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Submitted By br34kin
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Assignment: VLAN

By creating a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) for this company it would best fit their needs. Because the benefits of a VLAN are numerous, this would include decreased bandwidth usage, increased security and separation of location. Where the member user of a VLAN they do not have to be in the same location to be able to share resources. To reduce the network congestion it will be split logically into broadcast domains, this will increase to security. Then the different section of the network will be divided by the group functions which would include Marketing, engineering, operation and the call center each department will have their own section.

By splitting the network in sections for each department, it will make the network more secure through compartmentalization. The segments will be logically divided from the rest of the network, access then can be restricted between the segments. By controlling access to indivual segments is going to be the best way of better security, this is going to be accomplished by creating user groups for each of the different segments. By creating a VLAN this will ensure the Marketing department will have access to the resources needed. This will also apply to the other departments and it will provide the security around the data that needs to be protected.

By going with a Port assigned based VLAN the different groups are used to facilitate any future reorganization of the physical network layout will made easier. By choosing this option it will allow for centralized administration for the network and users of the network. Which in the case the relocation of offices and space are needed could be accomplished with out any regard of the network or resources needed. By using the layer 3 switches it will give a greater control over the network, and also user assignment in the VLAN membership. The layer 2 switch would meet the requirements of the VLAN , membership of personnel and security on the other hand it would not give an efficient control of the network or speed of network operations. Using the IEEE 802.1Q trunking protocol on this network will help in reducing the dependency on a single vendor for the hardware used, because this protocol is not proprietary. This also will allow for a more cost effective expansion in the future. By going with the VLAN trunking protocol (VTP) it will increase the efficiency and speed of the network it will also automate administration of the VLAN, which will reduce the administrative cost required. This will also increase the scalability of the network so that it can accommodate any future needs of the company. By using the VTP, switches should be configured in one of two ways, with at least one VTP server and a client VTP. A VTP server mode will administer the VTP and the VLAN, with changes they have to be made through the VTP server mode. The network is best to have a physical layout in a star topology in case there is a problem with the VLAN this way while there is a fault the network can still function while the VLAN and VTP are reconfigured or repaired.

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