-have technology” that continues to evolve, there are a number of security challenges and best practices that must be carefully considered when considering implementation. This paper will address the virtual server platform and the challenges and best practices in securing virtualized servers. The Evolution of Virtualization It is the theory that the concept of virtualization had its origins during the days of mainframe computers in the late 1960’s to early 1970’s, when IBM began developing time-sharing solutions for organizations. This endeavor was aimed at increasing the efficiency of both users and the expensive computer resources they shared by, in-effect, sharing usage of computer resources among a large group of users. This resulted in a breakthrough in the...
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...CHAPTER I Project Title Proposed Computer Virtualization of NEUST-Gabaldon Computer Laboratory Using Thin-Client Network Project Description NEUST-Gabaldon Campus (Formerly Sabani Estate Agricultural College) established their computer laboratory on 2011 which help the students of College and High School for their computer subjects (Office Productivity). Since then, the computer laboratory has its computer administrator in presence of Mr. Jefrain M. Padre, although there was computer network architecture in the campus there were times that the computer had some troubles including the System Unit and its operating system. So, the researchers decided to make a proposal entitled “Proposed Computer Virtualization of NEUST-Gabaldon Computer Laboratory Using Thin-Client Network”. The proposed project used virtualization for it was essentially lets one computer do the job of multiple computers, by sharing the resources of a single computer across multiple environments. Using an Ncomputing M300 (thin-client) series connection of network it was possible for the entire project. Thoroughly, the entire project covered up network of computer using this device (Ncomputing M300 series) to connect through a server in a series type of network. Also, using a server with a high specification it will then try to run at least one programming language that can be used by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students of Gabaldon Campus. Project Goals/Objectives Project...
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